Saturday, May 5, 2012

The GOP Continues To Amaze

For a political party that has so many serious issues with the American electorate, you would think they would at least try to tone down the divisive policies and campaign blunders. Fortunately for Democrats they just can't help themselves. In the ongoing Stalinist purge of moderates from the party, the latest Senator on that hit list is Richard Lugar (R-IN). Fueled by Tea Party radicals who think Lugar is to close to the center, his challenger Indiana Treasurer Richard Mourdock currently holds a 10 point lead over the incumbent 48% to 38%. One more example of a Republican party that continues careening to the hard right.

In the ongoing "war on women" that Republicans call a "fantasy", here are two more current examples of that fantasy at work. A battle is raging in Congress to keep student loan interest rates from doubling. The current rate of 3.4% would go to 6.8%. Student loan debt recently surpassed credit card debt as the largest burden on our current and future work force. Democrats want to get the money from payroll taxes and by slashing tax breaks for oil and gas drilling. Republicans want to take the money out of a fund in Obama's health care law that funds cancer screening for women.

In Arizona, Governor Jan Brewer just signed into law the Whole Woman's Health Funding Priority Act.  The act cuts off funding for family planning and health services delivered by Planned Parenthood clinics and other organizations offering abortions. "By signing this measure into law I stand with the majority of Americans who oppose the use of taxpayer funds for abortion," Brewer said in a statement. However, Arizona does not provide tax dollars for abortion, but backers said the law is needed to make sure that no indirect monies are funneled to organizations like Planned Parenthood that provide abortion and other health services. Officials at Planned Parenthood Arizona, the state's largest abortion provider, said the law means that thousands of women in the state may now go without life-saving cancer screenings, birth control and basic health care. Arizona joins six other Republican controlled states who have enacted similar legislation. Three of them Kansas, Indiana, and North Carolina are facing legal challenges.

As for Republican Nominee Mitt Romney, Richard Grenell is resigning from Mitt Romney’s presidential campaign less than two weeks after being hired as a foriegn policy consultant. Grenell’s reputation as a quick-witted and sometimes confrontational spokesman, was hoping to bring a different component to the Romney operation. So why the quick departure? Grenell is openly gay. He took so much heat from the ever increasingly intolerant Right, he was forced to resign. He said that while his sexuality “was a non-issue” for Romney’s team, he struggled in the face of a ”hyperpartisan discussion of personal issues.” tactful if not a load of crap! Here are some of those "discussions".

Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council, took issue with Grenell over his criticism of the Bush administration’s failure to sign a December 2008 U.N. resolution that called for decriminalizing homosexuality across the globe. “It’s concerning that you would have somebody tapped to be potentially in an administration that would continue the policies that we’re seeing in the Obama administration,” Perkins said. Bryan Fischer of the American Family Association shared his disappointment with the Grenell pick on Twitter: “Romney picks out & loud gay as a spokesman. If personnel is policy, his message to the pro-family community: drop dead.” “We are disappointed that Ric decided to resign from the campaign for his own personal reasons,” said Romney campaign manager Matt Rhoades. “We wanted him to stay because he had superior qualifications for the position he was hired to fill.”

In a nutshell, no room in that massive Republican tent for an openly gay man. The man was forced out by hard line conservative wingnuts, and if Romney really wanted Grenell to stay, he would have had the balls to stand up and say " I'm sorry some people feel that way, but Richard Genell is the man I want for the job." However, Romney is being killed in so many demographics right now, he can't affords to piss off the few groups that are with him. Which is a poor commentary on his character as someone who will not stand behind the people he picks, but rather the people he bows to. On a lighter note, what gay people in America see in the Republican party is beyond me? It's like Jews for Hitler, whatever people in the gay community see there, just boggles the imagination?

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