Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Some Post Thanksgiving Political Observations

So the plot thickens, a few more debates, a few more gaffs, a new man at the top, lets have a look shall we? First, how many women does it take to get to the tootsie roll center of Herman Cain? One, tahoo, three, four, five, *(CRUNCH)* five. After dismissing 4 women who accused him of sexual harassment enter Ginger White. She claims having a 13 year affair with the former Godfathers CEO. While the harassment charges already had him dying on the vine as his poll numbers plummet, now this latest alligation has him re-evaluating if continuing his campaign is viable. Hey Herman let me save you some time "your finished pack it in, the Cain Train has derailed, forget 9-9-9 call 9-1-1." So much for everybody else being the liar, and that damn liberal media digging these people up. Herman, you've just about tied the moral turpitude of Newt Gingrich congratulations, by the way nice hat.

Rick Perry, How this man has served 10 years as Governor of Texas is totally beyond me. You know why you don't mess with Texas? Because they're all morons. How else do explain this man? A few days ago he not only got the date of the November election wrong, he thought the voting age was 21. How this guy doesn't get laughed off every stage he steps on is the 64 dollar question? Hang it up Tex making arguements that make sense isn't your bag. The man has been reduced to comic releif, he is pityful.

Mitt Romney, the man for all seasons. The man for all issues. The man who will say or do anything to get elected. He has the political conviction of an ameba. His bigger problem is, he can't seem to break the 25% mark anywhere. While he still stands as the best man to face off with the President, Newt Gingrich has caught wind in his sails at just the right moment to give Romney a run for his money; whether he can or not is still to be seen.

Newt Gingrich the new man on top, still has his own baggage to deal with. His 3 wives, his hypocracy of leading a crusade to impeach President Clinton, while he was cheating on his own wife. Divorcing wife #2 while she had cancer, his questionable ethics, his less than stellar moral center, and being run out of the House of Represenatives, and Congress, by his own party. However, he does have a few things going for him. He is a very angry man, he appeals to those on the right who are pissed off all the time. He is articulate and a good debater. he is not easily rattled by the media, and would be the kind of pitbull conservatives want to take on Obama next year. Yet, when cornered on an issue or arguement he has no answer for, he crumbles quickly. When matched against the President he does much worse than Romney.

So just some thoughts, the next debate is December 10, they are painful to watch, but remember Iowa is only a month away. So send in the clowns and lets get this party started. ...enjoy!