Sunday, December 5, 2010

True To Form

Well the Republicans are off and running to restore jobs and return fiscal responsibility to the country. I watched Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) on Meet the Press this morning continue to talk out of both sides of his mouth, while once again giving no details on how to address all current problems facing the nation. He basically claimed he'll compromise with the President if he does what Republicans want. Last I checked that doesn't fit the definition of compromise in my book. Before the Senate came back in session he issued a manifesto to make Barack Obama a one term President, then the first he does when the session starts, is put together a letter signed by 42 Republican Senators that refuses to move on anything unless they keep tax cuts for millionaires and billionaires. All while unemployment expires for 2 million people in the heart of the holiday season. They proved true to their word by shooting down tax breaks for people under $250,000 and then again for those under $1,000,000. Well people ask and you shall receive.

This also raises a question for me? When the tax legislation passed the House 20 Democrats voted against it, and then in the Senate 5 Democrats voted against it. Why is it the Republican party can walk lock step with their leadership and the Democrats cannot? I guess I shouldn't complain at least they brought the issue to the floor to get the Republicans on record. So now that the political theatre is over the Democrats will now, like always, cave like a house of cards and give Republicans what they want. It makes me ill to think about it. The rich will get their tax breaks and once more the middle class will get the shaft.

So now Republicans will stall to pass as little as possible until they fill the trenches of the House come January. The tax issue will be a labored drawn out affair, and things like "Don't Ask Don't Tell" will get thrown on the back burner to be shot down later next year. The START Treaty might see daylight, but it does not hold a high position on the Republican to do list. All these stances totally true to form, and a direct result of the American electorate.

All I can say AGAIN, is that President Obama better hang tough against these clown on the right. If they capture the agenda this country follows over the next two years, he will be a one term President. He is suppose to be leader of the country and quite frankly I don't see it, do you? The economy is still foundering and we need Presidential leadership more than ever, here's to hoping we get some and soon.

Happy Holidays!