Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Contrary To Popular Belief, God Is Not Republican

It never ceases to amaze me how the "Religious Right" in this country think they have God, or better yet, Jesus Christ on their side? If you fit "their" definition of a christian, the Lord is on your side. These same people believe the United States of America "is" a christian nation. They will quote history, and the Constitution to make you somehow believe we as Americans have lost our way? They go so far as to insist that "their" interpretation of history, demands like minded individuals band together to take back America from the secular powers that are undermining our very way of life.

As I recall, this nation was founded on religious freedom. The Puritans in New England, Quakers in Pennsylvania, Catholics in Maryland, etc.... The Declaration of Independence declares the right of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. The right of all citizens to enjoy the blessings of freedom, and worship as they wish. As for the Constitution, the First Amendment very clearly states "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof..." Seems pretty clear to me. This country was established with the idea that no religion shall be discriminated against, or one treated better than any other, and most importantly no one religion will be the standard religion of the United States.

Roughly five days ago, Christian Coalition founder Ralph Reed addressed an enthusiastic crowd of more than 6,000 people packed into Arlington's High Point Church in Texas, as a diverse group of prominent conservative leaders and activists called on Americans to return to God. Many speakers at the "Under God Indivisible" rally, were organized in conjunction with Glenn Beck's three-day "Restoring Love" event. (how's that for an oxymoron?) Reed said, "If we get down on our faces and our knees before Almighty God, and we beg of him, not because we're pointing fingers at anybody else, but because of what we have allowed to happen... then I believe in November God will have mercy on our land and we will have a Renaissance of the values that made this country great." The New York Times reports, he's founded a new group, the Faith & Freedom Coalition, and is finding an enthusiastic audience among Tea Partiers and ultraconservatives. Reed believes Obama is anti-religion, and has pledged the resources of Faith & Freedom in order to ensure the incumbent does not secure a second term.

James Robison, a co-host of the rally, also made it clear that he believes it's time for a change in the White House. Robison, who in the past has blamed Hollywood and the television show "Glee" for a decline in American family values, decried the "socialist redistribution mindset" and pro-gay marriage stance of the administration.  Joining Robison in his anti-gay marriage stand was Pentecostal bishop Harry Jackson of Maryland, who fired up the crowd with calls for a new rainbow coalition. "We need to steal back the rainbow," Jackson said at the event. "We can't let the gays have it. We're the rainbow coalition. We're the army of God... We're are going to take back America in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ."

Reality Check: We are a Democracy, NOT a Theocracy. You know where they have theocracies? The Islamic middle east, to christian conservatives they are the devil incarnate. They simply want to impose "their" religion instead of Islam. Can somebody tell me what's the difference? Neither embrace freedom, particularly of religion, so what are they talking about? These coalitions are nothing of the kind, coalition of hypocrites maybe? Just because you use words like faith, love, and freedom, it only works if you subscribe to "their" interpretation of those words, or "their" TRUTH.

I don't have the temerity to say God is on my side, and judge others accordingly. The teachings of Jesus Christ in fact preach the exact opposite. Love your neighbor, do unto others as you would have then do unto you, God is Love. Some on the Right think love needs to be restored, but that can't be done you don't practice what you preach. I'll say it again God is Love, not a bigot, not a hater, and certainly not a Republican. Judge lest you be judged? This is one of the foundations of faith, not a political tool to work your will on those who dare to think otherwise. Don't quote me, but I don't think God or Jesus were affiliated with any one political party, and I certainly don't remember reading anywhere how they promote Capitalism over Socialism? To denigrate in this way the very message these people of Christ profess to promote, is hypocrisy in its highest form.

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