In a court that has become blatantly partisan in recent years, Chief Justice Roberts showed incredible courage in bucking a conservative smeer campaign that has demonized the bill for over two years. It is a testiment to this courage that led him to uphold the law, and not bow to the millions of dollars spent in an attempt to destroy health care reform. The landmark decision will maybe, just maybe, prove the money from the Right can't buy every outcome they want. Today's historic ruling is a blow against the special interests, and a victory for American democracy.
It goes without saying, this is a massive victory for President Obama. This was his first terms signature acheivement, and to have it knocked down would have been a hard shot to the President. To Mitt Romney and all the of the congressional Republicans who voted against this bill, the people have spoken, and the highest court in the land has heard them. So go home and tell your illiterate, lemming, rube, constituants, that your idea of health care has been repealled, and come November all you right wing water carriers should be replaced.

So all you conservative wingnuts can go shit in your hat! Sometimes when the chips are down, we get it right, today was one of those days. As for Mitt Romney, looks like the grenade went off before he could throw it. After a tough month for the President, he is still holding fast where it counts, and in some places gaining ground. Governor Romney continues to dodge and weave his run to the White House by not answering questions, and blaming everything from the economy, to burnt toast, on the President's lack of leadership. He wants to concentrate on the economy, but he won't talk about his time as Governor of Massachusetts, his time at Bain Capital, he thinks the Ryan Budget Plan is "marvelous", he won't address immigration reform, he talks about eliminating tax loop-holes, but won't say which ones? He will repeal Obamacare, but won't say what he would replace it with? If your message is I'm better than the other guy, but don't ask me why? He is nothing more than the anti-Obama candidate, and if thats the best he can do, then I can't wait for the debates because Obama is going to eat his lunch. So for all you rich big money corporations, and individuals, who poured millions into killing health care reform, better luck next time!
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