Monday, August 22, 2011

Dear President Obama, In My Opinion...

Alright my friends, it is time to lay it on the line. On September 5th President Obama will go on T.V. to roll out his economic recovery/jobs plan. How he handles the roll out and implementation of this plan, just may determine whether he gets another four years as President. Liberals and the Democratic base are screaming for a bold, detailed, and crystal clear vision of what the President plans to put forward to deal with jobs, and the faltering American economy. I believe it may very well be the defining moment of his Presidency.

The question arises, is the President capable of delivering such a proposal? This is not something he can delegate to Vice President Biden, or Congress, or his advisers. It has to be written by his hand, delivered with his heart, and pressed forward by his leadership, nothing less will do in the current situation, nothing. However, if history is our window to the past, I just don't see him being able to pull this off, and his ability to break from his previous efforts is essential.

A major problem within the administration as I see it, is that he is surrounded by political advisers who don't want to take on the Republican House. The prevailing philosophy being, why put something forward that you know has no way of passing? Unfortunately that's the whole point! Stand-up, be counted, LEAD! Force the Republicans into the defensive for a change. Stand up for the middle class and make Republicans vote against extending unemployment, vote against the payroll tax break, vote against infrastructure, vote against anything that will make people realize where they really stand. Republicans are puppets of the rich, the banks, big oil, big insurance, big pharma, because after all corporations are people too. The people need to be reminded of this constantly, or it just get lost in the Republican fear factory.

So do you think he can pull it off? I admit, I am pessimistic. If we get the same old Obama with a nice speech, and a vague limited vision for what he wants to do, then the battle will be over before it starts. The people want bold action, the media pundits want it, the Democratic base wants it, the question remains can the President deliver? I truly hope he still has some of that change we can believe in because without it, nothing happens, and that doesn't help anyone.