Friday, July 6, 2012

Reflections On America

This past 4th of July I had some time to reflect on the state of America, and sadly was not surprised at what I found. On the Left, I find politicians who won't stand up for what they believe in, even after they get what they want. They are so inherently crippled by public opinion, that finding those willing to take a stand in what is right, is attuned to farmer herding cats. On the Right, we have a party captured by its extremes, who believe compromise means making the other side come to their point of view. They have disconnected from the people, to serve big money interests, both corporate and individual.

On Independence day we like to pat ourselves on the back, and tout how we are the greatest nation on earth. The Right would have you wrap yourself in the flag, embraced in the warm cocoon of our "freedom." The Left, embrace our diversity and perseverance despite ourselves. However, we do not have a monopoly on freedom, of the 208 some countries of the world about 180 of them have freedom. We also (particularly conservatives) think we have the exclusive blessings of God. God Bless America! You see it on bumper stickers, most high ranking politicians can't end a speech without saying it, but who said we have the exclusive blessings of the divine power? What makes us so special?

People Left and Right say we are the number one country in the world, but are we? were we ever? Yes, I think there was a time in history when we could say this with a straight face, but we have lost our way. In literacy, math, science, life expectancy, infant mortality, median household income, labor, exports, in none of these are we ranked #1, NONE. We are first in military spending. In fact we spend more than the next 26 countries combined, 25 of which are allies. Many say we have the best health care in the world, but many are screaming bloody murder against expanding coverage to most of our citizens. As long as we have people coming to line up for days to get into free health care clinics being offered all across this country, we cannot say we have the best health care, we just can't.

There was a time in the not so distant past, when we didn't sweat the small stuff. When civility wasn't just essential to governing, it was demanded. When we planted our flag on the moral high ground, not a cross. When we had wars on poverty, not the poor. When we dreamed big, built big things, were on the forefront of technology, and disease, and the universe. When intelligence was something we aspired too, not demeaned. A time when we weren't afraid of our own shadow.

If it is comforting for you to proclaim our greatness, by all means, it is the IN thing to do. However, in my estimation we have lost our way. Powerful, big money interests are increasingly eroding the "American Dream". The promise that no matter what your background, your success story is possible because of American exceptionalism. Only with our voice, our vote, can we rekindle all that we once were, and can be again. This task is ours to promote together, to shed the narrow ideologies that bring only gridlock, and find the common ground that both political parties once knew, but have abandoned. To work for the common welfare, and strive toward domestic tranquility. All we have to do is find the kind of people who aspire to this end. Unfortunately for all of us, they are few and far between, and that doesn't bode well for our future, and that of the United States of America.