Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Who Is Mitt Romney?

That really has become the question hasn't it? He loves to define President Obama, but shies away from giving any kind of definitive definition to himself? So he opens himself up to being defined by the media, and the only time he directly tries to refute these definitions, he runs to FOX News where he can hit as many softballs as he wants. He is the product of sound bites from his wife, and the campaign shills he deploys to say what he can't. He has a long reputation for being on the politically expedient side of every issue, after all, he has been running for office since 1994. So he can't hide from 18 years of videotape that proves this to be true. So who is he really? For lack of a better image from his own campaign, the picture is not a pretty one.

He is a man of privilege born with a silver spoon in his mouth. A prep school prig who physically attacked those that he deemed as different. A corporate raider that put profits before people. He has morphed from a Governor who was a moderate, to a "severely conservative" presidential nominee. He has multiple homes, some with car elevators. He wrote an editorial called "Let Detroit Go Bankrupt" then has the gall to take credit for the auto industry turnaround. He is a product of Wall Street that wants to repeal the Dodd-Frank banking regulations. This in light of the latest Wall Street nightmare where J.P. Morgan Chase lost 2 billion dollars and counting, on risky investments. Jaime Dimond the company CEO, was rewarded for the massive loss with a 23 million dollar pay package, and an overwhelming vote of confidence from the shareholders. These are Romney's people.

Are you an auto-worker? He owns several cars in fact, his wife drives a couple of Cadillacs. Do you like football or NASCAR? He knows a few team owners. Struggling to make ends meet? He's not, he has $250 million dollars. As a matter of fact, I bet he will wager $10 thousand dollars this is all true. The man has done everything short of lighting a cigar with a hundred dollar bill as he approaches the podium.

The question becomes, is this "class warfare" as Republicans would have us believe? or has Romney become a symbol of the 1% in this country. a club that gets smaller with each passing year. Can Mitt Romney really understand the day to day struggles of the average American? Do we want the next president to come from the very environment that almost destroyed our economy? We know this, he will throw his own health care measure under the bus to get elected president. He will keep his mouth shut when people say President Obama should be tried for treason, or a gay soldier asks if he will reaffirm "Don't Ask, Don't Tell", or when his own foreign policy consultant pick, an openly gay man, is opposed by the hard right. On all of these, crickets. A disingenuous laugh or smile, an awkward chuckle followed by "I don't recall that...but I'm sorry" If you don't remember what you did why would you apologize for it? Answer: Because he does remember what he did, and he can't afford to alienate anyone. He has proven time and again, he will do anything, say anything, support or reject anything, that he thinks will help make him President.

Such the cautious candidate, deploying his surrogates to do the heavy lifting while he tries to figure out what he should say next. A man who wants you to reject President Obama, while what we know of him is less than flattering. He can't even get enthusiastic endorsements from his own party? Last week in an e-mail put out at 11pm, former rival Rick Santorum finally gave his luke warm endorsement in the 13th paragraph of a 16 paragraph message. Yesterday, President George W. Bush endorsed Romney with just four words while the doors were closing on an elevator. He said "I'm for Mitt Romney" Strong praise for the man who wants to pick up where George W. Bush left off. Is this really who you want running the White House?  He is the same old song from the Right, less regulation, less education, low taxes for the rich, Big Oil subsides, limiting women's rights, gay rights, voting rights, anti-union, weaken environmental safeguards on what we eat, the water we drink , and the air we breath, and do it all with a straight face in the name of "Freedom". Sends a chill down your spine doesn't it.... and not a good one.

1 comment:

  1. An idea for a bumper sticker:

    "Mitt is full of it!"

    A TV ad with Mitt face on an Etch-a-Sketch with his face saying something then erased and then saying the opposite.
