Well the real voting is about to begin for Republicans, just 4 days away from the Iowa Caucus's. Yet the field remains wide open, and it will most likely not solidify until to voting begins on Tuesday. As predicted, Newt Gingrich has dropped like a rock, withering from the weight of his personal, and political past. As the only social conservative not to have taken the lead yet, Rick Santorum is now surging, but like his social conservative rivals Michelle Bachmann, and Rick Perry, they are fracturing that vote. Which leaves us with Ron Paul's die hards, and Mitt Romney's establishment voters.
However, there is something brewing late in the game that my prove interesting. Many of the pundits left, and right, have been quick to ring the death nell for Iowa as the first contest in the nation. Its mostly white, evangelical, agrarian communities are not representative of the nation as a whole, and many are calling for Iowa to relinquish it top spot. This has not fallen on deaf ears in Iowa, and its people are anxious to remain relevant. So late in the game, many people are concentrating on picking a President, not a candidate. The thought being I like him/her, but can they win?
This has produced a bit of a bump for Romney, as people begin to realize, despite all his shortcomings, he is going to be the nominee. Exhausted social conservatives who still can't embrace Romney, will probably go for Santorum, and the wack-a-doodle libertarians will vote for Paul. The question is will Iowa voters come around to Romney fast enough to snatch victory away from Ron Paul? It's hard to say, check with the Des Monies Register's Poll due out Saturday night, it has been a pretty reliable tell tale of how the caucuses pan out.
If Mitt Romney pulls out a win in Iowa, a state that until recently he gave little credence, he will be well on his way to the nomination. He has New Hampshire locked up, and even a challenge from Gingrich in South Carolina won't slow his momentum. As Gingrich continues to implode with each passing day, he my be out of the picture by the time South Carolina rolls around. Gingrich himself has called South Carolina his Waterloo, question is will he be able to take the field when the battle comes? So will Iowans vote their principals or the inevitable? Tune in Tuesday, it should prove interesting.
Friday, December 30, 2011
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Republicans Prove You Can't Fool All Of The People, All Of The Time
So here we are 3 days from the Christmas holiday, and once again Republicans have walked out on the American people, and the middle class. We've seen this movie before time and time again. This summer during the debt crisis, Republicans walked out. The Presidents jobs bill, Republicans walked out. Now 9 days before years end, and a tax increase looming for 160 Million Americans, the Republicans have walked out again. Once again House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) looks like a horses ass because he seems united with Senate leaders on a deal, and then the Tea Party people pull the rug out from under him. He has no control over his own Republican Caucus, which has once again put the Speaker in a tough spot. The latest softball Republicans have turned into a pumpkin, is the payroll tax extension, and unemployment benefits extension, but to be fair lets start at the beginning.
Just 2 weeks ago House Republicans didn't want a payroll tax extension. In fact, they passed a bill that was riddled with items they knew Democrats wouldn't accept. Finally, the Senate works out a bill that passes 89-10 to extend the payroll tax cut and unemployment insurance into the new year, but House Republicans balked. Why? Because the payroll tax cut is working. Unemployment is under 9% and economic growth is weak, but steady, and they know passing this bill will help Obama, and the economy. They have put all their chips into the theory that if you sink the ship, the captain (Obama) will go down with it. They could care less about the middle class, all they want is to get Obama out of the White House, the people and the country be damned. They are so wrapped up in their principles, they have lost the ability to govern, and forgotten what they do should be for the people.
So John Boehner sits at a big table and says lets have a conference committee to iron out the details. When 90% of the Senate and %80 of Senate Republicans already approved this bill, it shouldn't need a conference committee. You can't get this Congress to agree the sky is blue with %90, let alone a tax cut. Republicans are always screaming for tax cuts, whats the problems here? These cuts don't help their constituency, corporations, big business, and the rich. These tax cuts are for working people in the middle class, so they could care less how this effects the country. Well the House Republicans aren't fooling anybody this time, the people are tired of the political games and brinkmanship, they want action. Is it any wonder Congressional approval is at 11%, the lowest ever! Oh by the way, the 8 people Boehner picked to compromise this bill in committee ALL VOTED AGAINST IT ORIGINALLY.
So if your a family making $50,000 a year, $40 a week EXTRA is coming out of your paycheck every 2 weeks starting January 1st. We get the shaft, and the Republicans have their principals. So during this holiday season, remember who gave you the gift of hardship, during already hard times, your friends the Republicans. A gift that will give the whole year through, just remember you can return the favor next November when you can send all these principled Republicans packing.
Just 2 weeks ago House Republicans didn't want a payroll tax extension. In fact, they passed a bill that was riddled with items they knew Democrats wouldn't accept. Finally, the Senate works out a bill that passes 89-10 to extend the payroll tax cut and unemployment insurance into the new year, but House Republicans balked. Why? Because the payroll tax cut is working. Unemployment is under 9% and economic growth is weak, but steady, and they know passing this bill will help Obama, and the economy. They have put all their chips into the theory that if you sink the ship, the captain (Obama) will go down with it. They could care less about the middle class, all they want is to get Obama out of the White House, the people and the country be damned. They are so wrapped up in their principles, they have lost the ability to govern, and forgotten what they do should be for the people.
So John Boehner sits at a big table and says lets have a conference committee to iron out the details. When 90% of the Senate and %80 of Senate Republicans already approved this bill, it shouldn't need a conference committee. You can't get this Congress to agree the sky is blue with %90, let alone a tax cut. Republicans are always screaming for tax cuts, whats the problems here? These cuts don't help their constituency, corporations, big business, and the rich. These tax cuts are for working people in the middle class, so they could care less how this effects the country. Well the House Republicans aren't fooling anybody this time, the people are tired of the political games and brinkmanship, they want action. Is it any wonder Congressional approval is at 11%, the lowest ever! Oh by the way, the 8 people Boehner picked to compromise this bill in committee ALL VOTED AGAINST IT ORIGINALLY.
So if your a family making $50,000 a year, $40 a week EXTRA is coming out of your paycheck every 2 weeks starting January 1st. We get the shaft, and the Republicans have their principals. So during this holiday season, remember who gave you the gift of hardship, during already hard times, your friends the Republicans. A gift that will give the whole year through, just remember you can return the favor next November when you can send all these principled Republicans packing.
Friday, December 16, 2011
Is Presidential Hopeful Newt Gingrich For Real
After careful consideration the answer is "No". So why does he have commanding leads in Iowa, South Carolina, and Florida? It's because he is just another flavor of the month for the Republican faithful. He is getting a closer look, because he is peaking just as the real voting is about to begin. Why is he on fire right now? Simple, for the same reason Trump, Bachmann, Perry, and Cain were on fire before him, he excites the extreme right. As I have said many times before, the hard core, right wing, social conservative Tea Party types are so angry, they are desperate for a fighter that can take Obama to the political woodshed. Bill Clinton felt our pain, Newt Gingrich feels their anger, and they love it.
The problem is, while he is ruby red meat for the right, he is toxic to the center, and therefore unelectable. Conservatives are still screaming for anyone but Romney, and simply can't bring themselves to embrace the fact that he is their best chance to win next November. In a recent NBC/WSJ Poll, 50% of those polled would not vote for Gingrich under any circumstance, %50! Independent voters have a big problem with Newt Gingrich too, and without Independents you cannot win the White House.
He is well versed, but unpredictable, outspoken, yet abrasive, a fresh breeze for the right, and a cold wind for the rest of us. He has made a very disciplined effort to keep his cool, and not fight fire with fire. He has resisted any and all efforts to show his true self to voters, a real task, considering his not so distant past has plenty of examples. However, he cannot escape that past, one that since 1994 has rubbed a lot of people in Washington the wrong way. Those that knew him and served with him in Congress, and those that have long carried the banner for the conservative media (with the exception of FOX), all remember the arrogant former speaker who was ousted by his own party. In fact, they are in a panic at the prospect of a Gingrich nomination, and are saying so with alarming urgency. The Republican establishment is scared to death of Newt Gingrich, because the last candidate to cry "...extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice." lost by a landslide. My apology's to Barry Goldwater, who would be spinning like a lathe at the current Republican Party.
I submit to you that by the end of January, and probably sooner, Gingrich's star will have gone the way of those that came before him. He is morally bankrupt, ethically challenged, touts ideas way outside the mainstream of America, and is so pretentious as to make you cringe when he speaks. He has no political organization to speak of, and is not equipped to carry his somewhat twisted vision to the masses. He is leading in the Iowa polls, but it's a caucus. He does not have the boots on the ground to turn that into a victory. My money is on Ron Paul to win Iowa, but let's face it while Iowa is the first in the nation contest, it's last in predicting who will be President. So for all the media hype and attention Iowa draws, politically it's a non-starter for whoever wins there. The Republican right is running out of alternatives to Mitt Romney, and unless they draft someone at the convention, which won't happen, Romney is going to be the man. The question now is, can the hard right take him for real?
The problem is, while he is ruby red meat for the right, he is toxic to the center, and therefore unelectable. Conservatives are still screaming for anyone but Romney, and simply can't bring themselves to embrace the fact that he is their best chance to win next November. In a recent NBC/WSJ Poll, 50% of those polled would not vote for Gingrich under any circumstance, %50! Independent voters have a big problem with Newt Gingrich too, and without Independents you cannot win the White House.
He is well versed, but unpredictable, outspoken, yet abrasive, a fresh breeze for the right, and a cold wind for the rest of us. He has made a very disciplined effort to keep his cool, and not fight fire with fire. He has resisted any and all efforts to show his true self to voters, a real task, considering his not so distant past has plenty of examples. However, he cannot escape that past, one that since 1994 has rubbed a lot of people in Washington the wrong way. Those that knew him and served with him in Congress, and those that have long carried the banner for the conservative media (with the exception of FOX), all remember the arrogant former speaker who was ousted by his own party. In fact, they are in a panic at the prospect of a Gingrich nomination, and are saying so with alarming urgency. The Republican establishment is scared to death of Newt Gingrich, because the last candidate to cry "...extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice." lost by a landslide. My apology's to Barry Goldwater, who would be spinning like a lathe at the current Republican Party.
I submit to you that by the end of January, and probably sooner, Gingrich's star will have gone the way of those that came before him. He is morally bankrupt, ethically challenged, touts ideas way outside the mainstream of America, and is so pretentious as to make you cringe when he speaks. He has no political organization to speak of, and is not equipped to carry his somewhat twisted vision to the masses. He is leading in the Iowa polls, but it's a caucus. He does not have the boots on the ground to turn that into a victory. My money is on Ron Paul to win Iowa, but let's face it while Iowa is the first in the nation contest, it's last in predicting who will be President. So for all the media hype and attention Iowa draws, politically it's a non-starter for whoever wins there. The Republican right is running out of alternatives to Mitt Romney, and unless they draft someone at the convention, which won't happen, Romney is going to be the man. The question now is, can the hard right take him for real?
