Friday, January 22, 2010

Welcome to the Corporate States of America

This week The United States Supreme Court in a 5 to 4 decision championed by the usual suspects conservative judges Roberts, Thomas, Alito, Scalia, and Kennedy, dismantled 103 years of standing election and campaign law in a sweeping decision that may well begin the undermining of American democracy as we know it. In this decision it is now legal for corporations to spend as much money as they please to support the candidates of their choice. Forget 527 Organizations, Labor Unions, and general public opinion, they will no longer be able to compete with the sleeping giant that has been awakened in the deep pockets of Corporate America.

Lets put a little perspective on this? Last year in their 1st quarter, Exxon/Mobile made a record breaking profit of 25 BILLION dollars. In 3 months they (alone by themselves) acquired the power to buy and sell the candidates of their choice from President of the United States all the way down to city dog catcher. That is just one company associated with Big Oil. Now add to that mix The Insurance Industry, The Pharmaceutical Industry, The Banking Industry, to name a few. The American Government has been put up for sale to the highest bidder, and what functional remnants of our already faltering democracy remain may have just been dismantled. Make no mistake this is a landmark decision with earth shattering implications. It is entirely possible that in 10 short years there will be no regulation, or regulatory body, capable to stem the tide of corporate greed and the profits that dictate their bottom lines.

Republicans embrace this decision. As the party of Big Business, why wouldn't they? but the irony is while Republicans and Conservatives open the floods gates to embrace this influx of unmeasurable cash that they think will help them , the truth is once Corporate America uses them as the tools they are, they too will suffer under the weight of corporate greed and be escorted to the curb. No longer will we need political parties, there will be no Democrats, no Republicans, it will be the representative from AETNA, EXXON, ELI LILLY, BANK OF AMERICA, (How's that for irony) We as a nation have just been sold down the river, and if the congress doesn't act to somehow curb this, NO ONE WILL BE ABLE TO STOP IT.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The Snowballs Are Flying In Hell

Yesterday Republican Scott Brown defeated Democrat Martha Coakley to capture the vacant Senate seat held by the late Senator Edward M. Kennedy. In the bluest of blue states, in the heart of New England, a Republican has found a home for the next 2 years. I must tell you that in my opinion, this is a catasrophic loss for the Democratic Party. I am quite sure that the unyeilding champion of universal healthcare for the last 40 years is spinning in his grave as we speak. Then to add insult to injury, the people of Massachusetts elect the one man who may very well torpedo healthcare reform seconds before it crosses the finish line.

The loss of the State Houses in New Jersey and Virginia last year are nothing compared to this. Now there will be a lot of finger pointing at who is to blame here. There seems to be no doubt that Coakley took this seat for granted, and ran a very poor campaign daring Republicans to spend money trying to take the seat away. They answered by doing just that, and the talking heads on television will discuss the ramifications ad nauseum.

So what has actually happened here? Is this a referendum on President Obama? I don't think so. Polling suggests 75% of people still like the President personally. However, while the Democrats have fiddled Washington is burning. It appears that President Obama's Healthcare overhaul, which is needed, remains illconceved, confusing, and unitelligable to the general public. This, in combination with an economic meltdown, high unemployment, and rampant fears about the national debt.
The Democrats have an 18 member lead in the House and 60 Senators, and for a year healthcare was morphed and mutated to the point of incomprehension.

It was further exaserbated by all manner of right wing nutjobs, tea baggers, 9/12 organizations, birthers, as well as, the ongoing assault by right wing television and radio. I do also lay some of this burden on the mainstream media as well, for giving ear to any lunatic that gets close enough to a microphone. I realize the absurdity of any counter arguement by the right ups ratings, but what does it do to the electorate as a whole?

One immediate result we can see after only one year in office, is that Independents are running, not walking, away from President Obama and the Democartic Party. This key demographic was crucial to the Democratic victory in November of 2008. Independents are now more popular than either political party and they are fleeing the Democratic Party on droves. Why? Let me tell you.

The push for healthcare, which I agree is much needed, was put forward during a time of extreme econimic dispair. What makes matters worse is that no one understands what the final result of healh care will be if it passed. The people simply don't understand what it entails, and this can be laid directly at the feet of the President and the Democratically controlled Congress. The process became so contrived and convoluted that the people became afraid of what the final product would be. It is suppose to help me, but will it hurt me? When added to 10.2% unemployment, bailed out banks that won't loan money, an economic stimulus package, and record debt, most people are running for cover. Screw healthcare I need a job! ...and who has been screaming this battle cry from the beginning... Republicans.

Regardless of what now happens to healthcare, the Democrats need to shift gears and concentrate on the economy. People vote their pocketbooks, and when things are bad the incumbants get thrown out. There is a big lesson to be learned here, it is not the end of the world. However, the President and Congress need to start listening to what the people want addressed, and if they don't, many Democrats my find themselves added to the list of the unemployed come November.