He continued that theme this morning on NBC's Meet The Press. When moderator David Gregory played a clip of President Kennedy's 1960 speech distancing himself from the Catholic church, where he proclaimed an absolute separation between church and state. Santorum responded that was wrong, that in fact religion should drive social policy in American government. He openly admitted that christian religious values should actively dictate public policy. I have never heard a conservative state that flat out. Religion has been touted as personally helpful, a guiding force, a consideration of moral implication, but never before advocated as a driving force in a candidates public policy goals. While some may dismiss this, it underscores the comfort of those on the Right to publicly exclaim this as part of their personal narrative, as a candidate for President of the United States. I believe this is over reach on a gigantic scale, and will do serious damage to Republican efforts to win the White House, it is unprecedented in it's effect.
Just to give you a little perspective hear is what the Constitution says about this:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof:...
That's it folks, that's all the Constitution says about Religion. By promoting an agenda of public policy based on one religion, you automatically create an establishment of religion with-in the state. Not to mention the implied discrimination against those of other religions, or no religion at all. Now you tell me Rick Santorum doesn't want a theocracy? he freely admits it. There is no putting this toothpaste back in the tube.
It doesn't stop there either? Santorum called President Obama "a snob" for saying every American child should be able to go to college. "Why does Obama want everybody to go to college? So his liberal college professors can be indoctrinating people like he has," Santorum actually said this! Then he makes the leap that America's college's and universities are some kind of liberal indoctrination camps? Which totally plays into his contempt for the public school system in America. All his kids were home schooled, he wouldn't dare subject them to the undergraduate and graduate liberal academia, that may somehow contribute to making his children, oh I don't know, free thinkers? His kids are only allowed to believe the narrow dogma, and theological rantings of what he considers acceptable.
How sad for this man, how sad for his children, and how sad for America that in the year 2012, this man is a viable choice to be the Republican nominee for President? This man is out of control, and probably the biggest danger to the United States since NAZI Germany. How's that for a Hitler reference. Here is the really scary thought kids, people who support this man are in every state, in every corner of our country. They like what he's selling, and come November are willing to buy. I know the Left will rally against this wingnut, but this battle is going to be settled by moderates and Independents, will they hear what he's preaching? or will they vote for him because gasoline is $5.00 a gallon? Think about that? Yes, it's the economy stupid, but despite recent gains, people vote their pocketbook. If Rick Santorum is the Republican nominee will that be enough? For a lot of people in this country it will be, and that my friends is dangerous beyond words.
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