Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Republican Chairman Michael Steele, The Gift That Keeps On Giving.

Yesterday, RNC Chairman Michael Steele attempted his version of a pep talk to the Republican Party faithful. In his speech he said the days of the Republican Party apologizing for past mistakes is over. The honeymoon is over, it is time to take the President head on, and the 2 party system is back, ... do you hear crickets?

Dana Milbank of The Washington Post put it best... Steele’s speech “was red meat for the party leaders … but they let many of the applause lines go without a murmur. When they did rouse themselves, about 60 percent applauded, 20 percent thumbed their BlackBerrys, and the rest were either eating dessert or daydreaming.”

He went on to call the Republican Party the party of new ideas. One of them to be addressed today, which would re brand the current Democratic Party the Democrat Socialist Party. Hey, how's that for forward thinking in addressing all the challenges that face the Nation? We're in an economic meltdown, issues like health care reform, education, energy all out there for the taking and they want to debate a new name for the Democratic Party, can you stand it!

If that isn't bad enough now the party is trying to curb, if not eliminate, his financial powers as chairman. A move which he fought vehemently when questioned on Fixed News. Paraphrasing now... so there will be no comptroller in charge of RNC funds... Steele responding ...not if I have anything to say about it. If the RNC wants a figure head, that's fine, but it won't be Michael Steele.

Is this his out? A way to end his awe inspiring tenor as RNC leader?

Well the latest Gallop Poll had this to say for his efforts. Looks like they have some serious work ahead of them.

UPDATE: The Republican Party voted down the idea to rename the Democratic Party the Democratic Socialist Party. Now that they have stopped trying to define the Democrats, maybe they should start trying to define themselves, just a thought.

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