Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Sarah Palin And The Tea Party

Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin has been making alot of waves lately by criss-crossing the country for various events. Most notably her book signings, and recent attendance at the Tea Party Convention in Nashville TN., as keynote speaker, and a Republican fundraiser for Texas Governor Rick Perry. If you watched her keynote address to the Tea Party Convention, I'm sure you would find it as a painful forty minutes of pandering to the Tea Party crowd. A speech filled with personal observations, and vague generalities almost entirely with basis in fact. It also contained several harsh and calculated shots at President Obama, Notably:

1) After a year all those hopey changey folks that endorsed this President, how's that working out for ya?
2) What we need is a commander in chief, not a law professor in the White House.
3) We need more than a charismatic guy with a teleprompter.

Really?... I think it is amazing that when it comes to Palin, as long as she is addressing her lunatic fringe base, it has become perfectly acceptable for her to manipulate the truth, bold face lie, or make up facts that simply don't exist. I would ask the media why is that? Outlets like FOX feast on these speeches like honey dripped from the mouth of a profit, and most of it is factually bogus. However, FOX has never had a pension for the truth anyway, so why should we think they would start now?

Now who are the people that are consuming this dung heap of inaccuracies and untruths? The Tea Party movement, a conservative collective of outraged citizenry bent on returning our Government to the letter of the Constitution. They hold signs that compare Obama to Hitler, they wear hand guns on their belts at rallies, and they want to stop tax increases and excessive Government spending. My guess would also be that most have compounds somewhere out west fully stocked for when the government falls and the new world order emerges. Is it me? Do these nut jobs not sound like militia people, that a decade ago would be dismissed out of hand? The Tea Party, has a nice ring to it, stirs pictures of the American Revolution, taxation without representation. You will often see the yellow colonial standard that bares a snake with the words "Don't Tread On Me" at their marches.

Who are these people... really? They are bigots, and homophobics, people who march with the mantra of "Return to the Constitution", these people wouldn't know what's in the United States Constitution if it jumped up and bit them in the ass! Many wear T-Shirts or hold signs with a quote from Thomas Jefferson which says "The tree of Liberty must occasionally be watered with the blood of tyrants." Really white bread? Your party gets swept out of power, and your reply is government overthrow? All the while there is Sarah Palin pumping them up, feeding them a steady diet of red meat, truth be damned.

In a nutshell the Tea Party people are tools. This is defined by Websters as: one that is used or manipulated by another. They think they have something new to offer, and they are trying to present it as an alternative to the current Government. The fact is they offer nothing new, it's the same old tired ideas pushed by conservatives, and they think if they get angry, people will see these ideas as something different. Who will benefit from these "new" ideas, Republicans, who else.
The radical right wing conservative core has been boiled down to its essence, and they call it the Tea Party... a rose by any other name is still a rose.

As for Sarah Palin, someone who likes to repeatedly eviscerate the Presidents use of a teleprompter, I think she's got some nerve. At that recent fund raiser for Rick Perry I mentioned earlier, she wrote the core ideas she wanted to remember on her hand... HER HAND! This is the women they want to be President? Who got cheers of "Run Sarah Run!" while she looked at her hand so she could remember what to say next?! ...are you kidding me? ...and not only that, she had one thing crossed off?! You can't even get your 8th grade crib sheet right as you put it in black pen on your HAND! This women leads the current field of Republican candidates at 16%, and she can't remember in her head what her core issues are? Is this the bright future the Republicans have to offer us? As a Democrat all I can say is "Run Sarah Run!"