Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Obama Takes Control In Second Debate

The President and Mitt Romney went head to head again last night, with a very different result from their first meeting. The President came prepared and ready for battle, and it showed. The President took the offensive early and never let up. It's to bad the President didn't bring his A game to the first debate, because with this performance as a follow up, Romney would be finished. Be that as it may, the stark difference in both style and substance from the President had Romney on his heals at times.

Romney once again tried to draw another pretty picture with invisible ink, but the President was ready this time, and the message lost its substance. Romney was a broken record trying desperately to concentrate on the economy, often repeating the same points over and over. His predilection to play by his own set of rules also made him look overbearing, and obnoxious. Early on he seemed quick to challenge the President, but as the debate wore on, Romney retreated to his chair either unwilling, or unable to respond to the President. He also tried to directly address the President, but his attacks came off as desperate and disrespectful.

As for the commentator, CNN's Candy Crowley, while she got good reviews from her media counterparts, I thought she lost control to many times. She let both candidates, but especially Romney, speak long after their time was finished. Allowing Romney to try and dominate the clock. However, this time his efforts fell short. Just once I would like a commentator to force the candidates to play by the rules, instead of letting the debate degrade into a shouting match.

Result: Obama was under great pressure last night to give a good performance, I think he did it. He was cool, calm, and collected, but came armed to tackle whatever Romney threw his way. I thought he was particularly strong when he called Romney out regarding the attack in Libya. He took responsibility for the situation, and slammed Romney for trying to play cheap political theater when the country was mourning the loss of four foreign service members. He called Romney's remarks "offensive" trying to suggest the President was somehow dismissive of the event he rightly called a terror attack. Then at the close, when Romney declared his support for 100% of Americans, he set up a text book close for Obama. The President countering with the last word, basically saying he's for 100% of Americans on a debate stage, but behind closed doors in actuality he thinks 47% of Americans are victims and deadbeats. It was a strong night for the President, and as far as I'm concerned, a big win.