You may, or may not, have heard the latest deluded ramblings from Florida Representative Allen West. He made headlines this week with some comments he made at a town hall meeting. On Wednesday, West was responding a question from a constituent asking “What percentage of the American legislature do you think are card-carrying Marxists?” to which he replied,“That’s a fair question. I believe there’s about 78 to 81 members of the Democratic Party that are members of the Communist Party,” He went on to say, “It’s called the Congressional Progressive Caucus.” He stood by his remarks going even further, “I really wish that, standing here before you, was Allen West and President Obama,” West said Tuesday, “We could have a simple discussion. But that ain’t ever gonna happen.” “Why not?” an audience member asked. “Cuz he was too scared!” West responded.
Now maybe I'm wrong, but I thought Senator Joe McCarthy's communist witch hunt ended in the 1950's after McCarthy drank himself to death? Is this guy for real? Do you understand now why nothing can get done in Washington? Do you think compromise is in Allen West's vocabulary? This is a rising star in the Republican party, another ideologically rigid wing nut, who is detached from reality. Congressman West, and those who more subtly carry his standard, are the reason we have consistent gridlock in this country. Oh but don't just take my word for it, let the Congressman speak for himself. He are some of his greatest hits.
“You have proven repeatedly that you are not a Lady, therefore, shall not be afforded due respect from me!” — July 19, 2011 in an email to Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, chair of the Democratic National Committee, where he also called her “the most vile, unprofessional, and despicable” member of the House.
“So I’m here as the modern day Harriet Tubman to kind of lead people on the Underground Railroad away from that plantation into a sense of sensibility.” — August 17, 2011, on Fox News saying he wants to lead black voters away from the “21st century plantation” of the Democratic Party.
“If Joseph Goebbels was around, he’d be very proud of the [Democratic] Party because they have an incredible propaganda machine.” — December 15, 2011, linking the Nazi propagandist Goebbels with the Democratic Party while talking to reporters in the Capitol.
“No. I like chocolate chip ice cream and I will continue to like chocolate chip ice cream. So there’s no worry about me changing to vanilla. I like to, you know, ride my motorcycle. What do you want me to do? You want me to change my behavior and ride a scooter? I’m not into that.” August 9, 2011, answering the Sun Sentinel’s question, “Should gay people change their behavior and not be gay?”
So, have a little better understanding of why nothing gets done in this country? I'll even do you one better, do you wonder how people like Allen West get elected? As civility in our political discourse reaches yet another new low with the likes of Rep. West, where is the Republican leadership here? Where is John Boehner, or Eric Cantor, or Mitch McConnell? Even Mitt Romney would not address West's comments personally? Isn't it over a line to call your fellow members in the United States Congress communists? The silence is deafening. Basically what it comes down to is this. You have a wack-a-doodle from the Rights lunatic fringe, who oddly appeals to a lot of the Republican base out there, and they are using him as a cash cow. His special brand of Right wing looney tune talk fires up a lot of people who want to hear what West is selling, and they in turn throw cash at him to say more.
It is a sad commentary on the state of the Republican party that people like Representative Allen West thrive. He fits the ever decreasing ranks of a political party that consistently promotes fear, promotes anger, and promotes ignorance. He represents everything we don't need in America, and in 2012, it is scary to know he has a willing and enthusiastic following.
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Bad News For Mitt Romney

A new ABC News/Washington Post Poll has eventual Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney in big trouble. Still reeling from his 19 point gender gap among women, this latest poll reinforces those numbers. Ever since Romney became the de facto nominee, his numbers have been stagnant, while the presidents have been on the rise. In fact, he has the lowest favorability rating recorded since 1984. He's the first likely nominee to be underwater (seen more unfavorably than favorably), in ABC/Post polls in eight presidential primary seasons over the past 28 years. So lets look at the numbers.
Overall Personality Approval Rating:
Obama: 56% (+21)
Romney: 35%
Approval By Women:
Obama: 58% (+21)
Romney: 27%
Approval by Men:
Obama: 53% (+9)
Romney: 44%
Among Registered Voters:
Obama: 54% (+11)
Romney: 43%
Among Independents:
Obama: 53% (+19)
Romney: 34%
President Obama also holds a strong lead among moderates. He has a higher rating among liberals, than Romney does with conservatives. He is even among whites, but leads among non-whites, Hispanics, people with income both above and below 50K, young adults, and people both married and un-married.
Three numbers that are devastating for Romney are 1) A 21% gap among women 2) A 19% gap among independents 3) A 40% gap among Hispanics. If these numbers hold Romney doesn't have a prayer. However, with 6 months to go anything can happen, but it's clear Romney has his work cut out for him. Even now with the nomination in the bag, many Republican leaders in Congress are still hesitant to endorse Romney. If his own party thinks he's a leper, how can he expect to generate enthusiasm among the American people? There is no question the primary process has left him damaged. The question now is with so many negatives against him, can he close the gaps and repair the damage by November? Barring some kind of economic collapse, I thinking probably not.
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