Former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum seems to be losing steam as the next three contests fast approach next Tuesday. Wisconsin which is being touted as a must win for Father Rick to stay in the race, seems to have slipped through his fingers. Just one month ago Santorum held a 16 point lead. Once again under the barrage of negative ads from Romney, who has outspent Santorum 9 to 1, the table has turned. Romney now holds an 8 point lead in the badger state, that's a 24 point shift. The other two contests in Maryland, and the District of Columbia, also seem to be lining up in Romney's column.
More bad news for Father Rick from his home state of Pennsylvania. Just two weeks ago he held a commanding 18 point lead in the keystone state, today his lead is just 2 points. As Romney begins to capture more high profile endorsements, the math, and the April contests, have made it almost impossible for Santorum to get the nomination. He would need to capture 79% of the remaining delegates, a task that is clearly out of reach.
However, the bad news isn't just Santorum's. As people begin to take a look at Mitt Romney, his numbers are dropping. His approval rating currently stands at 34%, while President Obama's approval is at 53%. In the three major battleground states of Florida, Ohio, and Pennsylvania, once again the President is leading in all three states. Let's also not forget his gaff of the week. It regards the revelation that the former Massachusetts Governor plans to add a car elevator to his La Jolla estate in California, and his campaign’s subsequent defense of said elevator. However, it seems research shows Romney, as Governor, once vetoed a bill that would have, among other things, funded a $40,000 upgrade to make elevators compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act. An elevator for his Bentley, screw the disabled. It is classic Romney, and just another out of touch moment for the masses to devour, as he continues to fail in his efforts to connect with regular people. Maybe he needs the elevator to help strap his dog on the roof of the car? just a thought.
As for Rick Santorum, seeing the writing on the wall, when asked if he would consider the V.P. spot he said, "I'll do whatever is necessary to help our country." What a trooper, if you can't beat em, join em. A suggestion that was not dismissed by Romney either, so we may still see Santorum as number 2, although to be honest, I've always seen him that way.
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