Friday, May 15, 2009

Pelosi In Fact War With C.I.A. Republican's Bite Back, But Do They Have Any Teeth?

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D) CA. has gotten herself into a battle with Bush Administration C.I.A. officials with regards to who knew what and when. She has even gone so far as to claim the C.I.A. misled Congress by giving bogus briefings as pertained to the use of advanced interrogation techniques i.e. (Torture), specifically the water boarding of terror suspects back in 2002.

All this while revelations that Vice President Dick Cheney pushed for harsher methods used during the interrogation of Iraqi suspects, namely torture. To gather information during the nations shell shocked days following 9/11. Cheney stating current methods "to gentle" and pressing the use of enhanced interrogation namely to find a link between Al Queda and Iraq. A link becoming more and more necessary as the search for WMD in Iraq was continually coming up empty handed. C.I.A. officials replying those techniques had been approved for terror suspects only.

Turns out, during the initial briefing to Speaker Pelosi which mentioned the dynamics involved in the "prospective" use of advanced terror techniques, recent intelligence tells us terror suspect Abu Zabeda had already been water boarded 83 times! Then Chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee until his retirement in 2005, Bob Nelson (D) FL. claimed the C.I.A.'s records had him at 4 separate briefings in 2003 of which 3 Senator Nelson could prove otherwise. Having been called on the dates, the C.I.A. later recanted Senator Nelson's possible attendance. So could they possibly be wrong regarding Pelosi as well?

Now here comes the real killer. House Minority Leader John Boehner (R) Ohio found it hard to believe that the C.I.A. of the Bush Administration would possibly mislead Congress. "What would be their motivation..." Boehner said. WHERE DO I BEGIN? He went on to claim the Speaker had to many stories, but also added he didn't thing it should involve any kind of truth commission, that would not be in the nation's best interest.

This morning Senator Kit Bond (R) MO. ranking Republican on the current Senate Intelligence Committee, claimed it was a tragedy to attack our intelligence community, and claimed any efforts to mislead Congress "Unbelievable". UNBELIEVABLE!!!, this from one of the 40 angry white guys huddled in the corner of the Capital called the Republican Party who did nothing but lie to this country for 8 years. About the Iraq War, WMD, Al Queda, torture, spreading democracy, being viewed as liberators, The War will pay for itself, sweetheart contracts for the V.P.'s cronies at Halliburton & KBR that build facilities that electrocute our troops in the shower. The Republicans! Really??

The fact of the matter is this. The Bush Legacy has given the Republican Party no credibility. As they turned up their noses at the American people, especially in the last 3 years of the Bush Administration. When they carried a 28% approval rating and the V.P. says "So". To have blatantly shut out the voice of the people for so long and cling to failed ideals that were self deluded at best, and carried the price of over 4000 dead and 30,000 maimed and wounded, that my Republican friends is now your cross to bare. In time this burden my lessen, but right now it's all yours.

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