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Why Mitt Romney Is Going To Win The Republican Nomination
As we come down to the beginning of the Republican primary season, only two men seem to be standing upright when the real voting begins roughly 30 days from now. Let see what Republicans are working with, and what we can look forward to as the first contest approaches. First, lets look at 2008 to see who carried what then.
The maps are described as follows Dark Red Won, Light Red 2nd, Cream 3rd or Lower, Black No Data Available.
Lets first look at the overall winner John McCain who I think it is fair to say represented the Republican establishment, before the rise of the Tea Party's influence. He won most of the states, with a few exceptions, that would be considered home to the mainstream Republican Party.

Now, the two front runners fighting for the nomination are Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich. Why will Romney prevail here? Look at the maps again. In 2008, McCain and Romney were for all intents fighting for the same people. Mike Huckabee was fighting for the far right christian conservative voters. They tend to be more volatile, angry, ignorant, birthers, harsh on immigration, against gay rights, against abortion. These are the people who bring guns to political rallies, call Obama a Muslim, a socialist, a communist, (all code for nigger), they want to take America back, (from the nigger), these are the people Newt Gingrich appeals to. He is belligerent, he takes on issues that appeal solely to these people, he has no respect for the mainstream media and points it out at every opportunity. He is intellectual, articulate, and just the kind of pit bull this constituency is looking for to take it to Obama. However, like all candidates he has some glaring flaws as well. He is pompous, arrogant, egotistical, He has been married 3 times. His first wife he left in the midst of cerebral palsy, his second in the midst of cancer, his moral character is extremely damaged. He was the only Speaker of the House to be fined $300,000 for ethics violations. He was forced not only from the speakership, but Congress, by his own beloved Republican Party, and like his opponent has flip-flopped on several issues.
On the reverse we have Mitt Romney, the Republican Republicans love to hate. He has yet to break the 30% mark in any poll, he has captured the die hard silent keepers of mainstream Republican thought, but the Tea Party and evangelical social conservatives can't stand him. They won't say it, but being a Mormon makes them crazy. His political views depend upon the audience to which he is speaking, and or the political expediency that will best serve him at the moment. As a result you have a candidate that has been on every side of every issue, and the media has the videotape to prove it. He is not the darling of Rupert Murdoch's FOX News, who have turned on him in recent days, because they want Gingrich the pit bull. However, what he does have going for him is this: He has a national organization, He has money, and lots of it. He is unoffensive, and much less prone to the gaffs and obnoxious brain farts Gingrich puts out, with much to much frequency. Gingrich has no national organization, he is practically broke and he lives day to day, and the main reason he won't win the nomination, He is an abrasive prima-donna who may fire up the far right, but will quickly turn off the rest of the country, including Independents.
Take a look at the maps again. Romney gets his old states along with McCain's plus or minus. Gingrich gets Huckabee's states plus or minus, it's no contest. The best part is that the Republicans will have a nominee that they don't like, or better can't stand. The last time they had a candidate like that was... well 2008, and we all know how that story ended.
The maps are described as follows Dark Red Won, Light Red 2nd, Cream 3rd or Lower, Black No Data Available.
Lets first look at the overall winner John McCain who I think it is fair to say represented the Republican establishment, before the rise of the Tea Party's influence. He won most of the states, with a few exceptions, that would be considered home to the mainstream Republican Party.

Now, the two front runners fighting for the nomination are Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich. Why will Romney prevail here? Look at the maps again. In 2008, McCain and Romney were for all intents fighting for the same people. Mike Huckabee was fighting for the far right christian conservative voters. They tend to be more volatile, angry, ignorant, birthers, harsh on immigration, against gay rights, against abortion. These are the people who bring guns to political rallies, call Obama a Muslim, a socialist, a communist, (all code for nigger), they want to take America back, (from the nigger), these are the people Newt Gingrich appeals to. He is belligerent, he takes on issues that appeal solely to these people, he has no respect for the mainstream media and points it out at every opportunity. He is intellectual, articulate, and just the kind of pit bull this constituency is looking for to take it to Obama. However, like all candidates he has some glaring flaws as well. He is pompous, arrogant, egotistical, He has been married 3 times. His first wife he left in the midst of cerebral palsy, his second in the midst of cancer, his moral character is extremely damaged. He was the only Speaker of the House to be fined $300,000 for ethics violations. He was forced not only from the speakership, but Congress, by his own beloved Republican Party, and like his opponent has flip-flopped on several issues.
On the reverse we have Mitt Romney, the Republican Republicans love to hate. He has yet to break the 30% mark in any poll, he has captured the die hard silent keepers of mainstream Republican thought, but the Tea Party and evangelical social conservatives can't stand him. They won't say it, but being a Mormon makes them crazy. His political views depend upon the audience to which he is speaking, and or the political expediency that will best serve him at the moment. As a result you have a candidate that has been on every side of every issue, and the media has the videotape to prove it. He is not the darling of Rupert Murdoch's FOX News, who have turned on him in recent days, because they want Gingrich the pit bull. However, what he does have going for him is this: He has a national organization, He has money, and lots of it. He is unoffensive, and much less prone to the gaffs and obnoxious brain farts Gingrich puts out, with much to much frequency. Gingrich has no national organization, he is practically broke and he lives day to day, and the main reason he won't win the nomination, He is an abrasive prima-donna who may fire up the far right, but will quickly turn off the rest of the country, including Independents.
Take a look at the maps again. Romney gets his old states along with McCain's plus or minus. Gingrich gets Huckabee's states plus or minus, it's no contest. The best part is that the Republicans will have a nominee that they don't like, or better can't stand. The last time they had a candidate like that was... well 2008, and we all know how that story ended.
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Some Post Thanksgiving Political Observations
So the plot thickens, a few more debates, a few more gaffs, a new man at the top, lets have a look shall we? First, how many women does it take to get to the tootsie roll center of Herman Cain? One, tahoo, three, four, five, *(CRUNCH)* five. After dismissing 4 women who accused him of sexual harassment enter Ginger White. She claims having a 13 year affair with the former Godfathers CEO. While the harassment charges already had him dying on the vine as his poll numbers plummet, now this latest alligation has him re-evaluating if continuing his campaign is viable. Hey Herman let me save you some time "your finished pack it in, the Cain Train has derailed, forget 9-9-9 call 9-1-1." So much for everybody else being the liar, and that damn liberal media digging these people up. Herman, you've just about tied the moral turpitude of Newt Gingrich congratulations, by the way nice hat.
Rick Perry, How this man has served 10 years as Governor of Texas is totally beyond me. You know why you don't mess with Texas? Because they're all morons. How else do explain this man? A few days ago he not only got the date of the November election wrong, he thought the voting age was 21. How this guy doesn't get laughed off every stage he steps on is the 64 dollar question? Hang it up Tex making arguements that make sense isn't your bag. The man has been reduced to comic releif, he is pityful.
Mitt Romney, the man for all seasons. The man for all issues. The man who will say or do anything to get elected. He has the political conviction of an ameba. His bigger problem is, he can't seem to break the 25% mark anywhere. While he still stands as the best man to face off with the President, Newt Gingrich has caught wind in his sails at just the right moment to give Romney a run for his money; whether he can or not is still to be seen.
Newt Gingrich the new man on top, still has his own baggage to deal with. His 3 wives, his hypocracy of leading a crusade to impeach President Clinton, while he was cheating on his own wife. Divorcing wife #2 while she had cancer, his questionable ethics, his less than stellar moral center, and being run out of the House of Represenatives, and Congress, by his own party. However, he does have a few things going for him. He is a very angry man, he appeals to those on the right who are pissed off all the time. He is articulate and a good debater. he is not easily rattled by the media, and would be the kind of pitbull conservatives want to take on Obama next year. Yet, when cornered on an issue or arguement he has no answer for, he crumbles quickly. When matched against the President he does much worse than Romney.
So just some thoughts, the next debate is December 10, they are painful to watch, but remember Iowa is only a month away. So send in the clowns and lets get this party started. ...enjoy!
Rick Perry, How this man has served 10 years as Governor of Texas is totally beyond me. You know why you don't mess with Texas? Because they're all morons. How else do explain this man? A few days ago he not only got the date of the November election wrong, he thought the voting age was 21. How this guy doesn't get laughed off every stage he steps on is the 64 dollar question? Hang it up Tex making arguements that make sense isn't your bag. The man has been reduced to comic releif, he is pityful.
Mitt Romney, the man for all seasons. The man for all issues. The man who will say or do anything to get elected. He has the political conviction of an ameba. His bigger problem is, he can't seem to break the 25% mark anywhere. While he still stands as the best man to face off with the President, Newt Gingrich has caught wind in his sails at just the right moment to give Romney a run for his money; whether he can or not is still to be seen.
Newt Gingrich the new man on top, still has his own baggage to deal with. His 3 wives, his hypocracy of leading a crusade to impeach President Clinton, while he was cheating on his own wife. Divorcing wife #2 while she had cancer, his questionable ethics, his less than stellar moral center, and being run out of the House of Represenatives, and Congress, by his own party. However, he does have a few things going for him. He is a very angry man, he appeals to those on the right who are pissed off all the time. He is articulate and a good debater. he is not easily rattled by the media, and would be the kind of pitbull conservatives want to take on Obama next year. Yet, when cornered on an issue or arguement he has no answer for, he crumbles quickly. When matched against the President he does much worse than Romney.
So just some thoughts, the next debate is December 10, they are painful to watch, but remember Iowa is only a month away. So send in the clowns and lets get this party started. ...enjoy!
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Republican Over-Reach May Energize The Left For 2012
This last Tuesday was an off year election that produced some challenges for conservatives. In a number of states, attempts by Republicans to solidify their agenda against the middle class met some serious push back. In Arizona, State Senate President Russell Pearce author of the states hard line immigration law was ousted in a recall election. In Maine, voters repealed a law requiring voters to enroll at least two days before an election, restoring a four-decade policy of allowing registrations as late as Election Day. In big red Mississippi, a measure to declare life at the point of conception was defeated, in the pro-life lobby's most recent attempt to undermine Roe v. Wade. The measure not only would have made abortion illegal in all circumstances, it would have seriously hindered couples seeking a family through invetro-fertilisation, as well as other similar technologies. Finally, in Ohio the vote Tuesday night to repealed a Republican-backed law that restricted collective bargaining for public workers, was a victory for Democrats and labor organizers both nationally and in the state. Issue 2 as it was known, was repealed by a whopping 62 to 38 percent. New challenges for the right lie ahead. In Wisconsin, Republican Governor Scott Walker will be facing a recall election shortly after the first of the year, after his attack on public employees and labor there. Earlier this year 2 Republican State Senators were recalled, one short of Democrats retaking control of the legislature.
If any of this portends a message, I'd say people are tired of being dumped on by the big money interests that are the driving force behind Republican efforts. The increased tensions in cities large and small nationwide, perpetuated by the "Occupy" movement has led to increased clashes with police, and lets say some weak attempts to poison the movement by some local government officials. I think it fair to say the "Occupy" movement is here to stay, and the longer it stays, the more focus it will bring to the rights attempts to keep stepping on the neck of the middle class.
