Thursday, September 13, 2012

Mitt Romney International Man Of Mystery

I'm not even sure where to begin here, but lets just say Mitt Romney has just introduced us to one more reason NOT to vote for him. In the past two days several of our embassies in the middle east have come under attack. The most notable in Cairo Egypt, and Benghazi Libya where our embassy was burned, and we lost four foreign service workers, including the U.S. Ambassador to Libya. Today our embassy in Yemen came under attack, and protests continued in Egypt. In all, eleven middle eastern countries held protests of some kind. All sparked by an Internet video that was intensely offensive to Islam, and the Muslim world in general.

Now before all the facts were in, the brilliant team of neo-con political guru's in the Romney campaign saw an opportunity for some cheap political points, and attacked the President for sympathizing with the attackers, and apologizing for America. Neither of which is true, but what can we expect from a campaign that won't be "hindered by fact checkers"? So Romney makes the attack BEFORE the assault on the Libyan embassy, that killed our ambassador. Most rational people would say step back, cool your jets, but not Mitt Romney, there's not an apologetic bone in his pathetic body. So what does he do? While the nation morns the loss of our ambassador and his comrades who gave their lives in service to the country, he doubles down on his non-sense about apologizing for America. Even conservatives were wringing their hands at Romney's comments, with the exception of RNC chair Reince Priebus (who is a collosal ass hat anyway).

This is a man who thinks our most dangerous geo-political enemy is Russia? This summer he took a three nation tour of Great Britain, Israel, and Poland. He insulted the Brits two days before the London Olymipics were about to start, saying he didn't think they looked ready, insulted the Palestinians while trying to kiss Israel's ass, and stumbled through Poland, which by the end had him begging for terra firma in the good ole' US of A. The man is war monger, happy to start dropping bombs on anybody who doesn't like our values. Let me tell you something, we don't have that many bombs! He's quick to shove our armed services into another war, while having no concept of what that might entail? The man is a complete novice in foreign affairs, and his buddy Ryan is about as well schooled as he is on the subject. He even admits that in matters regarding the military, he would defer to the experts and the generals. He may think corporations are people, but America is no corporation. You can't outsource American foriegn policy, or delegate our military to some focus group? Do you really want Romney as our Commander-in Chief? Granted Obama didn't have any foreign policy experience, but Joe Biden brought twenty eight years of foreign policy experience with him. Its like a bad Dr. Seuss book, Thing 1 and Thing 2 trash the world in 80 days.

For a man whose strategy is to blame Obama, avoid specifics, and outright lie to the American people, it proves one thing, American isn't a one trick pony. He wants to concentrate on jobs and the economy because that's all he's got in his bag, as was so painfully demostrated this week. There are many facets to running the worlds only superpower, and when you have to constantly lie, and double down on absurd statements like the one he made this week, you start to reek of desperation; and that my friends is a smell that doesn't come out.

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