Wednesday, March 2, 2011

A True Moment Of Clarity About Republicans For All Of America To See

You know people these moments come few and far between, but America's Republican Party have turned over all their cards on the table. Like most games of chance it is a huge gamble on their part. Still full of bravado from their November "mandate", whether consciously or not, they have become completely transparent at this moment in history, and what they project is not a pretty picture.

First, in their dogmatic and draconian approach to slash $61 Billion dollars from the previous fiscal years budget, they have once again put their boots on the necks of those who can lease afford it. They linger like sharks in the 16% of a fiscal pool called general discretionary spending. They target poor women and their children, education grants, abortion rights, to name a few. They advance this economic and political nightmare with solace as if they are the ones who will suffer it's consequences. Then after hearing the potential consequences of such a plan, several economists declaring it could cost the country 700,000 jobs, the response from House Leader Boehner " be it." Job killing economic policy advanced during a shaky recovery to the cheers of " be it!" You can almost hear their masters call, the unending drone of the mega-rich yanking Boenher's chain like a new puppy.

Second, The assault on the last bastion stronghold of the middle class, organized labor both public and private. From New Jersey, to Wisconsin they decry its about he budget, but the argument holds no water. In Wisconsin they demand concessions on pension and health care contributions, but when they get those concessions, suddenly it is not enough. Why? because its once again about being beholden to their real core constituency the rich. This is not an economic argument, it is purely political. Its about destroying the last formidable money contributors to the left. Gov. Scott Walker of Wisconsin has crawled out on a limb, but he better be careful because labor has begun to saw on that branch, and the next job lost in Wisconsin my be his own. Yet once again we see this hard line entrenched political dogma, unyielding even as the ground begins to erode beneath his feet.

Third, actions speak louder than words. Tax brakes for the rich, subsidies for Big Oil, wholesale dismissal of climate change, the dismantling of protections on our air, our water, our food. Deregulation of every facet of the economy, industry, banking, the environment and why? Once again promoting the agenda of their greatest voting block, the rich robber barons of corporate America. Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker jumped to talk to who he thought was billionaire contributor David Koch when he got punked last week. Why? He heard his masters call.

This Republican party loves to wrap itself in the flag and proclaim they are the real America, they wear American flag lapel pins, they claim we are the greatest nation on earth. They espouse the virtues of America at every turn, while they dismantle the middle class, undermine education, destroy our environment, and refuse health care to its citizens. What they want is not Democracy, it never has been. What they want is Plutocracy defined simply:

1. the rule or power of wealth or of the wealthy.
2. a government or state in which the wealthy class rules.
3. a class or group ruling, or exercising power or influence, by virtue of its wealth.

Then, sadly in their greatest coup of all, they have manipulated the American people to vote contrary to their own best interests. Under the guise of fiscal responsibility and deregulation for a freer and fairer marketplace. A world where Mega-Banks and Wall Street hot shots take this country to the brink of financial ruin and no one goes to jail, oh and by the way, YOU get to pay for it. Then once recovered, millions in bonuses continue to get paid to the very people who created the mess in the first place. Oil companies drill recklessly in deep water in the Gulf of Mexico, but rest easy in the knowledge they will know how to treat all the Walruses in the Gulf should disaster strike. The relentless and unending stream of money that can now pour into our political campaigns without having to disclose where the money comes from, over 80% of which favors Republicans.
This is Republican America my friends, can you see it? At this moment it is shining like a new dime on the sidewalk. You could pick it up... but it will cost you.