The Republican field for President doesn't help matters. You have Herman Cain who is fighting sexual harassment allegations. Mitt Romney who has covered every side of every issue, which undermines his political integrity on every issue. Rick Perry who can't remember his own talking points in a debate, goes hunting on his "niggerhead ranch" and with each passing breath reveals himself as the clueless rube he really is. Newt Gingrich who thinks he's the intellectual leader of the conservative world, with the moral integrity of a man who walks away from his dying wife with cancer. Michelle Bachmann whose whole campaign is repeal Obamacare. Their base cheers executions, cheers letting uninsured people die, boos gay soldiers on active duty, and boos women who bring sexual harassment claims against their candidates. The whole group is completely out of touch with reality. They lie away the facts, back up there policy ideas with bogus information, and as a party since 2010, have effectively shut down the legislative branch of government. Will somebody tell me what the appeal is here? At any rate the mood of the country is shifting, and it's not in their direction, the people are fed up... and it's about time.
If any of this portends a message, I'd say people are tired of being dumped on by the big money interests that are the driving force behind Republican efforts. The increased tensions in cities large and small nationwide, perpetuated by the "Occupy" movement has led to increased clashes with police, and lets say some weak attempts to poison the movement by some local government officials. I think it fair to say the "Occupy" movement is here to stay, and the longer it stays, the more focus it will bring to the rights attempts to keep stepping on the neck of the middle class.
The Republican field for President doesn't help matters. You have Herman Cain who is fighting sexual harassment allegations. Mitt Romney who has covered every side of every issue, which undermines his political integrity on every issue. Rick Perry who can't remember his own talking points in a debate, goes hunting on his "niggerhead ranch" and with each passing breath reveals himself as the clueless rube he really is. Newt Gingrich who thinks he's the intellectual leader of the conservative world, with the moral integrity of a man who walks away from his dying wife with cancer. Michelle Bachmann whose whole campaign is repeal Obamacare. Their base cheers executions, cheers letting uninsured people die, boos gay soldiers on active duty, and boos women who bring sexual harassment claims against their candidates. The whole group is completely out of touch with reality. They lie away the facts, back up there policy ideas with bogus information, and as a party since 2010, have effectively shut down the legislative branch of government. Will somebody tell me what the appeal is here? At any rate the mood of the country is shifting, and it's not in their direction, the people are fed up... and it's about time.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
The American Political Reform Act
Never heard of it? Well your about to, it is my three part solution to give power back to the people. We are supposed to be a democracy, sadly that definition hasn't applied for some time. So here are three common sense ideas to give the government back to the people.
First, Total reform of the way money currently influences our political system. Legislation is needed to destroy the impact of the "Citizens United" case. Any business, manufacturing, corporate, or labor organization should not be recognized as "people" and thus be banned from contributing to political campaigns, candidates, or media produced on their behalf. Therefore, lobbying efforts by all those entities listed would also be considered illegal. Any private attempt to promote a campaign, candidate, or party organization by political action committees, would be severely limited to a pre set maximum amount not to exceed 1 million dollars, and be subject to full disclosure of who contributed what, when, where, and how. This would also include but not be limited to trips, air travel, hotel accommodations, or any perks of monetary value given to members of Congress for political favor which would be considered a major breach of ethics and an impeachable offense under the law. Individual citizens political donations would be capped at $1000. Both campaigns would function under equal public funds to be determined and administered by the Federal Elections Committee.
Second, The drawing of Congressional districts every 10 years according to the U.S. Census, and as dictated in the Constitution, would be removed from the state legislatures and given to a politically independent organization. This body would be bound to create as many politically competitive districts as possible within each given state. This body would be totally free of any arbitrary action by the individual state legislatures, or the Governor, and when completed would give their maps to the Federal Election Committee, who would notify the state of its new districts. This undermines the spoils system, and eliminates gerrymandering which has allowed the same people to be elected over and over again.
Third, A cloture vote in the Senate should be changed from 3/5ths or 60 votes, to a simple majority of 51 votes. This rule has been abused by both parties (but most recently Republicans), and is a systemic indictment of the gridlock we currently have in Washington. The intransigence of the Tea Party Republicans has effectively shut down the nations ability to legislate. It has become a political tool that has become initiated in situations that would have been unheard of a just 20 years ago.
Simple enough don't you think? If it was ever introduced you would probably hear the screams at your house from Washington. The point I guess I'm trying to make is this, there is to much dirty money, lack of competition, and hand shackling rules in our political system. While this may fly in the face of some of you political purists who think the founders got it right, I would tend to agree. However, it only works when you have a level of civility in your political discourse, it worked for about 220 years, but the civility is gone now, and I don't see it coming back anytime soon. At any rate I hope this made you think a little bit about what we as citizens are up against, discouraging as it may be. The "Occupy" groups are on to something, lets hope they thrive long enough to effect some positive changes that we as a nation desperately need.
First, Total reform of the way money currently influences our political system. Legislation is needed to destroy the impact of the "Citizens United" case. Any business, manufacturing, corporate, or labor organization should not be recognized as "people" and thus be banned from contributing to political campaigns, candidates, or media produced on their behalf. Therefore, lobbying efforts by all those entities listed would also be considered illegal. Any private attempt to promote a campaign, candidate, or party organization by political action committees, would be severely limited to a pre set maximum amount not to exceed 1 million dollars, and be subject to full disclosure of who contributed what, when, where, and how. This would also include but not be limited to trips, air travel, hotel accommodations, or any perks of monetary value given to members of Congress for political favor which would be considered a major breach of ethics and an impeachable offense under the law. Individual citizens political donations would be capped at $1000. Both campaigns would function under equal public funds to be determined and administered by the Federal Elections Committee.
Second, The drawing of Congressional districts every 10 years according to the U.S. Census, and as dictated in the Constitution, would be removed from the state legislatures and given to a politically independent organization. This body would be bound to create as many politically competitive districts as possible within each given state. This body would be totally free of any arbitrary action by the individual state legislatures, or the Governor, and when completed would give their maps to the Federal Election Committee, who would notify the state of its new districts. This undermines the spoils system, and eliminates gerrymandering which has allowed the same people to be elected over and over again.
Third, A cloture vote in the Senate should be changed from 3/5ths or 60 votes, to a simple majority of 51 votes. This rule has been abused by both parties (but most recently Republicans), and is a systemic indictment of the gridlock we currently have in Washington. The intransigence of the Tea Party Republicans has effectively shut down the nations ability to legislate. It has become a political tool that has become initiated in situations that would have been unheard of a just 20 years ago.
Simple enough don't you think? If it was ever introduced you would probably hear the screams at your house from Washington. The point I guess I'm trying to make is this, there is to much dirty money, lack of competition, and hand shackling rules in our political system. While this may fly in the face of some of you political purists who think the founders got it right, I would tend to agree. However, it only works when you have a level of civility in your political discourse, it worked for about 220 years, but the civility is gone now, and I don't see it coming back anytime soon. At any rate I hope this made you think a little bit about what we as citizens are up against, discouraging as it may be. The "Occupy" groups are on to something, lets hope they thrive long enough to effect some positive changes that we as a nation desperately need.
Sunday, October 30, 2011
We Need To Re-Invent The American Community
In the midst of this high stakes political season there is something missing from mix that desperately needs to be added. We as individual Americans need to take more stock in the political personalities, and policies that help define our individual lives, and communities. So many people have disengaged from the political process because of its inherent dysfunctional nature. The fact of the matter is we as a people, as a national community, need to be engaged now more than ever. Some of this comes from an unwillingness born of frustration, but more often than not, is the result of a general inability to comprehend the issues in a way that they can see the effects in there daily lives. As increasing cuts to education across the board contributes to an already wanting educational system nation wide, it begs the question of what this portends for our future as a nation? In the era of political polarization, where black and white has considerably shrunk the gray areas of our political discourse, now more than ever we need to abandon our labels of left or right, conservative or liberal, and simply be Americans again. There was a time when the primary label people associated with themselves was "American" not Republican or Democrat, those labels were secondary. It was in this era that compromise was possible, and the work of the people was the foremost imperative. It wasn't that long ago, but the increasing influence of rich and big money interests has undermined this. We need to be an American community again, and we need to do it now.
Is it to late? Honestly, I'm not sure. Like global warming the actions being taken now, may be to late to avert a major disaster in our future. If we use history as our guide, the prospect does not look promising, I'll give you some examples. Several of the current or former Republican candidates who are running now, or had run in the past offer this. Sarah Palin thought Paul Revere rode to warn the British. Michelle Bachmann thought Lexington and Concord was fought in New Hampshire, and that the founding fathers abolished slavery. Rick Perry thought the United States was founded in the 1500's. Ron Paul thinks the Constitutions sole purpose was to restrain the Federal Government. How do they get away with comments like this, even after media attention? Because the bulk of the American electorate doesn't know any better. These people are/were running to become President of the United States, don't you think they should know the basic fundamentals of our history, and the proper interpretation of our Constitution?
This week on the news I watched as some iphone service provider held a contest for pre-teens on who could be the fastest texter. There were several contestants, but only one winner, a young lady from someplace in the midwest. Her prize, $50,000. What a fitting commentary to prove my point. We give young people who travel through the world with their heads down, tapping out how they just arrived at the mall, $50,000. In the meantime, Republicans block time and again, the Presidents Job Bill which would hire more teachers and other public employees. We are raising a generation of social media savvy intellectual illiterates. Is this the best we can do? There are thousands of jobs in this country right now, that can't be filled, because they can't find the people with the skills needed to fill them. The American community we need, needs education. Without it the American Dream will continue to slip away from the increasing ranks of people who don't know, or worse, don't want to know. John F. Kennedy said "The ignorance of one voter in a democracy impairs the security of all." Stop, take a look around, become aware of what others would do to obstruct your life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness, your country depends on it.
Is it to late? Honestly, I'm not sure. Like global warming the actions being taken now, may be to late to avert a major disaster in our future. If we use history as our guide, the prospect does not look promising, I'll give you some examples. Several of the current or former Republican candidates who are running now, or had run in the past offer this. Sarah Palin thought Paul Revere rode to warn the British. Michelle Bachmann thought Lexington and Concord was fought in New Hampshire, and that the founding fathers abolished slavery. Rick Perry thought the United States was founded in the 1500's. Ron Paul thinks the Constitutions sole purpose was to restrain the Federal Government. How do they get away with comments like this, even after media attention? Because the bulk of the American electorate doesn't know any better. These people are/were running to become President of the United States, don't you think they should know the basic fundamentals of our history, and the proper interpretation of our Constitution?
