Thursday, May 26, 2011

Republicans Double Down On The Destruction Of Medicare

Well the vote is in, and 40 more Republicans have signed on to Rep. Paul Ryan's death wish for Medicare. The U.S. Senate voted today 57-40 AGAINST the Republicans "Path to Prosperity." and in so doing put 40 more Republicans on the books in support of this nightmare. In a bell-weather election earlier this week, in New York's heavily Republican 26th District Democrat Kathy Hochul defeated her Republican rival Jane Corwin 47% to 43%. She ran primarily on the issue that her opponent would kill Medicare and support the Ryan Plan.

Democrats have now galvinized a tri-fecta that Republicans can not run from. 1) The Ryan Plan which destroys Medicare for anyone 54 or younger, giving them instead a voucher to suppliment their insurance needs at age 70. If that wasn't bad enough, the voucher will never even touch your hands, it goes directly to the insurance company you choose to give you overpriced, and unreliable coverage. 2) Tax cuts for the rich has become about as popular as brusselsprout ice cream. Some polls have rejection of this running between 70% & 80%. 3) Once again on record, Republicans will not cut subsidies for Big Oil despite a record first quarter profit in 2011 of 35 Billion dollars. You add this to $4 dollar a gallon gas, and you have an issue that goes right to the pocketbook. It's no wonder no one wants to run for President on the Republican side? Before they even get started they have 3 anvils around their necks.

So lets summerize, they have 3 hardcore loosing issues to explain, and they are doubling down that the American people will buy this bill of goods?! It's like being on the Titanic and saying "Isn't the music wonderful?" All the while poor Rep. Ryan says the Democrats are using scare tactics to misrepresent the issue. Isn't that rich coming from the kings scare tactics and misrepresentation? He says President Obama has taken no leadership role on this issue, that Republicans at the very least have a plan. Ask Jane Corwin in New York how that's workin out for ya Mr. Ryan?

The Democrats need 24 seats to retake the house. There are 97 competitive districts up for grabs next year, not even counting Republican strongholds like New Yorks 26th. If Democrats ride this wave until next November, they will be unstoppable. The Republican party has cut its own throat, not only do they have less than mediocre Presidential stock, they all have to pass this ultra conservative litmus test that forces them to support the very issues that are going to get them routed! It's Insane! Newt Gingrich found that out when he went on Meet the Press and called the Ryan Plan "social engineering", then spent the rest of the week eating his words because it didn't play on the Right. To make matters worse the only Republicans not in the race are only going to move the party furthur Right. So even if a moderate like Huntsman, or Romney, or Pawlenty, get the nod, by election time they'll be damaged goods, and unpalatable to the one group they need most, independents. So get your popcorn ready, sit back, and watch the Republicans slowly implode, God I love a good fireworks show!