So Father Rick's crusade toward the presidential nomination continues, as he refuses to go quietly into that good night. As for Newt Gingrich, who declared these 2 states as "must wins", his ego once again will not allow him to see the big picture. While his "southern strategy" imploded last night, Gingrich again vowed to fight on. I think despite his great appeal in the south, people there are beginning to realize he simply can't win, no matter how HE spins it. However, while taking very close silvers in both contests last night, he most likely will fade into the ranks of the marginal candidate, only to cultivate 3rd place finishes from here on out. He can continue his delusion of grandeur all he wants, the fact is the final nail went in his coffin last night. Despite his refusal to leave the race, look for Santorum to pick up a bigger slice of what would normally go to Gingrich. A scenario that looks like, for the moment, is going to be the best Santorum can manage in turning this into a 2 man race.
The next state, Missouri will hold its caucus Saturday. Actual delegates will be awarded this time, after February's "beauty contest", I see no reason for the state not to remain in Father Rick's column. Next will be Puerto Rico on Sunday, followed closely by Illinois on Tuesday March 20th. Like Florida, Michigan, and Ohio before it, this is another must win for the "front runner" Romney. Latest polling has Romney with only a 4 point lead, which with a week to go, should give little comfort to the former Massachusetts Governor.
For those of us who follow politics, this is a political junkies wet dream. If only Gingrich would get out of the way, and let Santorum and Romney go head to head. In a 2 man race, Mitt Romney would have a serious problem on his hands, and he knows it. As hard as he tries to push Santorum out of the picture, like a bad dream, with no money, he keeps winning. The fact of the matter is, the evangelical social conservative base is not going to just settle this primary season. If Romney is going to be the inevitable nominee, social conservatives are going to make him pay for every delegate he needs to capture that prize. They don't like him, he doesn't connect with them, and if the establishment is going to try and force a moderate like Romney down their throats, they're going to make him pay for it. End result, a bloodied nominee in Tampa, and more fodder for the President come the general election. The longer this fight goes on, the worse it is for Romney, and I don't see him being able to put this away anytime soon. So the struggle continues, and it the words of Montgomery Burns all I can say is "Excellent".
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