This week on the news I watched as some iphone service provider held a contest for pre-teens on who could be the fastest texter. There were several contestants, but only one winner, a young lady from someplace in the midwest. Her prize, $50,000. What a fitting commentary to prove my point. We give young people who travel through the world with their heads down, tapping out how they just arrived at the mall, $50,000. In the meantime, Republicans block time and again, the Presidents Job Bill which would hire more teachers and other public employees. We are raising a generation of social media savvy intellectual illiterates. Is this the best we can do? There are thousands of jobs in this country right now, that can't be filled, because they can't find the people with the skills needed to fill them. The American community we need, needs education. Without it the American Dream will continue to slip away from the increasing ranks of people who don't know, or worse, don't want to know. John F. Kennedy said "The ignorance of one voter in a democracy impairs the security of all." Stop, take a look around, become aware of what others would do to obstruct your life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness, your country depends on it.
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Obama's Problems
The first and most lethal threat the President faces at the moment is that he is increasingly being seen as well meaning, but inconsequential. What do I mean by that? In recent weeks the President has taken a much stronger demeanor in attacking Republicans for failing to pass his jobs bill. He is looking at polls showing 16% approval ratings for Congress, that most people blame Republicans for our legislative intransigence, that 63% Support his jobs bill, that 75% agree with taxing the rich. Being backed by those kind of numbers, you would think positive movement toward his arguments would be a given, but they're not. His message, albeit a good one, is not resonating because people realize this is not going to change the current atmosphere in Washington. The "Occupy" movements across this country are a direct result of this. They realize that despite whatever plan, or good intentions the President may offer for jobs, there will be no action. Wall Street got back on their feet and are growing fat, while Main Street continues to suffer. They have come to realize the system is deadlocked, and believe President Obama is either a victim of the Republican House, or not a powerful enough leader to break the impasse. In either case the result is the same, a dramatic loss in confidence that the President can achieve anything with regard to jobs and the economy.
Democrats in general are beginning to look impotent, in spite of the fact they continue to put forward the Presidents jobs bill as a whole, or in parts. Are they winning points with the American people because they try and fail? ...or do they look weak for continuously offering legislation that's going nowhere? Another thing that plays into this is the fact that Republicans are consistently united in their efforts to block everything, while getting Democrats unified is like herding cats. Which again makes the President look weak. The people are not listening to the arguments any more. They don't care who is right or wrong they want ACTION, which is why the President's message is falling short. You can point at a million bridges, roads, schools, teachers, or first responders, but if all you can do is point, the question is moot.
The other increasingly alarming statistics coming out are the fact that Independents in state after state have abandon Obama. In the early primary states Independents have left the President by a consistent margin of 2 to 1. As I've said before without this group, the Presidents hopes for re-election are dim. The amazing thing about all this is that Republicans shoot fast and loose with the facts, stand proud as the party of "NO", and continue to sit back while Rome burns, and the people don't care. Why? Again because they're tired of the arguments, the rhetoric, the politics, the positions, the policies, they want jobs. They want to keep their homes, to feed and educate their children, somehow hold on to that increasingly elusive American Dream that they have been promised, but is slowly eroding away. Unless President Obama can find a way to re-connect with American people, and hand them something tangible, his current message will continue to fall on deaf ears.
Democrats in general are beginning to look impotent, in spite of the fact they continue to put forward the Presidents jobs bill as a whole, or in parts. Are they winning points with the American people because they try and fail? ...or do they look weak for continuously offering legislation that's going nowhere? Another thing that plays into this is the fact that Republicans are consistently united in their efforts to block everything, while getting Democrats unified is like herding cats. Which again makes the President look weak. The people are not listening to the arguments any more. They don't care who is right or wrong they want ACTION, which is why the President's message is falling short. You can point at a million bridges, roads, schools, teachers, or first responders, but if all you can do is point, the question is moot.
The other increasingly alarming statistics coming out are the fact that Independents in state after state have abandon Obama. In the early primary states Independents have left the President by a consistent margin of 2 to 1. As I've said before without this group, the Presidents hopes for re-election are dim. The amazing thing about all this is that Republicans shoot fast and loose with the facts, stand proud as the party of "NO", and continue to sit back while Rome burns, and the people don't care. Why? Again because they're tired of the arguments, the rhetoric, the politics, the positions, the policies, they want jobs. They want to keep their homes, to feed and educate their children, somehow hold on to that increasingly elusive American Dream that they have been promised, but is slowly eroding away. Unless President Obama can find a way to re-connect with American people, and hand them something tangible, his current message will continue to fall on deaf ears.
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Perry And Cain And Romney, Oh My
Upon entering the Republican field Texas Governor Rick Perry rocketed to leader status, and then, he opened his mouth. After quickly taking the top spot he made several controversial comments that he refused to back off on, and then capped them off with four dismal debate performances which dropped him in the polls 20 points. He has subsequently admitted he is a poor debater, (no kidding), and this week introduced his economic policy. You ready for this? Drill for more oil, that's it. I wonder how long it took him to come up with that one, about ten minutes? I can see him now sitting in a big room with a deer head on the wall, in his Nigger Head ranch, stack of "highlights" magazines on the coffee table, polishing his gun, drinking beer with some big oil executives, asking what do think? In return getting a quorum of nodding heads and thumbs up. I've been hearing for a few months now how formidable Rick Perry is a candidate. Well I don't know who these people are, but frankly I don't see it. As a self appointed "poor debater" if he was to go up against President Obama as the Republican nominee next Fall, Obama would eat his lunch. The one thing he has going for him is money. He raised 17 Million dollars last quarter to current leader Herman Cain's 2.3 Million. Which tells me even though he's a rube, he's white, evangelical, and a Tea Party favorite, message be damned.
Herman Cain the new Republican flavor of the month has caught fire with his 9-9-9 Plan, which is a 9% personal income tax, a 9% corporate tax, and a 9% national sales tax. Most economists agree the major flaw is the 9% national sales tax which would hurt poor and middle income people worse than others. There's a shocker, a Republican tax plan that hurts the poor and working class. What happens to that sales tax when you add State and Municipal taxes to it? How about a potential 18% sales tax on a loaf of bread, or better a gallon of gas? It's easy, clear, and transparent, and it sucks! Mr. Cain's current appeal is the fact that he is a Washington outsider, with a simple message. He is personable, articulate, and well prepared against media scrutiny, but now under the spotlight, like Perry, once they decipher what he's really saying will probably go back to the end of the line like Trump, Bachmann, and Perry before him. He has no national organization to speak of, and to be blunt, if you think the Republican party is going to rally around a black man for President of the United States, guess again. So let him have his 15 minutes and lets move on.
Mitt Romney the tortoise who slowly moves toward the nomination, has been static at his high water mark of about 23%. A recent poll of Republicans said they would rather have a candidate that "shares their values" as a opposed to "can beat Obama". More evidence that the Tea Party and social conservatives are reluctantly slogging toward Tampa waiting for Romney to be nominated. Once the Primaries kick in and the field thins the choices will become clearer, but make no mistake Romney polls better against Obama than anyone. This includes new front runner Herman Cain who Obama beats by double digits. The hard right hates Romney, because they are being dragged kicking and screaming to the center because of him. The question is once he is the nominee will that same hard right support him at the polls, or sit home? No matter, its going to take a while for Tea Party and social conservatives to come around, and they will continue to search in vain for a viable alternative to Romney just as long as they can. The problem: the pickings are slim and so are any efforts to undermine Romney in the long run. In the meantime, sit back and enjoy the show. The longer they fight each other, the better for the President.
Herman Cain the new Republican flavor of the month has caught fire with his 9-9-9 Plan, which is a 9% personal income tax, a 9% corporate tax, and a 9% national sales tax. Most economists agree the major flaw is the 9% national sales tax which would hurt poor and middle income people worse than others. There's a shocker, a Republican tax plan that hurts the poor and working class. What happens to that sales tax when you add State and Municipal taxes to it? How about a potential 18% sales tax on a loaf of bread, or better a gallon of gas? It's easy, clear, and transparent, and it sucks! Mr. Cain's current appeal is the fact that he is a Washington outsider, with a simple message. He is personable, articulate, and well prepared against media scrutiny, but now under the spotlight, like Perry, once they decipher what he's really saying will probably go back to the end of the line like Trump, Bachmann, and Perry before him. He has no national organization to speak of, and to be blunt, if you think the Republican party is going to rally around a black man for President of the United States, guess again. So let him have his 15 minutes and lets move on.
Mitt Romney the tortoise who slowly moves toward the nomination, has been static at his high water mark of about 23%. A recent poll of Republicans said they would rather have a candidate that "shares their values" as a opposed to "can beat Obama". More evidence that the Tea Party and social conservatives are reluctantly slogging toward Tampa waiting for Romney to be nominated. Once the Primaries kick in and the field thins the choices will become clearer, but make no mistake Romney polls better against Obama than anyone. This includes new front runner Herman Cain who Obama beats by double digits. The hard right hates Romney, because they are being dragged kicking and screaming to the center because of him. The question is once he is the nominee will that same hard right support him at the polls, or sit home? No matter, its going to take a while for Tea Party and social conservatives to come around, and they will continue to search in vain for a viable alternative to Romney just as long as they can. The problem: the pickings are slim and so are any efforts to undermine Romney in the long run. In the meantime, sit back and enjoy the show. The longer they fight each other, the better for the President.
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Romney Steams Ahead, While Obama Has New Worries
Last night I suffered through my fourth Republican debate in as many weeks, and found no new evidence to convince me that Mitt Romney will not be the Republican nominee. He took the most hits from the other candidates, and continued to present his plan for America, confidently and unshaken. He clearly was the winner last night. Boosted earlier in the day by the endorsement of New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, Romney is beginning to solidify his mainstream Republican backers. However, he continues to struggle to attract Tea Party, and evangelical social conservatives. I suspect their difficulty will slowly vanish, as the remainder of the Republican field continues to prove their un-electability. Herman Cain seems to be the new Right Wing flavor of the month, and for all the talk about his 9-9-9 plan, he lacks depth, and did not perform well in the spotlight last night. Perry admitted he was a poor debater, and backed that up with another poor showing. The rest of the field continued to do what they do, but lit no sparks that would change any one's opinion of them other than what current polls predict.
There was one glaring change that took place last night that had not happened in the three previous debates, and it came from Mitt Romney. He not once, but several times, mentioned the middle class. The rest of the field was silent on the middle class, as usual, but Romney made a concerted effort to make them a focus of his economic proposals. He is clearly attempting to appeal to Independents, and with good reason.
In a recent CNN poll for the first time, 53% of Independents disapprove of the President, while 43% said they approve. Let's make this crystal clear, if Obama loses Independents he's finished. However, I'm not ready to run around the school yard crying the sky is falling just yet, there is plenty of time to turn this around. Other signs don't bode well for the President either, polls in Florida, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Iowa put him in a statistical dead heat with Romney, and losing to him by 9% in New Hampshire.
