Friday, September 2, 2011

Why We Can Expect Nothing To Happen In Washington For The Next 15 Months

The last 24 hours were really telling with regard to the state of affairs in Washington. President Obama and House Speaker John Boehner couldn't even agree on when the President could give a speech. In a move that shocked no one, President Obama once again caved to Boehner's demand. Now granted. it's just a date and the optics of when or where probably don't matter, but to me, it plays as just another example of the President's inability to say "No". It also doesn't give me hope that he will be able to deliver big with his speech on September 8th. A speech I've said before, may very well make or break the President.

So with that being said, and the Congressional approval rating at an all time low, what can we expect to see from Washington over the next 15 months? Well a lot depends on Obama's speech. If he hits it out of the park next week, he will hopefully create a dividing line that can be rallied behind, forcing Republicans to once again say no to the middle class, in support of the rich. If he gives us the same old uninspired rhetoric that contains some loosely detailed amorphous plan, the package will be dead on arrival.

However, the thing to notice here is that the ball is in the Republicans court, despite what kind of plan the President introduces next week. If they are forced to defend their positions with purpose, or just give us more of the same supply side voodoo economic non-sense, what, if any, action is taken falls to them. So my guess is that because of their intense loathing for anything President Obama produces, we will generally have more of the same gridlock, and partisan grandstanding we have come to hate about Washington.

Never before have I seen such a distinct ideological divide between the two major political parties in this country. True to form the Republicans have fought for 3 years to stop anything the President sets his mind to, all in the belief that it will help them re-take the White House in 2012. Here are some of these distinctions as defined by the Republicans.

Social Security: Is a burden we can no longer afford, it's a ponzi scheme, is a never ending drain on our economy.
Medicare & Medicaid: Has weakened the country by dismantling the institutions that used to care for people, is social engineering, should be replaced by a voucher system, is unsustainable.
Unemployment Benefits and Natural Disasters: Continued extensions of unemployment make people lazy, both should be paid for with more discretionary spending cuts, FEMA and other governmental agencies should be abolished.
Voting Rights: States should adopt picture ID requirements for all voters ie: a state drivers license; student ID's and Military ID's are not valid, gun permits are valid. If the very young, the very old, the poor or disenfranchised can't meet this criteria tough luck.
Abortion: Should be outlawed across the country, extremists believe it is fair game to kill abortion doctors, or bomb abortion clinics, no exceptions for abortion should be allowed. It should be outlawed by amending the Constitution.
Gay Rights: Being gay is a lifestyle choice, you are not born this way, you can pray the gay away with the right counseling, marriage should be between one man and one woman, we should amend the Constitution to declare this, gays are sinful barbarians who are unable to be happy.
Gun Control: All guns automatic, semi-automatic, hand guns, rifles, should be available to anyone who wants them, any gun regulation is an infringement of a citizens 2nd Amendment rights, the current background check data base work just fine.
Government Regulation: Should be stopped on our food, our water, and our land. Any regulation on banks curtails economic growth, and hurts the economy, there should be no regulation on energy development oil, coal, nuclear, natural gas, it kills jobs.
Taxes: Taxes should be low on corporations, the rich, hedge fund managers, capital gains. This stimulates growth and creates jobs.
Health Care: Is not the business of the Federal Government, and should be left to insurance companies in the private sector to handle, again with little regulation.
Iraq & Afghanistan: Were wars of necessity after 9/11 and the cost in blood and treasure was well worth it, and continues to be vital to the overall security of the United States. In gathering intelligence for potential operations here and at home, torture is perfectly acceptable, as is the unlimited detention of prisoners in the name of national security.
Church & State: The United States is a Judeo-Christian nation and other religions do not hold equal status aside from those mentioned. Creationism should be taught in schools, ones religious beliefs should be a litmus test for those holding any office in the government, prayer should be allowed in schools.
Global Warming: Is unproven, there is no consensus from the scientific community that global warming is real, or in any way man made.

I think I made my point, which is this. These are the people holding the strings right now. These are the people who are holding our government hostage until November of 2012. They are uncompromising, ideological zealots, and intransigent against anything that may move the country forward, or allow President Obama any scrap of personal victory. The challenge ahead is can the President draw these distinctions for the American people? We will find out soon enough, and I have my doubts, but lets hope he can, the future of the nation is riding on it.

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