Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Our Democracy Is Being Undermine By Big Money Interests

In light of the current implosion of Rupert Murdoch's News International, some disturbing thoughts came to mind. We are increasingly living in a world where those who influence our democracy are driven not by the will of the people, but rather big money interests. Now I am not so naive as to believe this has not been the case for a very long time in our nations history, but not since the Guilded Age of robber barons, has the influence on American political policy been so blatantly obvious. Mr. Murdoch's multi-billion dollar media empire spans 3 continents and until recently, has been able to manipulate public opinion and government policy at will. The personal power wielded by Mr. Murdoch has been questioned, only now, because they took part in the most repugnant and unconscionable tactics of hacking the phones of politicians, celebrities, families of fallen soldiers, and even a 13 year old murder victim. Of course you've heard of these indiscretions before, but the billions in Murdoch's coffers often made these unethical breaches quickly vanish. Only under public outcry railing against the systemic culture of a "story at any price", has finally put enough blood in the water, for Murdoch's minions to jump from his pocket and fain outrage at the very practices they endorsed. As News International slowly unwinds, there is no telling where the new and daily revelations will lead, but I think it is safe to say the drama will be playing out for some time. All this raises the question, should one man, or one company, be able to monopolize the media to the extent that news becomes nothing more than propaganda? It is no secret Murdoch's vast empire has a notably right leaning slant, and has provided a platform for that slant around the world. In America, the likes of Fox News, Bill O'Reilly, and the Wall Street Journal, all fall under his fingertips. All of these so called media outlets are safe havens, employers, and promoters, of this countries right wing agenda. In Britain, their politicians and police ally with Murdoch's tabloids, just as Republicans sit back and put their feet up at FOX. All this made possible by one man, and one company whose boundless financial resources has allowed it to operate with impunity in promoting political policy in, Great Britain, the United States, and where ever the long arm of Murdoch's empire might reach.

Looking more closely at things here in the U.S. I think one of the most devastating changes in our democracy was the "Citizen's United" case that was settled by the Supreme Court last year. The conservative court, in a 5-4 decision held basically that corporations are people. Furthermore they can contribute unlimited funds to political candidates without disclosure of who gave what to whom. As a result, hundreds of millions of dollars have brought campaign spending through the roof to everything from State and County contests, all the way to Presidential campaigns. The majority of these contributions supporting the right. Which leads me to my next example, big business and the rich.

Big business, you know them: Big Oil, Big Pharma, Big Insurance, and lets not forget Big Banks. These forces and the fortunate few who benefit from them, are the core Republican constituency. "But what about the Tea Party you might say?" These are merely pawns used by the right, to give the illusion that they are fighting for the people. These poor bastards are the tools Republicans have created, who consistently vote against their own interests, while the Right dangles the hope that one day they might be able to join the club. They are further lured by social conservative mantras of evangelical zeal, the sanctity of marriage, the sanctity of life, and most important, false patriotism. Wave your flag and cheer for the U.S. of A. we are your protectors, we support the Constitution. All while Republicans lead them down the primrose path to get screwed harder and deeper with every step, and do it with a smile. How do we know this is true? Compromise has become a dirty word on the Right. Even if you can get 80 or 90% of what you want by raising revenues, that's not good enough. Even at the cost of the full faith and credit of the United States, these people would rather see economic ruin, than make even one concession. Protect big business and the rich at all costs, our way or the highway. This kind of political grandstanding has no place in our political discourse. You cannot govern by intransigence, that road holds nothing but deadlock and paralysis. It is not a pragmatic system of governance. So this is where the Right, under its corporate and media giants have led us; the question now is, do the people have the power or the will to change it, I wonder?