Sunday, October 16, 2011

Perry And Cain And Romney, Oh My

Upon entering the Republican field Texas Governor Rick Perry rocketed to leader status, and then, he opened his mouth. After quickly taking the top spot he made several controversial comments that he refused to back off on, and then capped them off with four dismal debate performances which dropped him in the polls 20 points. He has subsequently admitted he is a poor debater, (no kidding), and this week introduced his economic policy. You ready for this? Drill for more oil, that's it. I wonder how long it took him to come up with that one, about ten minutes? I can see him now sitting in a big room with a deer head on the wall, in his Nigger Head ranch, stack of "highlights" magazines on the coffee table, polishing his gun, drinking beer with some big oil executives, asking what do think? In return getting a quorum of nodding heads and thumbs up. I've been hearing for a few months now how formidable Rick Perry is a candidate. Well I don't know who these people are, but frankly I don't see it. As a self appointed "poor debater" if he was to go up against President Obama as the Republican nominee next Fall, Obama would eat his lunch. The one thing he has going for him is money. He raised 17 Million dollars last quarter to current leader Herman Cain's 2.3 Million. Which tells me even though he's a rube, he's white, evangelical, and a Tea Party favorite, message be damned.

Herman Cain the new Republican flavor of the month has caught fire with his 9-9-9 Plan, which is a 9% personal income tax, a 9% corporate tax, and a 9% national sales tax. Most economists agree the major flaw is the 9% national sales tax which would hurt poor and middle income people worse than others. There's a shocker, a Republican tax plan that hurts the poor and working class. What happens to that sales tax when you add State and Municipal taxes to it? How about a potential 18% sales tax on a loaf of bread, or better a gallon of gas? It's easy, clear, and transparent, and it sucks! Mr. Cain's current appeal is the fact that he is a Washington outsider, with a simple message. He is personable, articulate, and well prepared against media scrutiny, but now under the spotlight, like Perry, once they decipher what he's really saying will probably go back to the end of the line like Trump, Bachmann, and Perry before him. He has no national organization to speak of, and to be blunt, if you think the Republican party is going to rally around a black man for President of the United States, guess again. So let him have his 15 minutes and lets move on.

Mitt Romney the tortoise who slowly moves toward the nomination, has been static at his high water mark of about 23%. A recent poll of Republicans said they would rather have a candidate that "shares their values" as a opposed to "can beat Obama". More evidence that the Tea Party and social conservatives are reluctantly slogging toward Tampa waiting for Romney to be nominated. Once the Primaries kick in and the field thins the choices will become clearer, but make no mistake Romney polls better against Obama than anyone. This includes new front runner Herman Cain who Obama beats by double digits. The hard right hates Romney, because they are being dragged kicking and screaming to the center because of him. The question is once he is the nominee will that same hard right support him at the polls, or sit home? No matter, its going to take a while for Tea Party and social conservatives to come around, and they will continue to search in vain for a viable alternative to Romney just as long as they can. The problem: the pickings are slim and so are any efforts to undermine Romney in the long run. In the meantime, sit back and enjoy the show. The longer they fight each other, the better for the President.

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