Friday, April 29, 2011

Now In Trouble, GOP Hits Self Destruct Button

Lets begin this segment with the current state of the Republican Party as a whole. They are leaderless, have zero charisma, and with the first Republican debate a week away have only one candidate who has officially announced he's running. What is Mitt Romney gonna do talk to himself? A recent New York Times/CBS News Poll asked prospective Republican voters who the were excited about? The winner, NONE OF THE ABOVE, followed by Mitt Romney in 2nd with 9%, and Mike Huckabee in 3rd with 8%. The rest of the dismal field trailed behind in ever decreasing single digits. I've heard several reports from various media sources, that Republicans are increasingly registering as Independents. The most notable of these is in the suburban Philadelphia area, which makes or breaks how the State votes in General Elections. I think it safe to say that they are not leaning to the center, so much as moving away from affiliation with the current Republican Party. Well quite honestly can you blame them?

In an attempt to finally put to rest the carnival sideshow being perpetrated by birthers in this country, President Obama released his long form Birth Certificate. However, 48 hours later with egg still dripping off their faces, these unrepentant clowns keep on peddling their looney tune conspiracy theories to the rubes on the far right, and the FOX News crowd. Frankly when you boil this down to its purest form you can very easily make this out for what it is, racism. When LBJ past the 1964 Civil Rights Act he said the Democrats would loose the south for a generation. Over 45 years later that prediction has become the norm. A majority of the lunatic fringe in the Republican Party hails from Dixie, driven by bigoted, uneducated, gun toting, zealots. It is my personal belief, that this is the common thread that makes people vote contrary to their own interests. Republicans are haters, and fear mongers, and consistently questioning the legitimacy of others, especially if they happen to be President of THEIR country.

As if things weren't bad enough, enter Donald Trump. He spins into the Republican field like a whirling dervish, making bold assertions about President Obama at every level. Despite his claims against the President, which have no basis in fact, he continues regurgitating one lie after another until he reaches the point of no return. Lets face it, this guy passed GO about 2 weeks ago. His ego maniacal rantings leave even pundits on the right scratching their heads. He has been a boisterous distraction from the tepid and mediocre cast that is supposedly running for President from the GOP. Result, a USA Today/Gallup Poll Tuesday said 65% people would definitely NOT vote for Donald Trump. Bottom line Donald... you're fired!

So with all that fabulous news swirling about the GOP, lets talk about the "Path to Prosperity". A couple weeks ago this draconian political noose was taken by Republicans who wrapped it around their collective necks, and then Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) pulled the level to hang his fellow members. All but 4 did not escape the hang mans noose. The centerpiece of the legislation being more tax cuts for the rich, an unbalanced budget, and the destruction of Medicare, and much to my amusement they are catching hell from every quarter. They back peddle, and justify, but the people are not buying it, and this is just the beginning. The part of the plan the destroys Medicare I think is comical. They claim it doesn't take effect for 10 years, the idea is so bad that we couldn't possible institute this now, we'll kick it down the road 10 years! Enter Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) in one of his few shining moments, he is going to force Senate Republicans to vote on the "Path to Prosperity" So not only will we have all the Republicans in the House who voted for this nightmare, we will now have the Senate Republicans on record as well. Shrewd, and well played Mr. Reid, if I do say so myself. Come November you are gonna see a lot of political pamphlets that say you gonna vote for me, or the dead guy, take your pick.