Saturday, August 6, 2011

America Is At A Crossroads

Any nation's journey through time is defined by an unending string of quintessential moments that define that nations path, and its future. For America, one of those major moments came last night. One of the major credit rating agencies, Standard and Poors, for the first time in 235 years of American History downgraded our Nation's bond rating to AA+ with a Negative Outlook. For the very first time the full faith and credit of the United States of America is something less than AAA. Now many are trying to downplay the significance of this in order to calm world markets, but the rating marks much more than a downgrade in our bond rating. It marks a downgrade in America itself, and our ability to function effectively as a government, and the worlds sole superpower.

From the President, to the House, to the Senate, this stain on America's name graces each and everyone of the bodies I have mentioned. It has placed us at a crossroads, and the road forward is dim. We have a President who does not engage in the business of government until it is too late, and even then, yields to his opposition. We have a House of Representatives fractured by uncompromising factions, who would rather be right, than do the peoples business. They waste time on bills that have no future, ideas that carry no weight, and ideological dogmas that prevent compromise because they signed some inane pledge somewhere down the line, that caters to one man, and not the public welfare. For 7 months Congress played their little game, going back and forth until things reached critical mass, and with hours to spare, averted disaster with a sub-standard bill that will once again lay the heaviest burden on those who can lease afford it.

Millions of our people our out of work, our roads and bridges are collapsing, our trains clickity clack down old rails at 50 mph, while in China, France, and Japan they cruise at over 300 mph, Our Education system is in need of a desperate overhaul, and the separation between the rich and the poor gets bigger with each passing day. This is the America we have created, and for the first time in history I think it is a safe bet to say the next generation will have less than we have had.

Yes people this is our reality, we live from month to month, election cycle to election cycle. We put band-aids on knife wounds and pray for the best, we have become a Nation just content to get by, and it is a wake-up call for all those who have become complacent with the current state of affairs in America. Yes we are at a crossroads, and how we move forward will effect the millions of Americans yet unborn into the promise that is, the American Dream. We have forgotten how to dream big in America. How to build the Hoover Dams, the Golden Gate Bridges, the Empire State Buildings, the Apollo Rockets, the Interstate Highways, all the things that only a Nation can build. These are not done by small business, State Governments, or the Public Sector. All the great wonders of the world were built by the power and might of governments and empires that invested in their futures. In doing so showed the world they were powers to be reckoned with, that they were here to stay, and challenged those around them to marvel at the possibility of how great a people can be. Do you feel that way about America today?

In the grand scheme of things, with Congress at an 82% Disapproval rating, Republicans at a 72% Disapproval rating, and Democrats at a 66% Disapproval rating, what is our next move? On one side you have the Republicans, who carry the standard of big business, the military, and the rich, don't know history, reject science and anthropology, and walk a fine line between democracy and theocracy. On the other hand you have the Democrats, who claim to champion the middle class, the poor, seniors, the disabled, pledge to defend Medicare/Medicaid, Social Security, and then at every turn slowly undermine the very causes they swear to defend, by consistently caving to Republican demands. Take your pick, not very promising choices are they. We as a Nation need to start thinking big again, because if we don't, AA+ with a negative outlook will be the least of our worries.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Democrats Are Unwilling To Govern

As I return from vacation, the debt crisis was averted with a terrible bill, and with just hours to spare. Once again the Democrats have caved to the right, the stock market is down 1200 points over the last 2 weeks. On a lighter note, unemployment ticked down to 9.1%, to which I say big deal!

Seven months of political posturing has amounted to a massive waste of time for the the American people. As citizens of this Country we deserve much better than what Congress and the President have had to offer us over the last year. I don't know about you, but I am sick to death of the party polarization, and political gridlock that does nothing to help our economy, or our people. Those who represent us in Washington are at a historic low in my book. Both Democrats and Republicans need to cut the crap for once, and start doing their jobs. The main one being getting people back to work, create jobs, and stimulate the economy. However, they can't even agree on how to do that. So the best we can expect is more of the same.

As for President Obama and the Democratic Leadership, they are nothing more than tools. The President, Nancy Pelosi, and Harry Reid are nothing more than Republican concubines. Let me paint a picture for you, the 3 mentioned above on their knees in black latex and handcuffs, while John Boehner, Mitch McConnell, and John Cantor have their heals on their backs while holding whips and a riding crop yelling "No revenues, say it! No revenues!" Then in the low tone of a whipped puppy the lifeless reply "No revenues." This is what the Democratic party IS, this is what the Democratic party WILL ALWAYS BE. When we held the House, Senate and the White House we couldn't get anything done? Why should we expect any different with divided government?

I supported President Obama, and I believed in the message of change he offered the Country. However, he has consistently proven when the chips are down, and it's time to ante up, he will fold every time. This goes for the Democrats as a whole, they are supposed to be champions of the people, and all they are is doormats. How can the progressive base of this party continue to function effectively if every time Republicans put their foot down, Democrats cave like a house of cards. The President and the Democratic leadership have to start showing me they can give, as well as they take. Until that happens, my support for anything they attempt to advance will receive a tepid sideline approach. I am a Progressive Democrat and I have no where else to go, and the specter of the alternative may be enough to enlist a reaction, but just once I'd like to see a strong Democrat say No to the Republicans for a change. The breed may be extinct, and is surely endangered, but if there was ever a time when our Country needed one, it would be now.