So how does Obama get a second term in our current toxic political environment? The Occupy Wall Street, and other similar groups protesting across the country hold contempt for both political parties, and with good reason. In the Senate yesterday two Democratic Senators voted against President Obama's Jobs Act. In the House Leader John Boehner (R-OH) can't control the Tea Party caucus, as much as he would like us to believe he does. When party leaders on both sides can't control their own people, you get the kind of political gridlock people are simply fed up with, and as much as I would like Democrats to profit from this uprising on the Left, they profit only by sentiment and not action.
There is a debate out there as to whether Obama should run Left in a Truman-esk fashion against a do nothing congress, or like FDR who called a spade a spade and told Republicans to basically go for it, I stand with the middle class. Or run to middle like President Clinton did in 1996. The problem with both of these strategies is that the American people don't trust either party to fix things. Since Romney is a mainstream guy right of center, I think Obama has to do the same. Independents are the key to the castle. While my heart says go hard left, the pragmatic choice is to move to the center. Oh there is just one other small problem... the economy remains in the tank, unemployment remains above 9%, despite Obama's good intentions, the Republicans are going to make sure it stays that way for another year, a major strike against the incumbent President. It's an uphill battle, and current strategy doesn't seem to be resonating, quite frankly the President has his hands full, and unless he catches a break somewhere, things have the potential to go very ugly, very quickly.
There was one glaring change that took place last night that had not happened in the three previous debates, and it came from Mitt Romney. He not once, but several times, mentioned the middle class. The rest of the field was silent on the middle class, as usual, but Romney made a concerted effort to make them a focus of his economic proposals. He is clearly attempting to appeal to Independents, and with good reason.
In a recent CNN poll for the first time, 53% of Independents disapprove of the President, while 43% said they approve. Let's make this crystal clear, if Obama loses Independents he's finished. However, I'm not ready to run around the school yard crying the sky is falling just yet, there is plenty of time to turn this around. Other signs don't bode well for the President either, polls in Florida, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Iowa put him in a statistical dead heat with Romney, and losing to him by 9% in New Hampshire.
So how does Obama get a second term in our current toxic political environment? The Occupy Wall Street, and other similar groups protesting across the country hold contempt for both political parties, and with good reason. In the Senate yesterday two Democratic Senators voted against President Obama's Jobs Act. In the House Leader John Boehner (R-OH) can't control the Tea Party caucus, as much as he would like us to believe he does. When party leaders on both sides can't control their own people, you get the kind of political gridlock people are simply fed up with, and as much as I would like Democrats to profit from this uprising on the Left, they profit only by sentiment and not action.
There is a debate out there as to whether Obama should run Left in a Truman-esk fashion against a do nothing congress, or like FDR who called a spade a spade and told Republicans to basically go for it, I stand with the middle class. Or run to middle like President Clinton did in 1996. The problem with both of these strategies is that the American people don't trust either party to fix things. Since Romney is a mainstream guy right of center, I think Obama has to do the same. Independents are the key to the castle. While my heart says go hard left, the pragmatic choice is to move to the center. Oh there is just one other small problem... the economy remains in the tank, unemployment remains above 9%, despite Obama's good intentions, the Republicans are going to make sure it stays that way for another year, a major strike against the incumbent President. It's an uphill battle, and current strategy doesn't seem to be resonating, quite frankly the President has his hands full, and unless he catches a break somewhere, things have the potential to go very ugly, very quickly.
Friday, October 7, 2011
Occupy Wall Street Movement Draws Predictable Response From Republicans
Over the last few weeks you may have heard about the Occupy Wall Street movement in New York's lower Manhattan. It has been active almost a month now, but only recently garnered coverage from the mainstream media. If you were to take a message from these people, it would probably concentrate on the financial system in our country that we bailed out, while they refused to return the favor. While Wall Street and the big banks sit on 2.5 Trillion dollars in assets, and continue to pay record bonuses to their employees, those of us on Main Street struggle to make ends meet. It is a wholesale indictment of the 1% of American corporations and individuals who now hold all the money, all the tax breaks, and all the power. The movement has spread to other cities across the country, and it's unsure when, or if it will end anytime soon.
It is the first major uprising from the left I've seen in a while. It is driven by young people who have completed college, but been unable to find a job. It's the unemployed, some of whom have been job hunting for 2 years or more. It is those who are tired of working longer hours for less pay, and want something better to show for all their hard work. It is the remnants of an ever shrinking middle class in this country, who are tired of all the breaks going to those who need them the least.
So it comes as no surprise to anyone when the Republicans denounce these people, in favor of their rich, and corporate masters. Rep. Paul Broun (R-Ga.) said “They don’t know why they’re there. They’re just mad,” Broun said on ABC’s "TopLine.” “I see people angry in my district too. But this attack upon business, attack upon industry, attack upon freedom and I think that’s what this is all about.”
Broun said labor unions are trying to exploit the anger felt by the protesters to help the president in his reelection campaign. He went on to say the President is just ignorant and incompetent on how to create jobs and freedom in this economy. He is taking away our freedom and our jobs.
So the President is taking away our freedom? Really? See now this is the kind of "wrap yourself in the flag" crap, that makes me absolutely mental! Translation: Democrats want to destroy this country by trying to control corporations and the rich, ie: the protesters want to destroy this country. It is classic Republican fear factor politics. May I add, only a Georgia Representative like Broun would have the balls to make these kind of absurd insinuations. Just when I think they can't go any lower, some right wing bumpkin like Broun proves me wrong. Do you seriously think this argument between the rich, and corporations, and the middle class, unemployed is about robbing FREEDOM?! If you have half a brain in your head you say of course not! But that never stops Republicans from playing the patriot card when they don't have an answer for the real issue at hand. So lock your doors and windows, while corporations and the rich lay waste to the middle class, you'll be safe in your homes from the protesters who want to take your freedom. GIVE ME A BREAK!
It is the first major uprising from the left I've seen in a while. It is driven by young people who have completed college, but been unable to find a job. It's the unemployed, some of whom have been job hunting for 2 years or more. It is those who are tired of working longer hours for less pay, and want something better to show for all their hard work. It is the remnants of an ever shrinking middle class in this country, who are tired of all the breaks going to those who need them the least.
So it comes as no surprise to anyone when the Republicans denounce these people, in favor of their rich, and corporate masters. Rep. Paul Broun (R-Ga.) said “They don’t know why they’re there. They’re just mad,” Broun said on ABC’s "TopLine.” “I see people angry in my district too. But this attack upon business, attack upon industry, attack upon freedom and I think that’s what this is all about.”
Broun said labor unions are trying to exploit the anger felt by the protesters to help the president in his reelection campaign. He went on to say the President is just ignorant and incompetent on how to create jobs and freedom in this economy. He is taking away our freedom and our jobs.
So the President is taking away our freedom? Really? See now this is the kind of "wrap yourself in the flag" crap, that makes me absolutely mental! Translation: Democrats want to destroy this country by trying to control corporations and the rich, ie: the protesters want to destroy this country. It is classic Republican fear factor politics. May I add, only a Georgia Representative like Broun would have the balls to make these kind of absurd insinuations. Just when I think they can't go any lower, some right wing bumpkin like Broun proves me wrong. Do you seriously think this argument between the rich, and corporations, and the middle class, unemployed is about robbing FREEDOM?! If you have half a brain in your head you say of course not! But that never stops Republicans from playing the patriot card when they don't have an answer for the real issue at hand. So lock your doors and windows, while corporations and the rich lay waste to the middle class, you'll be safe in your homes from the protesters who want to take your freedom. GIVE ME A BREAK!
Friday, September 30, 2011
Since President Obama Took Office, Republicans Have Made No Bones About How They View Him
The day after he was elected, the Right had to take back America from that black man in the White House. In 2008 our civil discourse had reached new lows, but when Obama won the election, conservatives dove to new lows. The birther issue thrived for over 2 years, until the President finally stopped it. He's not legitimate, he doesn't fit the criteria, How did this happen, we have to stop this somehow? Well to be blunt, you can't label yourself a racists by saying "That nigger doesn't belong in the White House!" So they walk all around it, he's a Socialist, a Nazi, a Communist, a Marxist, when all he really is to these people is "The nigger in the White House." So the primary motivation becomes "Get that nigger out of the White House", or as they like to say "Take back America!"(from the nigger in the White House). Republican Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) has stated plainly the primary goal of Republicans is to defeat Barack Obama in 2012. This is their PRIMARY GOAL, not jobs, not healthcare, not taxes. Now is my emphasis on race exaggerated? Maybe, but the Tea Party folks who run the Republican Party right now are all over this, while moderates are cringing every time the dog whistles blow.
So as a result we got the party of "NO". If Obama wants it, we hate it. If Obama likes it, and we used to like it, we hate it. For 3 years Republicans have stalled, filibustered, and rejected compromise at all costs. It has made an already dire economic situation worse, and deadlocked the halls of Congress for 36 months at a time when action is not only needed, but demanded. However, their not done yet. 13 months out from the Presidential election, and Republicans continue to drag their heals while regular hard working Americans loose their jobs, their homes, and their dreams. All so Republicans can "Retake" the White House.
Lets not just stop at the politics, many Republicans have a personal stake in removing this President. I am only 46, but I have never seen a President treated with more disrespect and outright contempt, than President Obama. Until he took office, when before did you hear about Congressmen like Joe Wilson (R-SC) yelling "YOU LIE!" at the President, in the House Chamber, during A State of the Union?

When before did you hear of Congressman like Jef Landry (R-LA) holding up signs in the House Chamber while the President addresses a joint sesssion of Congress? This is the United States Congress, not some high school pep rally?!

Then we have the latest insult, the President wants to address Congress, House Speaker Boehner (R-OH) says "Wednesday is no good for me, how about Thursday?" When have you ever heard about something like this with another President? Then when he does address Congress some Republicans say "I'm busy, I have a football party to attend." like Senator David Vetter (R-LA). Who has ever refused to attend a session of Congress called by the President himself? Can you imagine the hell that would get raised if Democrats had done that to G.W. Bush? The world would end!, but see he's just the nigger in the White House, he's doesn't deserve the same courtesy that every President before him deserved. He is yesterday's news, and the sooner the better. They may think this is working, but with an 82% disapproval rating for Congress, and with most of those blaming Republicans, we'll see who gets the respect they deserve. Regardless of what you may think of Barack Obama, he is OUR President, and is entitled to the same respect as all those commander-in chiefs that came before him. So as the Right continues to erode what, if anything remains of civility in our government, we will see soon enough who's strategy worked, and more importantly how it worked.
So as a result we got the party of "NO". If Obama wants it, we hate it. If Obama likes it, and we used to like it, we hate it. For 3 years Republicans have stalled, filibustered, and rejected compromise at all costs. It has made an already dire economic situation worse, and deadlocked the halls of Congress for 36 months at a time when action is not only needed, but demanded. However, their not done yet. 13 months out from the Presidential election, and Republicans continue to drag their heals while regular hard working Americans loose their jobs, their homes, and their dreams. All so Republicans can "Retake" the White House.
