40 out of 50 States have Constitutional or State Law bans on same sex marriage, 40! Now national polling may be trending in support of same sex marriage, but this chart is a sobering fact. The Democratic National Convention is going to be held in North Carolina this year. Considered a major new swing state that Obama carried by the narrowest of margins in 2008. On Tuesday North Carolinian's voted to Constitutionally ban gay marriage by 61%... 61%! Think North Carolina is a swing state now? My guess is a resounding No!
Yes this is an astounding moment in American history, and while liberals and progressives may be over the moon, somebody needs to make a reality check here. It took great courage for President Obama to announce his support for same sex marriage, but the political fallout could be devastating. Lets look at this pragmatically. Some of you may say "well the people who don't support marriage equality weren't going to vote for Obama anyway." and that may be true, but here are some things I'm concerned about:
- This isn't just going to effect the President's re-election bid, but those Democrats in very close races trying to hold the Senate and re-take the House. Namely the razor thin Senate races in Montana, Missouri, Virginia, Wisconsin, and Indiana.
- This very issue is what cost John Kerry his shot at the Presidency in 2004. Gay rights initiatives in several states that year, helped galvanized conservatives to get out the vote.
- This plays well with younger people, there is only one problem? Young people don't vote!
- This doesn't just galvanize conservative in states with gay referendums, but in the country as a whole.
- The Presidency is decided by independents. For many people sitting the fence, this could become the deal breaker that pushes them to Romney, especially in the bumpkin and bible belt.