Sunday, July 18, 2010

The Right Talks A Good Game, But Has No Answers

I am increasingly bewildered that only 26% of the electorate in this country thinks the Republicans should be controlling Congress, yet Republicans edge Democrats come time for the election in November. Can anyone tell me what their alternative is? I just watched Meet The Press on NBC. Host David Gregory spent the entire program grilling the House and Senate election leaders on both sides about November. I never saw two Republicans tap dance so fast in my life. National Republican Senatorial Committee leader Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX) and National Republican Congressional Committee leader Rep. Pete Sessions (R-TX)talked for almost an hour, and didn't say a Goddamn thing. They attacked President Obama, they attacked the Democrats, they attacked the NAACP, they kissed the Tea Party's ass, but didn't give one solution to any of the problems they raised, not one!

They want to repeal Health Care Reform, repeal Financial Reform, Try to keep Bushes tax cuts for the rich alive by using them as a bargaining chip to extend Unemployment Benefits for the middle class. So in the mean time 3.2 million(+) people in this country are loosing benefits, so they can prop up the rich? Am I the only one who sees this? Is it just me? They are shouting from the rooftops support for Big Oil, Insurance Companies, Wall Street Lobbyists, and any other consumer screwing corporation they can find, and they are the preferred choice? Every idea Anti-Obama at its core conception. I'm not going to ask the begging question, "Can the American people be that stupid?" because we all know the answer is yes, the question we need to ask is this, "Will 2010 be another 2006 or 1994 type election?" Where a dramatic shift in Party control takes place? As a political analyst right now today, I say NO. The formula is not there, the issues are not there, and the alternatives are not there. Yes, the economy is bad. Right now the only thing people can see is 9.5% Unemployment, and it is a powerful and compelling motivator that hurts the Democrats, but that alone will not produce the Republican tidal wave people are predicting. "Why?" you ask. I'll tell you, three words "The-Tea-Party" These folks have captured and will capture office nominations that mainstream America will not support, economy be damned. If the asylum is on fire, you don't release the inmates to help put out the fire. Republicans are scrambling to court these people, and the result will end in their demise. Barring some major catastrophic gaffs by the Democrats, they will hold both the House and Senate in November. Placing my ass in the breeze here, but believe this will hold.

One other point that needs mention here. Even the casual political observer has come to realize that President Obama has revealed himself a political novice, lacking the political savy of say, President Clinton. Despite his tremendous accomplishments, it is clear he doesn't like to get his hands dirty, and in a town often referred to as a swamp; you have to do that from time to time. Even now, after the awful ordeal with Health Care Reform, he is still trying to play peacemaker. That may make you a son of God in some circles, but in Washington D.C. it will more likely make you a son of a bitch, and falling approval ratings bare this out. When you have the hot iron STRIKE! If you put out your hand, and it gets slapped away, don't keep putting it out STRIKE! You are the President, be in control, and when you have the House and Senate under your power USE IT! OR YOU WILL LOOSE IT. I assure you if the circumstances were reversed, the Republicans would have no calms about it. This is a teachable moment, so lets hope President Obama has learned his lesson and will be able to practice it after November.

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