Friday, July 9, 2010

With The Economy In The Tank, Can Republicans Make Gains?

First, apologies for my long absence. I had some difficult family issues keep me away, but I'm back now and ready to roll, enough said.

To the question at hand as to whether Republicans can make gains come this November? The obvious answer is yes. The Presidents approval rating is at its lowest since he took office. The economy is has one hand on the ledge trying to pull itself out of depression. The disaster in the Gulf has been poorly handled by the Obama administration. His address to the nation on the subject a few weeks back was anemic at best. In general the American electorate is in a very foul state of mind. There is anti-incumbent feelings nation wide, however that rarely produces the exodus it portends. The other guy should go, not my guy, that sort of thing.

So one would think the Republicans are sitting pretty should the current trend continue, or are they? The increasing influence, and attempt by the GOP, to pander to the Tea Party crowd has painted them into an ideological corner. They are putting forward less qualified, ideologically pure candidates, at the great risk of alienating the center. Who can be the most Conservative? Now this may fire up the Tea Party people, as well as, the Republican base, but can they win this way?
A perfect example is Rand Paul, Tea Party Candidate for the Senate in Kentucky. He touted "He's come to take our government back." No doubt from the black man in the White House, but regardless he whipped up Kentucky's ultra conservative base, and is now their man come November. Then he started talking and revealing his unorthodox ideals, and has turned a 30 point lead into a dead heat. A Democrat winning Kentucky, is as earth shattering as a Republican winning Massachusetts.

You could say the same thing about Sharron Angle running for Senate in Nevada against Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid. Now she pandered to the Tea Party crowd made all manner of outlandish promises, got the nomination, and has thrown all those promises to the wind. As a result her current stand on most any issue is in question. Yesterday, she called the 20 million dollar fund President Obama got from BP to help those effected in the gulf, a "Slush Fund" and that BP should not have been forced to put up that money by the government. Then, not even 24 hours later she back-tracked saying the fund was necessary, and a good thing.

Then we have the pride of Wasilla, who makes things up as she goes along. I'm talking about Sarah Palin of course. She travels the country telling disgruntled conservative wing nuts what they want to hear, and boy can she pack em in. She throws around words like, socialized medicine, tyranny, restore the Constitution, and she keeps her empty head bobbling in the spotlight at every opportunity. Anyone who thinks this political bimbo isn't running for President in 2012 isn't paying attention. Then again if she was to run, and win the nomination, it would be the greatest gift the Republicans could give the Democrats since Goldwater.

So if the current situation remains unchanged come November, Democrats will see losses. However, if they continue to pick candidates from the lunatic fringe, like in Kentucky and Nevada, those losses might not be as bad as projected. On the other hand President Obama needs to get off his ass. He needs to get back to the gulf. He needs to start calling out Republicans for blocking unemployment benefits, those members who have come out in support of BP, and in general get out of the White House and take control. He was looking for asses to kick, time to start kicking.