Sunday, November 4, 2012

Goodnight Mittens

Well with less than 48 hours to go until election day it's crunch time. Let me start by saying this has been the most horrible presidential campaign I have ever seen in my lifetime. While neither candidate gave concrete visions for the future, The Romney campaign shattered every record in the book with regard to the truth. This man has been a political chameleon that could disappear on a plaid shirt. I have never seen someone have so many positions, on so many issues, and use the kind of political shape shifting he uses, to have the politically expedient answer for whatever audience he was addressing at the moment. The mans one and only core belief is to say or do anything to get elected.

So how does he get away with it? First, way to many Americans don't know whether he's telling the truth or not. Nor do they have the inclination to find out. It is a political calculation driven by the "low information voter" who bases his/her vote on some political campaign sound bite, or slanted media outlet that feeds them a steady stream of misinformation that these people devour. Second, at least as far as the Right is concerned, don't kid yourself, there is no groundswell of love for Mitt Romney to be President. He is the embodiment of Grover Norquist's puppet to be manipulated to simply sign conservative legislation, start the neo-cons next war, and do whatever other bidding they have in mind. Third, The vast majority of those voting for Mitt Romney are not voting FOR Romney, they are voting AGAINST Obama. They don't care if he lies, begs, borrows or steals, as long as he gets Barack Obama out of the White House. Their campaign doesn't have to be dictated by fact checkers, because they're not interested in the facts, because they argue with the facts. They have become masters of making an argument of the truth.

Look you know all the arguments, you know what the President stands for. As for Mr. Romney, well tomorrow is another day, and that brings yet another opportunity to muddy the waters. Each and every day of this campaign, we have gotten a little farther away from who Mitt Romney truly is, and what he truly believes. He has gambled on a strategy of flip flops, distortions, and outright lies, and in each and every instance did it without shame, or fear of the consequences. He built his run for the White House as the Anti-Obama, and that's not going to do it.


Obama-Biden          Romney-Ryan
290                            248
My 2012 election prediction, as well as, my final blog looks like this:
The final electoral college vote above is how I'm going to call it. Virginia is extremely close and could very easily go either way. In any event President Obama is going to win re-election and it's going to be nighty night for Mittens.
On a personal note I would like to thank all of you who have been faithful readers of my rants for the last 3 1/2 years. I hope you won't miss me too much, but the fact is folks haven't been reading like they used to, so I'll just keep it all inside for now. Thank you again for you support, and if you do nothing else, get out and VOTE on election day!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks, Mikey...I have enjoyed it. Hope u are right re: Tuesday...Let's try to get together for lunch soon!
