Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Should the Obama Administration and Congressional Democrats Prosecute the Enhanced Interogation Techniques, "Torture" used by the Bush Administration?

First I would like to welcome readers to the very first post on BLUEFIELDSTARS. I hope you find my commentary both thought provoking and useful. It is a whopper of a first subject, so lets get to it.

I'm sure many of you have noticed of late that former V.P. Dick Cheney has crawled out of his bunker and happily taken to the airways of Fixed News to justify the torture techniques of the Bush Administration. How safe it made all of us for the last 7 years, and how the Obama Administration is systematically dismantling that to the peril of the free world. The release of Justice Department memos has proven without a doubt the United States of America engaged in torture during the Bush Administration. It is a fact, and while Bush, and particularly Cheney, have taken to their open mics at Fixed News to defend the merits of these techniques, it provides a very scary window into what remains of the Republican Party. I'll come to that presently,... these abuses are well documented, the DOJ hacks that tried to justify these practices are under investigation, and the new Administration and Attorney General have a very uncompromising decision to make? Should all those involved from the Congressional coat check girl to the President be prosecuted?

Richard Nixon the poster boy for abuse of power in the White House, engaged in all manner of malfeasance of office. However, he was shrewd, highly intelligent, and a very astute politician. Sadly none of these qualities can be applied to George W. Bush. and none of these qualities, in the end, saved Nixon. Yet with the stroke of Gerald Ford's pen Nixon was absolved. The Country wasn't happy about it, and ultimately it cost Ford the Presidency, and led us to another national disaster in Jimmy Carter. The national nightmare that was Watergate lasted roughly 3 years. The national nightmare that was George W. Bush lasted 8. None of Nixon's abuses survive, and he wasn't prosecuted. Obama is correcting the abuses of the Bush Administration and he shouldn't be prosecuted either.

The George W. Bush's of American History are remembered for their poor judgement, their failures, their abuses. He now joins the undistinguished class of poor Presidents who lay at the bottom of a list all cut from the same cloth. The American Ship of State always navigates her course corrections just as it should. George Bush & Dick Cheney were thrown out of office last November. They are still so deluded that they can't even put forth a cry for Mea Culpa, and as a result the Republican Party is in shambles.

The only issue I see sucking the air out of President Obama's agenda for Health Care Reform, Tax Reform, Economic Recovery, and Education is a long drawn out crusade to punish the Bush Administration for it's experiment in torture. The wrong has been righted, the king is dead, look to the future, our course is now true.

Why breath life into an imploding Republican Party by giving it an issue it can rally around. Only 20% of Americans now identify themselves as Republicans. Which brings me to a quote by Napoleon Bonaparte who once said "... never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake."

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