Wednesday, September 26, 2012

September Electoral Update

Oh what a difference an imploding Romney-Ryan campaign can bring. The electoral map has several changes, still with no toss-ups. Dark Red Romney has a lead above 5%, Pink Romney has a lead below 5%, Dark Blue Obama has a lead over 5%, Light Blue Obama has a lead below 5%. The changes this post are as follows:

Colorado, Iowa, Wisconsin, Ohio, Virginia, and Florida are now solid Blue. Nevada, New Hampshire, and North Carolina (formerly pink) are light blue.

As always 270 is the magic number. The current map shows the election rapidly fading from Mitt Romney's grasp. As many pivotal battleground states turn dark blue Romney-Ryan have a big problem on their hands. If the current map holds it will be a big win for the President.

Obama-Biden                          Romney-Ryan
347                                            191
I think it's fair to say when you dismiss 47% of the American electorate as "victims" not willing to take "personal responsibility" from their chronic culture of entitlement, you might offend a few people. Of course most of this 47% of deadbeats Romney refers to are the working poor, elderly retirees on Social Security, and veterans. Yes he let his true colors fly to a room full of super rich donors cut from the same cloth he was, and for $50,000 a plate you got to hear the REAL Mitt Romney.
The kicker? He's pretends like it didn't happen? Like some 2 year old sitting in a corner with his fingers in his ears going la la la la la, no problem with our campaign, no reboot needed, its smooth sailing, sometimes we're up, sometimes down, but we're going to win. The day after his 47% comments he says he want to work for 100% of Americans? REALLY? How can anyone in their right mind take him seriously about anything. The man has broken the world record for talking out of both sides of his mouth. I have never seen a political campaign consistently, and without careful thought or consideration, double down on stupid so much?
There are 4 debates coming up 3 Presidential, 1 Vice Presidential. After week after week of putting his foot in his mouth, and his head up his ass, who can believe a single word this man says? ...and that goes double for his partner Lyin Ryan. Let me tell you something people, this contest is over, period, end of story. Romney-Ryan have hit the iceberg, and on November 6th the last of this ship-wreck will slip beneath the waves. Romney and Ryan have no credibility on anything, they have gone from a campaign of the mundane to the insane. The entire conservative establishment doesn't know what to say about this man anymore? Oh of course those people who were going to vote for him no matter what persist, but moderates and independents are sprinting for the exits. So sit back enjoy the debates, and watch Romney and Ryan prove time and again how out of touch they are with the American people. It's must see TV, so get some popcorn and settle in, because it's going to be a laugh a minute.

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