Friday, October 7, 2011

Occupy Wall Street Movement Draws Predictable Response From Republicans

Over the last few weeks you may have heard about the Occupy Wall Street movement in New York's lower Manhattan. It has been active almost a month now, but only recently garnered coverage from the mainstream media. If you were to take a message from these people, it would probably concentrate on the financial system in our country that we bailed out, while they refused to return the favor. While Wall Street and the big banks sit on 2.5 Trillion dollars in assets, and continue to pay record bonuses to their employees, those of us on Main Street struggle to make ends meet. It is a wholesale indictment of the 1% of American corporations and individuals who now hold all the money, all the tax breaks, and all the power. The movement has spread to other cities across the country, and it's unsure when, or if it will end anytime soon.

It is the first major uprising from the left I've seen in a while. It is driven by young people who have completed college, but been unable to find a job. It's the unemployed, some of whom have been job hunting for 2 years or more. It is those who are tired of working longer hours for less pay, and want something better to show for all their hard work. It is the remnants of an ever shrinking middle class in this country, who are tired of all the breaks going to those who need them the least.

So it comes as no surprise to anyone when the Republicans denounce these people, in favor of their rich, and corporate masters. Rep. Paul Broun (R-Ga.) said “They don’t know why they’re there. They’re just mad,” Broun said on ABC’s "TopLine.” “I see people angry in my district too. But this attack upon business, attack upon industry, attack upon freedom and I think that’s what this is all about.”
Broun said labor unions are trying to exploit the anger felt by the protesters to help the president in his reelection campaign. He went on to say the President is just ignorant and incompetent on how to create jobs and freedom in this economy. He is taking away our freedom and our jobs.

So the President is taking away our freedom? Really? See now this is the kind of "wrap yourself in the flag" crap, that makes me absolutely mental! Translation: Democrats want to destroy this country by trying to control corporations and the rich, ie: the protesters want to destroy this country. It is classic Republican fear factor politics. May I add, only a Georgia Representative like Broun would have the balls to make these kind of absurd insinuations. Just when I think they can't go any lower, some right wing bumpkin like Broun proves me wrong. Do you seriously think this argument between the rich, and corporations, and the middle class, unemployed is about robbing FREEDOM?! If you have half a brain in your head you say of course not! But that never stops Republicans from playing the patriot card when they don't have an answer for the real issue at hand. So lock your doors and windows, while corporations and the rich lay waste to the middle class, you'll be safe in your homes from the protesters who want to take your freedom. GIVE ME A BREAK!