Lets not just stop at the politics, many Republicans have a personal stake in removing this President. I am only 46, but I have never seen a President treated with more disrespect and outright contempt, than President Obama. Until he took office, when before did you hear about Congressmen like Joe Wilson (R-SC) yelling "YOU LIE!" at the President, in the House Chamber, during A State of the Union?

When before did you hear of Congressman like Jef Landry (R-LA) holding up signs in the House Chamber while the President addresses a joint sesssion of Congress? This is the United States Congress, not some high school pep rally?!

Then we have the latest insult, the President wants to address Congress, House Speaker Boehner (R-OH) says "Wednesday is no good for me, how about Thursday?" When have you ever heard about something like this with another President? Then when he does address Congress some Republicans say "I'm busy, I have a football party to attend." like Senator David Vetter (R-LA). Who has ever refused to attend a session of Congress called by the President himself? Can you imagine the hell that would get raised if Democrats had done that to G.W. Bush? The world would end!, but see he's just the nigger in the White House, he's doesn't deserve the same courtesy that every President before him deserved. He is yesterday's news, and the sooner the better. They may think this is working, but with an 82% disapproval rating for Congress, and with most of those blaming Republicans, we'll see who gets the respect they deserve. Regardless of what you may think of Barack Obama, he is OUR President, and is entitled to the same respect as all those commander-in chiefs that came before him. So as the Right continues to erode what, if anything remains of civility in our government, we will see soon enough who's strategy worked, and more importantly how it worked.
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Perry Slows, While Republicans Remain Angry And Confused
Commodore Oliver Hazard Perry in the Battle of Lake Erie, during the War of 1812, is famous for saying "Don't Give Up The Ship." Governor Rick Perry has further exposed himself as nothing more than a another southern political rube, whose ship is slowly running aground. He has 3 Republican debates under his belt, and has not shined in any of them. He has faltered under attacks from his fellow Republicans that were hardly withering in force, or content, and shows himself less and less worthy of his position as the Republicans top pick. He continues to stand by and expound on his controversial statements about social security, immigration, health care, and general economic growth. His recent foray into foreign policy, showing up in New York in a vain attempt to undermine the President, not only did a disservice to President Obama, but showed himself as a foreign policy novice who hasn't got a clue. Making incendiary comments with regard to Israel made him look like a major clod. This man hasn't got a clue about Israel, and probably couldn't find it on a map if it was tattooed to his ass.
Republican party faithful are standing behind him as the current leader in the polls, but at the same time are slowly sliding their feet toward the exits. Several political journals this week were already ringing his death nell, as just one more Republican flash in the pan. To add insult to injury, factor in Herman Cain's big win in the Florida Straw Poll, which left Perry brushing off the dust of a dismal second place showing. In the meantime, once again Mitt Romney is beginning to look like the sane, albeit uninspired, man for the job. While he does not excite the Republican base, he has been a constant and steady force moving toward the primaries. All this despite his own short comings, which no one seems to want to exploit.
All this points to an increasingly disgruntled Republican electorate whose true colors have shined with each passing debate. Cheers for Perry's execution of 235 inmates, overshadowed recently by the Troy Davis affair. Ron Paul being asked if a young man with no insurance should just be allowed to die? Garnishing cries of "Yeah!" A gay active duty U.S. Marine in Iraq asking if Republicans will undermine the the recent repeal of DADT ( Don't Ask, Don't Tell) to a chorus of Boos! and in none of these instances did any of the Republican candidates stand up and say "hold on that's just not right." NOT ONE. The far rights anger is palatable. You can almost taste it as drips from the mouths of these hard core, right wing, nut jobs yelling from the crowd. Now, to every one's surprise, here comes Herman Cain in Florida? If you still think Rick Perry is going to be the Republican standard bearer, just keep listening to what he says, and like all the rest, your feet will be sliding toward the exits. The Republicans are furious that in an election year where President Obama is so vulnerable, this is the best they have to offer, and it's killing them!
Republican party faithful are standing behind him as the current leader in the polls, but at the same time are slowly sliding their feet toward the exits. Several political journals this week were already ringing his death nell, as just one more Republican flash in the pan. To add insult to injury, factor in Herman Cain's big win in the Florida Straw Poll, which left Perry brushing off the dust of a dismal second place showing. In the meantime, once again Mitt Romney is beginning to look like the sane, albeit uninspired, man for the job. While he does not excite the Republican base, he has been a constant and steady force moving toward the primaries. All this despite his own short comings, which no one seems to want to exploit.
All this points to an increasingly disgruntled Republican electorate whose true colors have shined with each passing debate. Cheers for Perry's execution of 235 inmates, overshadowed recently by the Troy Davis affair. Ron Paul being asked if a young man with no insurance should just be allowed to die? Garnishing cries of "Yeah!" A gay active duty U.S. Marine in Iraq asking if Republicans will undermine the the recent repeal of DADT ( Don't Ask, Don't Tell) to a chorus of Boos! and in none of these instances did any of the Republican candidates stand up and say "hold on that's just not right." NOT ONE. The far rights anger is palatable. You can almost taste it as drips from the mouths of these hard core, right wing, nut jobs yelling from the crowd. Now, to every one's surprise, here comes Herman Cain in Florida? If you still think Rick Perry is going to be the Republican standard bearer, just keep listening to what he says, and like all the rest, your feet will be sliding toward the exits. The Republicans are furious that in an election year where President Obama is so vulnerable, this is the best they have to offer, and it's killing them!
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
The Republican Agenda Is Way To Obvious To Miss
You see and hear it everyday in the news, in commercials, in speeches, and debates, the right wing agenda. Of course everyone knows about the left wing agenda to bring down this country, but the right has one too, and they're not trying to hide it. We are all well aware of Republican forked tongues rampant in their politics. Here are 2 examples: 1) When President Obama rolled out the American Jobs Act, House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) said he was open to some of the Presidents proposals, but didn't like his "all or nothing" attitude with regards to the bill, are you kidding me? From one of the kings of all or nothing politics? Really? 2) Yesterday, House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) told reporters he was hopeful debt reduction goals could be reached by the Congressional Super-committee, then in the same breath said tax increases were off the table. He mused, "tax the rich, tax the rich, that's not what America is about..." and that it was "class warfare." In an economy with 14 million people unemployed, where Republicans haven't passed 1 jobs bill, and are content t sit on their hands until November 2012, DEMOCRATS ARE WAGING CLASS WARFARE ON THE RICH!!!!! Are you out of your mind? Eighty plus percent of people want the Bush tax cuts to expire, and taxes increased on the rich, yet they stand there unmoved regurgitating the same non-sensible rhetoric to their demented base of followers, who happily gobble it up. Time after time they stand firm to defend the indefensible, and they don't care who doesn't like it.
Three big pushes are on across the country, above and beyond their credo of "Defeat Barack Obama at all costs." First, big business is taking a big leap into the public relations game to tell us how wonderfully they benefit all of us. There are several examples, but the most blatant industry I've noticed are energy companies. Big Oil, Natural Gas, and Coal, are bombarding the airways with how many jobs they create, how safe they are, how serious they are about "alternative fuels", how they drive the economy. The latest and most offensive one I've seen of late, comes from the "Clean Coal" people (which is an oxymoron, there is no such thing as clean coal), they are running commercials for people to contact congress to stop regulations wanted by the EPA. If their damn coal is so clean why should a few regulations get in their way? Because its all a lot of crap! Big Oil gets government subsidies to create safety plans on how to save walruses in the Gulf of Mexico, then when one of their rigs explodes, it takes them 3 months just to cap the damn thing. Exxon-Mobil alone made 25 Billion dollars in just the first quarter of this year, 3 months!? with that kind of money it takes you 3 months to cap a well. I'm not even mentioning the environmental damage caused to the Gulf beaches, local economies, and jobs. But what do Republicans say "Drill Baby Drill." You see those adds for clean natural gas? How abundant it is and how they take great care in getting it out of the ground? I have a documentary for you all to watch its called Gasland if you've seen it you know what I'm talking about. They pump a cocktail of over 500 chemicals into the ground to get the gas (most of them carcinogens)in an operation called fracking. It contaminates water supplies, and lets you light a fire when water comes out of your tap, yummy. sound safe to you? I think not. In all these instances Republicans want less regulation, even to the point of destroying the EPA itself. That's what you get with a party driven by concern for corporate profits and not people.
Second, In Republican controlled states with Republican Governors and State Assembly's, there has been an all out war declared on organized labor, both public and private. You've watched it play out in Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio, New Jersey, to name a few. Why? not to balance budgets as they would have you believe, but to cripple or destroy the one major funding source for Democratic candidates in the country. Budget axes are dropping on teachers, police, fireman, government employees, organized labor in general, and it's not just at the state level it's at the federal level. One and all who are these people? The Middle Class, the ever shrinking middle class, whose median household income has dropped consistently since 1999, while poverty in America is on the rise, and while the rich just keep getting richer.
Third, In these same Republican controlled states there have been an increased effort to pass state legislation that promotes voter suppression. Aimed at the elderly, the poor, and minorities, its just another part of the rights grand scheme. Keep the economy in limbo to defeat Obama, crush progressive donors, make it as difficult as possible for those who generally vote Democratic to do so. It is cold and calculated, and to see it all you have to do is look. I point these things out so that when you do see them, you'll know it's true, and it's obvious, and most importantly it needs to stop.
Three big pushes are on across the country, above and beyond their credo of "Defeat Barack Obama at all costs." First, big business is taking a big leap into the public relations game to tell us how wonderfully they benefit all of us. There are several examples, but the most blatant industry I've noticed are energy companies. Big Oil, Natural Gas, and Coal, are bombarding the airways with how many jobs they create, how safe they are, how serious they are about "alternative fuels", how they drive the economy. The latest and most offensive one I've seen of late, comes from the "Clean Coal" people (which is an oxymoron, there is no such thing as clean coal), they are running commercials for people to contact congress to stop regulations wanted by the EPA. If their damn coal is so clean why should a few regulations get in their way? Because its all a lot of crap! Big Oil gets government subsidies to create safety plans on how to save walruses in the Gulf of Mexico, then when one of their rigs explodes, it takes them 3 months just to cap the damn thing. Exxon-Mobil alone made 25 Billion dollars in just the first quarter of this year, 3 months!? with that kind of money it takes you 3 months to cap a well. I'm not even mentioning the environmental damage caused to the Gulf beaches, local economies, and jobs. But what do Republicans say "Drill Baby Drill." You see those adds for clean natural gas? How abundant it is and how they take great care in getting it out of the ground? I have a documentary for you all to watch its called Gasland if you've seen it you know what I'm talking about. They pump a cocktail of over 500 chemicals into the ground to get the gas (most of them carcinogens)in an operation called fracking. It contaminates water supplies, and lets you light a fire when water comes out of your tap, yummy. sound safe to you? I think not. In all these instances Republicans want less regulation, even to the point of destroying the EPA itself. That's what you get with a party driven by concern for corporate profits and not people.
