Friday, March 26, 2010

Republicans Vow To Repeal & Replace Healthcare

Yes it's true. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell(R-KY) coined the phrase a few days after the historic health care bill passed the House. Republicans and Tea Party looney tunes are jumping on board in droves, and I couldn't be happier. This is a gigantic risk the Right is taking, but like sharks in a feeding frenzy they just can't stop. They have whipped up their base to the point, if they wanted to re-enter any reasonable legislative discussion they couldn't. Their total motivation at this point holds only one course, to continue feeding the fear, the misinformation, the fallacious rhetoric that has come to define them since 2006. Sen. John McCain(R-AZ) recently stated he would no longer compromise, or work with, the other side of the aisle, he's taking his toys and going home. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) said in essence, he hasn't done much on that front anyway, so no major loss there.

Lets take a realistic look at the Republican repeal strategy. They would have to take 113 seats in the House and Senate to have a veto proof majority that could repeal the bill. I think that reality alone would make them step back from all their inane posturing, but once again the base beckons, so they must follow through and keep fear alive. The people don't want this bill they cry. Why not? Because for most of the last year Republicans hijacked the health care debate, and with a storm of lies and misinformation, they did what they do best, scare the American people to death. "If this bill passes it will be Armageddon!" "Death Panels are coming for Grandma!" "This is a government take over of health care by our socialist President!" ...all alot of crap. Sadly there are millions of people out there who buy this non-sense, and my money says they don't even know what socialism is. Now for a reality check. Once this new bill begins to help people, and start improving health care in America, the repeal idea will slowly loose momentum. All those Independents who so recently ran from the Democrats will come home, and all those who voted against health care will be under the heat lamp. Who voted against health care reform? Easy, Republicans not a ONE. This is a fantastic scenario and could in fact become reality, but it is predicated on one thing... the economy. If the economy doesn't show some palpable improvements the people can see by November, we will have losses. However, even if the economy is still struggling, I don't think we will loose the House or the Senate.

Now, who is the Republican base? Well if you watch alot of news programs you would think them half the country 50%, this is not the case. They are roughly 30% of the electorate, including the Tea Party people. They are in general white, uneducated, racist, gun toting, hypocritical evangelical lemmings, moving toward their cliff with each passing day. My only explanation for why the media gives them more attention than they deserve, is simply the squeaky wheel gets the grease. Plus what's more intriguing than a mass of rednecks in a field, waving flags, talking to reporters with 5th grade reading skills, holding posters of President Obama as Hitler. WHERE DO I SIGN UP! Remember people, loud doesn't mean right, ignorance is no replacement for reason, and stupid is as stupid does.

1 comment:

  1. Well said. Agree completely. Have you seen the remix of the "yes we can" video with red-faced John Boehner. Great!! Look on Youtube.
