Mitt Romney picked up several luke warm endorsements last week. Namely from former President George H.W. Bush, Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL), and Congressman Paul Ryan (R-WI), author of the famed draconian Republican legislation that bears his name. Romney showed his support for the "Ryan Budget" which would destroy Medicare and Social Security as we know it. The plan would cost seniors an extra $6000 dollars a year, replace Medicare with a voucher program, slash Medicaid programs potentially kicking 14 Million people out of the system, dismantle the foundations of Social Security, as it currently exists, and give a $187,000 tax break to the rich. In addition to his support for Ryan, he voiced support for embattled Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker, who is facing a recall election in the coming months.
Romney was on the campaign trail in Wisconsin, which holds its primary this coming Tuesday. The latest polling has Romney leading in the badger state, anywhere from 5 to 10 points, against his closest rival Rick Santorum. Many believe the state is a must win for Santorum, but despite that, win or lose, the former Pennsylvania Senator has vowed to stay in the race until Romney gets the 1,144 delegates needed to win the nomination. So it is distinctly possible the Republican nominating fight will continue well into the final primaries in June.
Let's not forget Governor Romney's gaff of the week. The latest came last Thursday when he unprompted, decided to share an anecdote he described as "humorous." For those who missed the episode and can't watch clips online, the gist of the story is that Romney's father shut down an auto factory in Michigan, and moved production to Wisconsin. The "humorous" part came later, when George Romney's political strategists didn't want a marching band playing "On, Wisconsin" during a Michigan gubernatorial campaign because it might remind voters of the closed factory. Because nothings funnier than joking about shutting down production at a Michigan auto plant and laying off its workers.
The former Massachusetts Governor has a 34% overall approval rating, has a double digit gap against him with women voters, and in the ever growing Hispanic community, has a 70% disapproval rating. He continues to flounder in his attempts to connect on any level, has captured a universal persona of being disingenuous, out of touch, and an out write liar. As long as Rick Santorum continues to nip at his heals, he can't close the deal until he does reach that magic number of 1,144. So with Santorum in for the long haul, even if Romney sweeps the 3 contests on Tuesday, the battle goes on. I'm not sure it's possible to run for President and keep your mouth shut, but if ever there was a candidate that needs to do it, it's Mitt Romney.
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