Monday, September 6, 2010

Winds Of Fortune Blowing Toward Republicans

Well people, a little over a month ago I put my butt on the line saying Democrats would hold the House. I'm going to slowly step back from that by saying they can still hold the House, but they may also now loose it. As the mid-term election gets closer, polls all around are moving heavily toward the GOP. The latest CNN Poll puts the generic question "Who will you vote for, the Republican or Democrat?" Gave Republicans 52% to 47%, up from 3 points last month. A number of other polls say the same thing, giving Republicans from 5% to 10% over their Democratic challengers. This scares me for one major reason. The thought of John Boehner becoming House Speaker makes my skin crawl. He is the most fallacious, unreasonable, and uncharismatic boob to ever grace the halls of Congress.

The economy is stuck with 9.6% unemployment, anemic job growth, and just to many people are hurting. Thus as the election nears, and improvement no where to be seen, people are beginning to move toward the minority party. This baffles me because they are the same group of people who created the mess we're trying to get out of, It boggles the imagination? The GOP hasn't had a new idea in 30 years, yet they continue to beat the old mantra of supply side economics, Tax cuts for the rich, hands off government, blah, blah, blah.

I find it particularly amusing that when put on the spot for specifics, not a single Republican can tell you what they will do. The latest moment of silence came when asked what they would cut to keep the 70 billion dollar Bush tax cuts in place? You could hear crickets! As I've said several times before they have no answers, but people are scared, and the fear factor always works to the Republican advantage. They have polished fear to an art form to rally their base, and intimidate independents. No plan, no policy, no program, no initiative of any kind, just no Obama. They slither though debates dodging questions that offer specifics of any kind. "We're going to take a look at that...?" You've had 4 years to LOOK? When does the rhetoric stop and policy making begin? I'll take some bets with all their talk, will they roll back health care reform? NO. Will they repeal financial reform? NO. Can there outdated borrowed money recovery equation fix this economy? NO. Does putting the country back in the hands of the people who screwed it up make sense? NO. Will the people put these morons back in power? We shall see.