Second, In Republican controlled states with Republican Governors and State Assembly's, there has been an all out war declared on organized labor, both public and private. You've watched it play out in Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio, New Jersey, to name a few. Why? not to balance budgets as they would have you believe, but to cripple or destroy the one major funding source for Democratic candidates in the country. Budget axes are dropping on teachers, police, fireman, government employees, organized labor in general, and it's not just at the state level it's at the federal level. One and all who are these people? The Middle Class, the ever shrinking middle class, whose median household income has dropped consistently since 1999, while poverty in America is on the rise, and while the rich just keep getting richer.
Third, In these same Republican controlled states there have been an increased effort to pass state legislation that promotes voter suppression. Aimed at the elderly, the poor, and minorities, its just another part of the rights grand scheme. Keep the economy in limbo to defeat Obama, crush progressive donors, make it as difficult as possible for those who generally vote Democratic to do so. It is cold and calculated, and to see it all you have to do is look. I point these things out so that when you do see them, you'll know it's true, and it's obvious, and most importantly it needs to stop.
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
America's Great Divide
Over some period of time now, I have noticed a national division in this country. I'm not just talking about our increasingly fractured political institutions, or the entrenched political extremes that seem to define our politics. I'm talking about a simple basic concern for human dignity, kindness, and compassion, to our fellow human beings. This is not a uniquely American quality, it is universal in its nature, and appealing in the very smallest measure of its practice. As Americans we like to tell ourselves that we are the greatest country on the planet, and many are convinced that because we say it, it makes it so. However, there continues to be a very distinct difference in some people's mind of what that America should look like?
When I think of America, I think of the recent report of several people pushing over a burning car, to save the motorcyclist trapped underneath. I think of the communities that come together after natural disasters, with a resolve to share their grief, and rebuild their lives. I think of those who work 2 or 3 jobs to feed their families, while going to school to become something better than their parents were. I think of all the volunteers who help the hungry, the needy, the desperate, the disenfranchised, the people who through no fault of their own find themselves in a difficult position, and need help.
Yet, there are some among us who have been fortunate enough to never want or need for any of the material things we use to define success. They are people whose American dream started the day they were born, and because they have never had to endure the trials of those less fortunate, they have become insulated to the travails of their fellow man. Perhaps they did know those trials, but find it easier to forget them, because they were able to rise above? Whatever the reason, these 2 basic types of people exist in our country today, and it is getting much easier to pick each of them out of the crowd.
Those people driven by experience, and the knowledge that what is here today may be gone tomorrow, and have been touched by some type of personal tragedy that took away those material things that define their status in our society. I'm not talking about loosing a loved one, I'm talking about loosing your job, your home, your American dream. It is these people who struggle daily, who work, and pay their taxes, obey the laws, and fight to raise their children, that understand the compassionate America.
Then there are others who are inherently angry. There are bogey men behind every corner, and they are coming for what they have. Who are these people? They are immigrants, gay, black, poor, organized labor, environmentalists, and government regulators. They believe if you don't think as they do, you are a threat. They question your rights, your legitimacy, your legality, your right to function in the same world they do. They believe that America is the greatest country in the world, because FOR THEM, it is. They are pro-life, but kill doctors who perform abortions in the name of God. They want to have prayer in public schools, and applaud when a Governor touts how many people he's executed. Because any government is evil, those who are struck with an unforeseen medical misfortune should die, because they made the wrong choice. They watch as a congresswoman and 18 other people get shot, some killed, in a public parking lot, then auction off the exact same gun used in the shooting, as a show of support for the 2nd Amendment. They are afraid of government, minorities, regulators, anybody who can be perceived as a threat.
In the last 20 years these people have slowly taken control of our democracy. Backed by a never ending supply of money, they are slowly destroying the middle class. Now that they have the lobbyists, and the money, they are beginning to dismantle every institution in this country that stands in their way. Organized labor for starters, the dismantling of Medicare and Social Security, the wholesale destruction of government regulations on our food, our water, our air, our coal, our oil, our natural gas, our health care, and anything else that stands in the way of their corporate masters. One in six people in this country are now in poverty. people wrap themselves around blocks for miles at 2am to stand in line for free health clinics. The rich are getting richer and the poor poorer, and there they stand, this heartless class of Americans who have come out of the shadows to take their seat at the table of power. They don't compromise, they don't apologise, and they don't care what you think. You are either with them, or your against them, where do you stand?
When I think of America, I think of the recent report of several people pushing over a burning car, to save the motorcyclist trapped underneath. I think of the communities that come together after natural disasters, with a resolve to share their grief, and rebuild their lives. I think of those who work 2 or 3 jobs to feed their families, while going to school to become something better than their parents were. I think of all the volunteers who help the hungry, the needy, the desperate, the disenfranchised, the people who through no fault of their own find themselves in a difficult position, and need help.
Yet, there are some among us who have been fortunate enough to never want or need for any of the material things we use to define success. They are people whose American dream started the day they were born, and because they have never had to endure the trials of those less fortunate, they have become insulated to the travails of their fellow man. Perhaps they did know those trials, but find it easier to forget them, because they were able to rise above? Whatever the reason, these 2 basic types of people exist in our country today, and it is getting much easier to pick each of them out of the crowd.
Those people driven by experience, and the knowledge that what is here today may be gone tomorrow, and have been touched by some type of personal tragedy that took away those material things that define their status in our society. I'm not talking about loosing a loved one, I'm talking about loosing your job, your home, your American dream. It is these people who struggle daily, who work, and pay their taxes, obey the laws, and fight to raise their children, that understand the compassionate America.
Then there are others who are inherently angry. There are bogey men behind every corner, and they are coming for what they have. Who are these people? They are immigrants, gay, black, poor, organized labor, environmentalists, and government regulators. They believe if you don't think as they do, you are a threat. They question your rights, your legitimacy, your legality, your right to function in the same world they do. They believe that America is the greatest country in the world, because FOR THEM, it is. They are pro-life, but kill doctors who perform abortions in the name of God. They want to have prayer in public schools, and applaud when a Governor touts how many people he's executed. Because any government is evil, those who are struck with an unforeseen medical misfortune should die, because they made the wrong choice. They watch as a congresswoman and 18 other people get shot, some killed, in a public parking lot, then auction off the exact same gun used in the shooting, as a show of support for the 2nd Amendment. They are afraid of government, minorities, regulators, anybody who can be perceived as a threat.
In the last 20 years these people have slowly taken control of our democracy. Backed by a never ending supply of money, they are slowly destroying the middle class. Now that they have the lobbyists, and the money, they are beginning to dismantle every institution in this country that stands in their way. Organized labor for starters, the dismantling of Medicare and Social Security, the wholesale destruction of government regulations on our food, our water, our air, our coal, our oil, our natural gas, our health care, and anything else that stands in the way of their corporate masters. One in six people in this country are now in poverty. people wrap themselves around blocks for miles at 2am to stand in line for free health clinics. The rich are getting richer and the poor poorer, and there they stand, this heartless class of Americans who have come out of the shadows to take their seat at the table of power. They don't compromise, they don't apologise, and they don't care what you think. You are either with them, or your against them, where do you stand?
Friday, September 9, 2011
Busy Political Week For Republicans & Democrats
This last Wednesday night at the Reagan Library, the 8 major Republican candidates squared off in the first debate to showcase Governor Rick Perry's talents at the podium. In the first of several debates that will be taking place into mid-October, there were some noteworthy developments. The second tier candidates tried very hard to gain some momentum, and while everyone was sharp, I don't think anyone gained much ground to speak of. Jon Huntsmann was more assertive, but didn't resonate. Herman Cain, and Newt Gingrich got a few applause lines, but both are dead men walking, add Rick Santorum who was flat and did the worst in my opinion, and that pretty much rounds out the bottom feeders.
In the top tier, 2 candidates got sent to the minors, those being Ron Paul and Michelle Bachmann. Paul tried very hard to put some hits on Governor Perry, but the more he talks, the more extreme he reveals himself to be. He has his core of supporters that will get him 9-10% in the polls, but I suspect that will gradually erode as time goes on. Michelle Bachmann seems to have peaked with the Ames Straw Poll. She once again played fast and loose with facts, and going into the debate had lost half her support to Perry. She did nothing in this showing that would lead me to alter that position.
Which takes us to the big 2, Mitt Romney and Rick Perry. Perry surged ahead of Romney in polling prior to the debate, and many people were watching Perry's debut to see how he would do against the current field. Let me end the suspense, Romney ate his lunch. Mitt Romney was cool, calm, and composed. He was articulate, prepared, and on message. He was unrattled by attacks, and gave as good as he got. Perry was brash, prepared to a point, but became rattled by some questions, he looked like the kid who got called on who didn't do his homework. Then in an attempt to project strength, doubled down on 2 issues that will haunt him and alienate moderates. First, he reiterated his claim that Social Security was a "Ponzi" scheme that didn't need to be fixed, but thrown away. Second, he questioned the science behind global warming, which he claimed was incomplete. He had lots of red meat for the wing nuts, but little appeal for the general election. Remember this is a marathon, not a race. Romney did what he had to do, and Perry fell short. Mark me folks, this was the first time people got to kick the tires on Rick Perry, the more they look under the hood, the less they're gonna like this guy.
So that takes us to last nights Presidential address to Congress and President Obama's introduction of the "American Jobs Bill". The bill provides $450 Billion for tax reform, infrastructure, veterans, teachers, the middle class, mortgage assistance, and more. Now I described this speech as a make or break for the President, and this is what I thought. He painted Republicans into a corner, projected the strength needed for the moment, and most important, has forced Republicans to say "No" to programs they endorse, funded the way they want. Here is a plan that adopts several Republican ideas, then dares them to pay for it by cutting another $500 Billion from the budget to pay for it. Cuts that will be above and beyond the $1.5 Trillion mandated to be cut by the Congressional Super committee, and will include reforms to both Social Security and Medicare. The move was brilliant, and made me wonder where this Barack Obama has been for the last 3 years?
I'll be honest, I didn't think he could pull it off, but he did, and my hats off to him. However, before we start popping champagne corks lets have a little reality check. There are 14 months left before the 2012 elections, and as the President so artfully pointed out, the American people can't wait that long for Congress to act. So where does that leave us? As the President went into detail about his proposed bill, Republicans sat stone faced, and unmoved with each new detail. Remember the Republicans primary goal is to remove Barack Obama from the White House. Do you really think they will be motivated to give him a legislative victory of any kind, just one year from an election? Of course not, that's why the Presidents plan is so perfect. Here is a bill full of your ideas, done the way you want, paid for the way you want, REJECT IT AT YOUR OWN PERIL and show America who you really stand with? If you won't do it YOUR way, what is it gonna take for Republicans to do anything? The line that needed to drawn, has been drawn. Do you fold and get hurt in the election, or do you dig in and say "No" and get hurt in the election. It's a catch 22 and the Republicans know it, question now is, what are they gonna do about it?
