So first, lets look at Romney the man. He has a net worth of 250 Million dollars. He has 5 homes scattered across the country. He is a Mormon, or if you prefer, member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, many media people refer to this as (LDS). Half way through the primary season, he has spent 30 Million dollars on negative campaign ads attacking his opponents, with mixed results. He has outspent his rivals on a massive scale, proving his money can't buy him love. He has a major problem in the south, and among evangelical social conservatives in general. The 2 groups where he has consistently done well are, those who make over 100 Thousand dollars a year, and moderates who do not agree with the Tea Party. He is backed by the Republican establishment, and known in most circles as a fiscal conservative. He has a daunting reputation as a flip flopper, who often takes the position that is politically expedient for the moment.
Personally, he is uncharismatic, almost robotic on the public stage. He gives the impression that his messages are forced, which makes him come off as uncomfortable in his own skin. He is probably one of the worst panderers I have ever seen on the campaign trail. Try as he might, he has failed to connect with regular working class people. For example, you ask him about NASCAR or professional football, and he'll tell you he knows some owners. He makes no apology for his wealth, but hopelessly emphasizes it every time he opens his mouth. He is a 1% candidate, desperate to appeal to the other 99%, and is failing miserably.
So what does HE stand for? Well the major things I found were this. Repeal Obamacare, or as it's known in Washington, The Affordable Health Care Act of 2010. This would allow insurance companies to drop you if you reach a predetermined monetary limit, like a million dollars. It would allow insurance companies to deny you coverage for pre-existing conditions. He would prevent children up to 26 years of age from staying on their parents insurance. He would prevent seniors from getting assistance with their prescription drugs, in what is know as the donut hole. This is just to name a few. Next, cut taxes on the rich, and raise them on the poor.

Third, he would increase defense spending. We currently outspend the next closest 9 nations and then some, COMBINED. See the chart below to see where we rank in the world in defense spending.

So if you cut taxes on the rich, and increase defense spending, want to balance the budget and cut the deficit, where is the money going to come from? Well, he endorses the Ryan plan, which would end Medicare and Social Security as we know it. He also favors overturning Dodd-Frank. This is the bill designed to prevent another Wall Street meltdown. So to sum up, tax breaks for the rich, no regulation for Wall Street, Scrap Health Care reform, destroy Medicare and Social Security. WHERE DO I SIGN! Add in the Republican wars on women's rights and voting rights, and you have quite a platform there. Do they live in 2012, or 1912? In any event, watching Romney struggle to be the standard bearer for all this good news borders on the insane. This is what they're fighting to bring to America in 2012? It's like crashing your car before the race. Sadly, there are a lot of people who embrace this message even if it runs contrary to their own personal interests, but after all that is what Republicans do best, that and trying to scare the crap out of you. Republicans always have a boogie man just around the corner, but don't look for him, he's not there.
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