Friday, September 7, 2012

The Republican Right Is Just Wrong

It is no big surprise that I thought the Democratic National Convention was much better than their Republican counterparts, but then again most pundits seem to agree. It doesn't appear that the Romney-Ryan ticket got any bump from their convention, and it is unclear as yet if the Democrats have made any gains. So with the respective delegates back home, the final stretch has begun. The last real fights will come at the three Presidential, and one Vice Presidential debates all slated to begin in October.

So what kind of impressions were made by the two parties? The Republicans seemed stiff, not cohesive, and fell short on explaining a road map for the future. While Democrats also fell short on a vision of what comes next, they were better prepared, and the atmosphere in Charlotte was much lighter than the stoic pronouncements from Tampa.

Republicans tried real hard to paint a reactionary vision of America that really only exists in their own alternate universe. They clamor to project our military might in yet two more countries in the middle east, (Syria and Iran), while not acknowledging the sacrifices of the soldiers who have ended the war in Iraq, and are ending the war in Afghanistan. For a group who loves to wrap themselves in the flag as much as they do, I thought that was a disgrace. The nation is war weary, but they still want to pick a fight with every perceived threat on the block. Neither Romney or Ryan have served in the military, while Ryan touts he "voted to send people to war..." its a little different being one of the brave men and women who defend our country at the whim of his vote. American foreign policy isn't akin to a game of RISK where you push pieces of plastic around a map, Mr. Ryan votes and people die, and the same goes for Romney. Mitt Romney has surrounded himself with a group of hard core neo-cons that love to saber rattle, and beat their chests at every country in the world that looks at us crooked. I hardly think Romney's business experience, and Ryans war votes qualify them to tackle our foreign policy, especially when Mitt Romney thinks our biggest geo-political enemy is Russia? News Flash: The Cold War ended twenty years ago, maybe he's spent to much time looking at Russia from Sarah Palin's house?

Republicans talk about community, but its a gated community. They say if you just work hard enough you can be a member of the club, but they aren't taking any new members. Corporations are people, take responsibility for yourself, no matter what hand life has dealt you, show us your papers, there is a boogie man behind every tree who wants to kill babies, destroy the sanctity of your "real" marriage, take your home, your money, and your house. They want to take your gun, crush your religion, and steal your"Freedom". At the same time they want to take control of a woman's right to choose, while in the same breath warn us about death panels? They talk about legitimate rape, while giving Fourteenth Amendment rights to an embryo? Everything is something to be afraid of, and government tops the list. Why is government good when it lets you bring a gun into a bar? Why is government good when it forces women to undergo invasive and unnecessary procedures in order to get a legal abortion? Why is it good government to call America a christian nation, and force prayer in public schools, when the Constitution says otherwise? The Republican Party is a walking contradiction, filled with coded language they think only they can understand. It's like saying they are invisable, but everyone can see what they're doing. I will close para-phrasing from a book consevatives just love. Observe all the Republicans and be careful to do everything they tell you, but do not use their example as your guide, for they do not practice what they preach.

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