Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The Republican Agenda Is Way To Obvious To Miss

You see and hear it everyday in the news, in commercials, in speeches, and debates, the right wing agenda. Of course everyone knows about the left wing agenda to bring down this country, but the right has one too, and they're not trying to hide it. We are all well aware of Republican forked tongues rampant in their politics. Here are 2 examples: 1) When President Obama rolled out the American Jobs Act, House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) said he was open to some of the Presidents proposals, but didn't like his "all or nothing" attitude with regards to the bill, are you kidding me? From one of the kings of all or nothing politics? Really? 2) Yesterday, House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) told reporters he was hopeful debt reduction goals could be reached by the Congressional Super-committee, then in the same breath said tax increases were off the table. He mused, "tax the rich, tax the rich, that's not what America is about..." and that it was "class warfare." In an economy with 14 million people unemployed, where Republicans haven't passed 1 jobs bill, and are content t sit on their hands until November 2012, DEMOCRATS ARE WAGING CLASS WARFARE ON THE RICH!!!!! Are you out of your mind? Eighty plus percent of people want the Bush tax cuts to expire, and taxes increased on the rich, yet they stand there unmoved regurgitating the same non-sensible rhetoric to their demented base of followers, who happily gobble it up. Time after time they stand firm to defend the indefensible, and they don't care who doesn't like it.

Three big pushes are on across the country, above and beyond their credo of "Defeat Barack Obama at all costs." First, big business is taking a big leap into the public relations game to tell us how wonderfully they benefit all of us. There are several examples, but the most blatant industry I've noticed are energy companies. Big Oil, Natural Gas, and Coal, are bombarding the airways with how many jobs they create, how safe they are, how serious they are about "alternative fuels", how they drive the economy. The latest and most offensive one I've seen of late, comes from the "Clean Coal" people (which is an oxymoron, there is no such thing as clean coal), they are running commercials for people to contact congress to stop regulations wanted by the EPA. If their damn coal is so clean why should a few regulations get in their way? Because its all a lot of crap! Big Oil gets government subsidies to create safety plans on how to save walruses in the Gulf of Mexico, then when one of their rigs explodes, it takes them 3 months just to cap the damn thing. Exxon-Mobil alone made 25 Billion dollars in just the first quarter of this year, 3 months!? with that kind of money it takes you 3 months to cap a well. I'm not even mentioning the environmental damage caused to the Gulf beaches, local economies, and jobs. But what do Republicans say "Drill Baby Drill." You see those adds for clean natural gas? How abundant it is and how they take great care in getting it out of the ground? I have a documentary for you all to watch its called Gasland if you've seen it you know what I'm talking about. They pump a cocktail of over 500 chemicals into the ground to get the gas (most of them carcinogens)in an operation called fracking. It contaminates water supplies, and lets you light a fire when water comes out of your tap, yummy. sound safe to you? I think not. In all these instances Republicans want less regulation, even to the point of destroying the EPA itself. That's what you get with a party driven by concern for corporate profits and not people.

Second, In Republican controlled states with Republican Governors and State Assembly's, there has been an all out war declared on organized labor, both public and private. You've watched it play out in Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio, New Jersey, to name a few. Why? not to balance budgets as they would have you believe, but to cripple or destroy the one major funding source for Democratic candidates in the country. Budget axes are dropping on teachers, police, fireman, government employees, organized labor in general, and it's not just at the state level it's at the federal level. One and all who are these people? The Middle Class, the ever shrinking middle class, whose median household income has dropped consistently since 1999, while poverty in America is on the rise, and while the rich just keep getting richer.

Third, In these same Republican controlled states there have been an increased effort to pass state legislation that promotes voter suppression. Aimed at the elderly, the poor, and minorities, its just another part of the rights grand scheme. Keep the economy in limbo to defeat Obama, crush progressive donors, make it as difficult as possible for those who generally vote Democratic to do so. It is cold and calculated, and to see it all you have to do is look. I point these things out so that when you do see them, you'll know it's true, and it's obvious, and most importantly it needs to stop.