Sunday, August 8, 2010

Big Talk, Lots Of Whining, And Still No Answers.

Time and time again Republicans these days are asking, "where are the jobs"? A legitimate question, as the economy's snail like progress continues to plague Democrats nationwide. Some continue to believe because of this, Republicans stand to make big gains in the House this November. So despite unemployment steady at 9.5%, and anemic job growth, what our the Republican alternatives? Now for those of you with short term memory loss, which is common among Republicans, lets take a hard look at what they have to offer. From 1980 to 2008 The Republicans held the White House for 20 years compared to 8 years for the Democrats. During that time there were 3 Republican administrations and 1 Democratic. Each Republican administration ended with a deficit. The Democratic administration ended with a surplus.

Now over the course of the last 2 weeks, I have watched time and time again Republicans get put on the spot while they struggle to answer the tough questions. Yet they continue to essentially hold tight to the mantra of supply side economics. This basically boils down to 2 elements, strong defense spending, and tax cuts for the rich, that will eventually trickle down to help the rest of us. Now all the while espousing fiscal restraint, and limited regulation. This all began in 1980 with the GOP's patron saint of politics Ronald Reagan. He cut taxes for the rich, expanded the defense budget to new highs, and the result was recovery on borrowed money, and a record deficit. Before George H.W. Bush became Reagan's V.P. he called this "Voodoo Economics" a fitting title that still applies today. Then when George H.W. Bush got his shot at the White House with "Read my lips no new taxes"! But 8 years of deficit spending caught up with him, and he did, despite his promise, raise taxes. The result despite the success in the first Gulf War, he lost his job to Bill Clinton. Clinton administrated one of the greatest periods of economic growth in American History, and left office with a budget surplus. Then George W. Bush took the wheel. Household income actually shrank under him. Over 610,000 jobs were lost over his tenure, and he left the Obama administration one of the worst economies since the Great Depression. Lets not forget 2 wars, a medicare prescription drug plan, and 2 big tax cuts for the rich that were not paid for and added 1.2 trillion dollars to the national debt. So much for the party of fiscal responsibility.

Now they stand up and say "stop all this spending"! The people are screaming at the top of their lungs stop the spending!? Where were all these fiscally responsible Republicans when George W. Bush went on his deficit spending rampage? So for the last 4 years they have simply dug in and become the party of "NO". They try to block, filibuster, slow, obstruct, anything and everything the Obama administration puts forward. To say "NO" is not leadership, it's just a hell of alot easier than offering your own ideas. Republican Party leadership across the board will not give us any answers. What programs will you cut to support your tax cuts? Silence. Alan Greenspan former chairman of the Federal Reserve said last week " cuts on borrowed money are unsustainable." Then, "Will you repeal health care reform and financial reform"? Silence. Maintaining a strong defense, the military budget of the United States right now equals the next 10 countries military budgets combined, COMBINED. So will Republicans cut defense? not likely.

So where are the jobs? How do you create them? How will you pay for them? If you repeal health care and financial reform, what will you replace it with? How will you pay for all this? Cut taxes? Really? Knock Knock reality calling, Supply Side Economics doesn't work. You've been pushing it for 30 years and it doesn't work! Get a clue, better yet get some new ideas. You want answers to all these questions? Don't ask a Republican they're not talking. You want to know where the jobs are? Ask George W. Bush, John Boehner, Mike Pence, John McCain, Michael Steele, Eric Cantor, and Tom Price. They're the ones who lost them, now they're going to get them back the same way they lost them? Just one more reason I think we hold the House in November. Big talk, lots of whining, and still no answers.

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