Wednesday, July 11, 2012

GOP: Hang It Up On Health Care Already

For the 33rd time since 2010, the Republican controlled House will once again vote to repeal the Affordable Health Care Act, aka: Obama Care. Some would get the impression Republicans don't like the health care reform passed two years ago. Each time they make one of these fruitless, dead end gestures, now at 33 and counting, the real work needed for the American people like bills to create jobs, and stimulate the economy, sit on congressional desks collecting dust.

The bill passed with a super majority of congressional leaders elected by the American people in 2008, to implement the Presidents agenda. Despite this, Republican sour grapes have continued to be the focus of their war on this "bad law". Twenty six states challenged the law, and the Supreme Court ruled it "Constitutional", and yet the Right refuses to let it go. The latest battle cry now coming from Republican Governor's like Bobby Jindal (R-LA) and Rick Perry (R-TX) who are claiming they won't implement the law. This is political showboating at it's finest, and has an even greater margin for failure given Republicans have no alternative to offer. I don't care who you are, when the people this law helps start suing for its implementation, all these Republican rebels will fold like a house of cards. This is what the bill does:

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