Saturday, February 18, 2012

Santorum Social Conservative or Fanatic?

Just when you thought it couldn't get any worse Rick Santorum has gone off the rails. While pandering his special brand of zeal to the Ohio Christian Alliance, Santorum unleashed a barrage of harsh attacks against President Obama today, in an attempt to keep his religious crusade at full throttle. He said of the Presidents agenda, "it’s not about you. It's not about your quality of life. It's not about your jobs. It's about some phony ideal, some phony theology. Oh, not a theology based on the Bible, a different theology, but no less a theology."

You know people, comments like this are not made by mistake. Just like Senator Santorum wanted to maintain some hidden mystery about the Presidents religion when he refused to correct a woman who called him a Muslim, here he attempts to reinforce that mystery, by in some way, invalidating the Presidents faith. Of course he tries to cover up this pile of crap explaining, "In the Christian church there are a lot of different stripes of Christianity," he said. "If the president says he's a Christian, he's a Christian." If I say Rick Santorum is a pious horses ass, he's a pious horses ass. Can you see what's happening here? It's just one more lame attempt to say the President is "Not one of us." He's a Muslim, a socialist, a communist, a NAZI, a Kenyan colonialist, the anti-christ! For Gods sake give it a rest!

The Obama Administration called Santorum's comments, "the latest low in a Republican primary campaign that has been fueled by distortions, ugliness, and searing pessimism and negativity." Did that stop Father Rick? Hell no, when your on a roll, run with it. Santorum rebuffed the Administration by saying, "If you don’t want to call it a theology, I’m fine, you can have them let me know what they want to call it, but it is a different set of moral values that they are imposing on people who have a constitutional right to have their own values within the church, and that’s not a new low. That’s a reflection of exactly what….it is a new low. I should go back, it is a new low. The President has reached a new low in this country’s history of oppressing religious freedom that we have never seen before. If he doesn’t want to call his imposition of his values a theology that’s fine, but it is an imposition of his values over a church who has very clear theological reasons for opposing what the Obama administration is forcing on them.”

He wanted to insure a woman's right to have access to birth control? He's not firing up some secular American Inquisition? He's not the one who wants to legislate what you do in the privacy of your own bedroom?! This kind of rhetoric makes me absolutely mental! Who the hell is Rick Santorum to tell the President, or anybody else, he doesn't pass the Santorum litmus test for what is religiously correct or incorrect? Last I heard we were a democracy, not a theocracy? I respect the fact that the man has serious religious convictions, but don't tell me I'm somehow sub-standard, because I don't live up to the Father Rick Bible Quiz! I mean where does this guy get off?!

Tread lightly Father Rick, that kind of garbage may be foder for your evangelical standard bearers, but nobody wants to have your religion, or any religion rammed down their throat. Least of all by some two bit, second string, conservative windbag like you. You are the worst of worst Senator. Now I know why you lost your Senate seat by 700,000 votes, because of your sanctimonious, judgemental, ungodly proclamations, that show just how Christian you really are.

1 comment:

  1. Personally, I hope he wins th Pub nomination because a raving lunatic will be easier for Obama to beat than a regular lunatic.
