Thursday, February 18, 2010

We Are Way Beyond Gridlock In Congress

Those of you kind enough to follow my rants on this blog, know me to be a liberal, progressive, Democrat. There is little, if any, love in my heart for the Republican Party. Working within the two party system this country has created leaves little room for people to maneuver. You are either a Republican, a Democrat, or an Independent, and one of these, Independent, is a false choice. Now as things stand in the American Electorate today, more people declare themselves as Independents because they live under the illusion that sitting the fence gives them power. Now many may argue that this is true, I however see it as a sign.

More and more of our citizens are flocking to the banner of Independence, because more and more people are tired of what the two parties have to offer. On the left, you have an overwhelming majority crippled by impotence of will, and an anemic leadership that couldn't pass legislation if their lives depended on it. They are spineless, wishy-washy, and ineffective. On the right, you have angry, white, ignorant, evangelical, gun toting, wing nuts who pine for the 1950s when women, blacks, homosexuals, and any other minority knew their place. They are so entrenched in this ideological "Back to the Future" mentality, that they can't see the forest for the trees. They are people who know no limit to there own hypocrisy, and have deteriorated to point where all they can do is dig in and oppose anything and everything the left has to offer. Even if means voting against legislation they themselves sponsored, in order to tow the line.

Over the years Washington has always seen its share of partisan politics and gridlock, but not like we see it today. The system has broken down, and with only two choices, they have us by the balls. Congress has become to old, to beholden to special interests, totally unwilling to compromise, and entrenched in ideological arguments that offer nothing to the people they are suppose to be helping. The nation is politically bankrupt. The constant stare from the two faces of Congress has become a blur of greed, frustration, fear, and hopelessness. Despite the good will of our President, even he cannot move this pile.

Therefore, I would suggest to you that as a citizen of this great nation, you exercise the one true power you have left. No matter your affiliation Republican, Democrat, or Independent, we need to send Washington a message, that the current state of affairs is unacceptable. We the people need to take back our government and vote out every current member of congress, either by Primary or General election voting. We need to be first, not last in the minds of our legislators. We need to clean house, and once done dismantle the culture of corruption, the influence of special interests, and make Congress work for the people for a change. Do you think me naive? Do you think what is done cannot be undone? There is only one way to find out, and it starts with the power of one.

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