Sunday, September 25, 2011

Perry Slows, While Republicans Remain Angry And Confused

Commodore Oliver Hazard Perry in the Battle of Lake Erie, during the War of 1812, is famous for saying "Don't Give Up The Ship." Governor Rick Perry has further exposed himself as nothing more than a another southern political rube, whose ship is slowly running aground. He has 3 Republican debates under his belt, and has not shined in any of them. He has faltered under attacks from his fellow Republicans that were hardly withering in force, or content, and shows himself less and less worthy of his position as the Republicans top pick. He continues to stand by and expound on his controversial statements about social security, immigration, health care, and general economic growth. His recent foray into foreign policy, showing up in New York in a vain attempt to undermine the President, not only did a disservice to President Obama, but showed himself as a foreign policy novice who hasn't got a clue. Making incendiary comments with regard to Israel made him look like a major clod. This man hasn't got a clue about Israel, and probably couldn't find it on a map if it was tattooed to his ass.

Republican party faithful are standing behind him as the current leader in the polls, but at the same time are slowly sliding their feet toward the exits. Several political journals this week were already ringing his death nell, as just one more Republican flash in the pan. To add insult to injury, factor in Herman Cain's big win in the Florida Straw Poll, which left Perry brushing off the dust of a dismal second place showing. In the meantime, once again Mitt Romney is beginning to look like the sane, albeit uninspired, man for the job. While he does not excite the Republican base, he has been a constant and steady force moving toward the primaries. All this despite his own short comings, which no one seems to want to exploit.

All this points to an increasingly disgruntled Republican electorate whose true colors have shined with each passing debate. Cheers for Perry's execution of 235 inmates, overshadowed recently by the Troy Davis affair. Ron Paul being asked if a young man with no insurance should just be allowed to die? Garnishing cries of "Yeah!" A gay active duty U.S. Marine in Iraq asking if Republicans will undermine the the recent repeal of DADT ( Don't Ask, Don't Tell) to a chorus of Boos! and in none of these instances did any of the Republican candidates stand up and say "hold on that's just not right." NOT ONE. The far rights anger is palatable. You can almost taste it as drips from the mouths of these hard core, right wing, nut jobs yelling from the crowd. Now, to every one's surprise, here comes Herman Cain in Florida? If you still think Rick Perry is going to be the Republican standard bearer, just keep listening to what he says, and like all the rest, your feet will be sliding toward the exits. The Republicans are furious that in an election year where President Obama is so vulnerable, this is the best they have to offer, and it's killing them!

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