Monday, January 16, 2012

Money, Money, Everwhere, Takes Away OUR Voice

As South Carolina approaches, and with it the probability that Mitt Romney will be the Republican nominee, I think the money at play in this election cycle deserves a look. Everyone by now is familiar with the "Citizens United" case, that has opened the flood gates to a sea of money in our political campaigns. You can contribute as much as you want, as often as you want, and do it all without disclosing who, or where the money came from. America will now be at the mercy of the highest bidder. Now some of you may be asking yourself "So what's changed?" Well let me tell you. While it is true we have been at whim of lobbyists for big business, corporations, unions, banks, insurance giants, big oil, and the rich in general, and Congress has operated like puppets to these entities for decades; something new has been added to this mix. In the simplest form, in the most convenient definition, and on top of and including the laundry list I have noted above, lets introduce unlimited money. The big money interests of this country were declared "people" by the Supreme Court in 2010. So, no matter what you represent foreign or domestic, corporate or individual, if you have big money, American style politics has become your new best friend. There are no limits, no disclosures, and no stopping the wealthy enterprises of America to buy our elections outright.

At a time when 1 out of 2 people in this country are living at, or below the poverty level. At a time when the middle class is shrinking, and incomes are flat. At a time when the disparity between rich and poor has never been greater. Isn't this just another indictment that our country is in fact a plutocracy? Do public employees, the elderly, the middle class, the working poor, all those who the Occupy folks would call the 99%, can we the people, run million dollar ads to promote the candidates of our choice? I certainly can't, can you? For the huddled masses all we have is our vote. A vote that record breaking billions will attempt to buy this year by trying to influence your choice. The ads will be nasty, bleak, nonfactual in most cases, and be poured out on the airwaves ad nausea until November, and somewhere under all this money, is our democracy drowning under the weight of a Tsunami of big money interests.

I will not pretend that both parties will not profit from this new spoils system, but make no mistake, the Republicans are the ones who pander to the majority of these interests. They are the ones who protect all those entities I mentioned before, and they are the ones who will profit most from this new money take all election cycle. Make no mistake, the Republicans are about to nominate a multi-millionaire, who was a corporate raider, and made his living on the backs of the very people he now claims he understands, and sympathizes with. Just because you use middle class in your speeches doesn't make you an advocate. Just because you claim concern for the poor, even though you haven't got the slightest idea what that is, certainly brings no comfort to the poor.

If you are wealthy, if you have means, good for you, I'm not out to impugn any ones success. Richard Nixon addressing his staff for the final time said something to this affect "...only when you have been in the deepest valley can you appreciate how glorious it is to reach the highest mountain." We have alot of people running our government right now that have always lived on that highest mountain, and as a result have lost touch with what it means to be in the deepest valley. Here in lies our great dilemma. We have become a country of haves and have nots, and the division is growing. Many people suffer under the delusion that because our leaders and big money interests live on the mountain, that one day they can live on that mountain too. The shinning city on the hill is reserved for a select few, they hold the power, and they choose who gets into the neighborhood. They hold out their hands at election time promising to pull us up to allow us to see what they see, but they never quite reach, and those poor people will vote against their own personal interests just to to get a glimpse at the mountain top. In the meantime, those of us in the valley strive for the day when everyone can climb that mountain, through hard work, a decent wage, take care of our children, give them an education, and retire in comfort after a lifetime of labors, that is the American Dream, and we are losing it. Losing it to a select few with the most influence, the most power, the most money. So when Mitt Romney wins South Carolina this Saturday ask yourself, is a corporate millionaire the person who can restore our American Dream? ...or is he part of the problem?

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