The king of gaffs, has now been out done by one of his political advisers, with devastating results. It is these type of ongoing missteps that continue to rob Romney's momentum. After a big win, he can't even escape a 24 hour news cycle without having the air let out of his balloon.
Why does this particular gaff carry ten times the power of his previous ones? I'll explain. Romney has struggled to connect with social conservatives, who don't like him personally, and basically don't trust him. He has had a terrible time trying to define his message, (whatever that is), to an electorate that is voting more against Obama, than it is for Romney. He already has a reputation for being disingenuous, pandering to groups while attempting to hit the political talking points they want to hear, regardless of what he may think on the issue.
Now take all these problems, and all the progress he has struggled to make on them in speeches, debates, interviews, rallies, and press events, and throw them all out the window. The new message is don't pay any attention what I'm telling you now, because come the general election, I'll just shake my Etch-A-Sketch, and all my previous comments and campaign rhetoric will be wiped clean. What more proof do you need to see, to recognize this man will do or say anything to become President? He has a side for every argument, and if you don't like it, he'll just shake his Etch-A-Sketch until you hear what you want to hear.
This man is most likely going to be the Republican nominee for President. He is bland, out of touch, uninspiring, and lies more than any man I've ever seen in politics. If you don't like what he has to say, like a train, a new position will come down the tracks shortly. He is a political amoeba, with no spine, or ideological core. This Etch-A-Sketch comment is going to stick to him like flypaper, and the more he fights to free himself, the worse it will be. For a candidate that has 65% of his own party wanting to press the "Reset Button" on him, this was a major blunder. Whatever political capital Mitt Romney had built up to this moment is now GONE, and that my friends is a big problem for Mitt Romney.
Great entry! But isn't it true that NOBODY really believes a word he says anyway?!! I mean - don't people already realize,we can't trust what this guy says, but we want him to just beat Obama? I wonder if this message was already loud and clear even before this latest gaffe.