Friday, January 22, 2010

Welcome to the Corporate States of America

This week The United States Supreme Court in a 5 to 4 decision championed by the usual suspects conservative judges Roberts, Thomas, Alito, Scalia, and Kennedy, dismantled 103 years of standing election and campaign law in a sweeping decision that may well begin the undermining of American democracy as we know it. In this decision it is now legal for corporations to spend as much money as they please to support the candidates of their choice. Forget 527 Organizations, Labor Unions, and general public opinion, they will no longer be able to compete with the sleeping giant that has been awakened in the deep pockets of Corporate America.

Lets put a little perspective on this? Last year in their 1st quarter, Exxon/Mobile made a record breaking profit of 25 BILLION dollars. In 3 months they (alone by themselves) acquired the power to buy and sell the candidates of their choice from President of the United States all the way down to city dog catcher. That is just one company associated with Big Oil. Now add to that mix The Insurance Industry, The Pharmaceutical Industry, The Banking Industry, to name a few. The American Government has been put up for sale to the highest bidder, and what functional remnants of our already faltering democracy remain may have just been dismantled. Make no mistake this is a landmark decision with earth shattering implications. It is entirely possible that in 10 short years there will be no regulation, or regulatory body, capable to stem the tide of corporate greed and the profits that dictate their bottom lines.

Republicans embrace this decision. As the party of Big Business, why wouldn't they? but the irony is while Republicans and Conservatives open the floods gates to embrace this influx of unmeasurable cash that they think will help them , the truth is once Corporate America uses them as the tools they are, they too will suffer under the weight of corporate greed and be escorted to the curb. No longer will we need political parties, there will be no Democrats, no Republicans, it will be the representative from AETNA, EXXON, ELI LILLY, BANK OF AMERICA, (How's that for irony) We as a nation have just been sold down the river, and if the congress doesn't act to somehow curb this, NO ONE WILL BE ABLE TO STOP IT.

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