In the top tier, 2 candidates got sent to the minors, those being Ron Paul and Michelle Bachmann. Paul tried very hard to put some hits on Governor Perry, but the more he talks, the more extreme he reveals himself to be. He has his core of supporters that will get him 9-10% in the polls, but I suspect that will gradually erode as time goes on. Michelle Bachmann seems to have peaked with the Ames Straw Poll. She once again played fast and loose with facts, and going into the debate had lost half her support to Perry. She did nothing in this showing that would lead me to alter that position.
Which takes us to the big 2, Mitt Romney and Rick Perry. Perry surged ahead of Romney in polling prior to the debate, and many people were watching Perry's debut to see how he would do against the current field. Let me end the suspense, Romney ate his lunch. Mitt Romney was cool, calm, and composed. He was articulate, prepared, and on message. He was unrattled by attacks, and gave as good as he got. Perry was brash, prepared to a point, but became rattled by some questions, he looked like the kid who got called on who didn't do his homework. Then in an attempt to project strength, doubled down on 2 issues that will haunt him and alienate moderates. First, he reiterated his claim that Social Security was a "Ponzi" scheme that didn't need to be fixed, but thrown away. Second, he questioned the science behind global warming, which he claimed was incomplete. He had lots of red meat for the wing nuts, but little appeal for the general election. Remember this is a marathon, not a race. Romney did what he had to do, and Perry fell short. Mark me folks, this was the first time people got to kick the tires on Rick Perry, the more they look under the hood, the less they're gonna like this guy.
So that takes us to last nights Presidential address to Congress and President Obama's introduction of the "American Jobs Bill". The bill provides $450 Billion for tax reform, infrastructure, veterans, teachers, the middle class, mortgage assistance, and more. Now I described this speech as a make or break for the President, and this is what I thought. He painted Republicans into a corner, projected the strength needed for the moment, and most important, has forced Republicans to say "No" to programs they endorse, funded the way they want. Here is a plan that adopts several Republican ideas, then dares them to pay for it by cutting another $500 Billion from the budget to pay for it. Cuts that will be above and beyond the $1.5 Trillion mandated to be cut by the Congressional Super committee, and will include reforms to both Social Security and Medicare. The move was brilliant, and made me wonder where this Barack Obama has been for the last 3 years?
I'll be honest, I didn't think he could pull it off, but he did, and my hats off to him. However, before we start popping champagne corks lets have a little reality check. There are 14 months left before the 2012 elections, and as the President so artfully pointed out, the American people can't wait that long for Congress to act. So where does that leave us? As the President went into detail about his proposed bill, Republicans sat stone faced, and unmoved with each new detail. Remember the Republicans primary goal is to remove Barack Obama from the White House. Do you really think they will be motivated to give him a legislative victory of any kind, just one year from an election? Of course not, that's why the Presidents plan is so perfect. Here is a bill full of your ideas, done the way you want, paid for the way you want, REJECT IT AT YOUR OWN PERIL and show America who you really stand with? If you won't do it YOUR way, what is it gonna take for Republicans to do anything? The line that needed to drawn, has been drawn. Do you fold and get hurt in the election, or do you dig in and say "No" and get hurt in the election. It's a catch 22 and the Republicans know it, question now is, what are they gonna do about it?
Friday, September 2, 2011
Why We Can Expect Nothing To Happen In Washington For The Next 15 Months
The last 24 hours were really telling with regard to the state of affairs in Washington. President Obama and House Speaker John Boehner couldn't even agree on when the President could give a speech. In a move that shocked no one, President Obama once again caved to Boehner's demand. Now granted. it's just a date and the optics of when or where probably don't matter, but to me, it plays as just another example of the President's inability to say "No". It also doesn't give me hope that he will be able to deliver big with his speech on September 8th. A speech I've said before, may very well make or break the President.
So with that being said, and the Congressional approval rating at an all time low, what can we expect to see from Washington over the next 15 months? Well a lot depends on Obama's speech. If he hits it out of the park next week, he will hopefully create a dividing line that can be rallied behind, forcing Republicans to once again say no to the middle class, in support of the rich. If he gives us the same old uninspired rhetoric that contains some loosely detailed amorphous plan, the package will be dead on arrival.
However, the thing to notice here is that the ball is in the Republicans court, despite what kind of plan the President introduces next week. If they are forced to defend their positions with purpose, or just give us more of the same supply side voodoo economic non-sense, what, if any, action is taken falls to them. So my guess is that because of their intense loathing for anything President Obama produces, we will generally have more of the same gridlock, and partisan grandstanding we have come to hate about Washington.
Never before have I seen such a distinct ideological divide between the two major political parties in this country. True to form the Republicans have fought for 3 years to stop anything the President sets his mind to, all in the belief that it will help them re-take the White House in 2012. Here are some of these distinctions as defined by the Republicans.
Social Security: Is a burden we can no longer afford, it's a ponzi scheme, is a never ending drain on our economy.
Medicare & Medicaid: Has weakened the country by dismantling the institutions that used to care for people, is social engineering, should be replaced by a voucher system, is unsustainable.
Unemployment Benefits and Natural Disasters: Continued extensions of unemployment make people lazy, both should be paid for with more discretionary spending cuts, FEMA and other governmental agencies should be abolished.
Voting Rights: States should adopt picture ID requirements for all voters ie: a state drivers license; student ID's and Military ID's are not valid, gun permits are valid. If the very young, the very old, the poor or disenfranchised can't meet this criteria tough luck.
Abortion: Should be outlawed across the country, extremists believe it is fair game to kill abortion doctors, or bomb abortion clinics, no exceptions for abortion should be allowed. It should be outlawed by amending the Constitution.
Gay Rights: Being gay is a lifestyle choice, you are not born this way, you can pray the gay away with the right counseling, marriage should be between one man and one woman, we should amend the Constitution to declare this, gays are sinful barbarians who are unable to be happy.
Gun Control: All guns automatic, semi-automatic, hand guns, rifles, should be available to anyone who wants them, any gun regulation is an infringement of a citizens 2nd Amendment rights, the current background check data base work just fine.
Government Regulation: Should be stopped on our food, our water, and our land. Any regulation on banks curtails economic growth, and hurts the economy, there should be no regulation on energy development oil, coal, nuclear, natural gas, it kills jobs.
Taxes: Taxes should be low on corporations, the rich, hedge fund managers, capital gains. This stimulates growth and creates jobs.
Health Care: Is not the business of the Federal Government, and should be left to insurance companies in the private sector to handle, again with little regulation.
Iraq & Afghanistan: Were wars of necessity after 9/11 and the cost in blood and treasure was well worth it, and continues to be vital to the overall security of the United States. In gathering intelligence for potential operations here and at home, torture is perfectly acceptable, as is the unlimited detention of prisoners in the name of national security.
Church & State: The United States is a Judeo-Christian nation and other religions do not hold equal status aside from those mentioned. Creationism should be taught in schools, ones religious beliefs should be a litmus test for those holding any office in the government, prayer should be allowed in schools.
Global Warming: Is unproven, there is no consensus from the scientific community that global warming is real, or in any way man made.
I think I made my point, which is this. These are the people holding the strings right now. These are the people who are holding our government hostage until November of 2012. They are uncompromising, ideological zealots, and intransigent against anything that may move the country forward, or allow President Obama any scrap of personal victory. The challenge ahead is can the President draw these distinctions for the American people? We will find out soon enough, and I have my doubts, but lets hope he can, the future of the nation is riding on it.
So with that being said, and the Congressional approval rating at an all time low, what can we expect to see from Washington over the next 15 months? Well a lot depends on Obama's speech. If he hits it out of the park next week, he will hopefully create a dividing line that can be rallied behind, forcing Republicans to once again say no to the middle class, in support of the rich. If he gives us the same old uninspired rhetoric that contains some loosely detailed amorphous plan, the package will be dead on arrival.
However, the thing to notice here is that the ball is in the Republicans court, despite what kind of plan the President introduces next week. If they are forced to defend their positions with purpose, or just give us more of the same supply side voodoo economic non-sense, what, if any, action is taken falls to them. So my guess is that because of their intense loathing for anything President Obama produces, we will generally have more of the same gridlock, and partisan grandstanding we have come to hate about Washington.
Never before have I seen such a distinct ideological divide between the two major political parties in this country. True to form the Republicans have fought for 3 years to stop anything the President sets his mind to, all in the belief that it will help them re-take the White House in 2012. Here are some of these distinctions as defined by the Republicans.
Social Security: Is a burden we can no longer afford, it's a ponzi scheme, is a never ending drain on our economy.
Medicare & Medicaid: Has weakened the country by dismantling the institutions that used to care for people, is social engineering, should be replaced by a voucher system, is unsustainable.
Unemployment Benefits and Natural Disasters: Continued extensions of unemployment make people lazy, both should be paid for with more discretionary spending cuts, FEMA and other governmental agencies should be abolished.
Voting Rights: States should adopt picture ID requirements for all voters ie: a state drivers license; student ID's and Military ID's are not valid, gun permits are valid. If the very young, the very old, the poor or disenfranchised can't meet this criteria tough luck.
Abortion: Should be outlawed across the country, extremists believe it is fair game to kill abortion doctors, or bomb abortion clinics, no exceptions for abortion should be allowed. It should be outlawed by amending the Constitution.
Gay Rights: Being gay is a lifestyle choice, you are not born this way, you can pray the gay away with the right counseling, marriage should be between one man and one woman, we should amend the Constitution to declare this, gays are sinful barbarians who are unable to be happy.
Gun Control: All guns automatic, semi-automatic, hand guns, rifles, should be available to anyone who wants them, any gun regulation is an infringement of a citizens 2nd Amendment rights, the current background check data base work just fine.
Government Regulation: Should be stopped on our food, our water, and our land. Any regulation on banks curtails economic growth, and hurts the economy, there should be no regulation on energy development oil, coal, nuclear, natural gas, it kills jobs.
Taxes: Taxes should be low on corporations, the rich, hedge fund managers, capital gains. This stimulates growth and creates jobs.
Health Care: Is not the business of the Federal Government, and should be left to insurance companies in the private sector to handle, again with little regulation.
Iraq & Afghanistan: Were wars of necessity after 9/11 and the cost in blood and treasure was well worth it, and continues to be vital to the overall security of the United States. In gathering intelligence for potential operations here and at home, torture is perfectly acceptable, as is the unlimited detention of prisoners in the name of national security.
Church & State: The United States is a Judeo-Christian nation and other religions do not hold equal status aside from those mentioned. Creationism should be taught in schools, ones religious beliefs should be a litmus test for those holding any office in the government, prayer should be allowed in schools.
Global Warming: Is unproven, there is no consensus from the scientific community that global warming is real, or in any way man made.
I think I made my point, which is this. These are the people holding the strings right now. These are the people who are holding our government hostage until November of 2012. They are uncompromising, ideological zealots, and intransigent against anything that may move the country forward, or allow President Obama any scrap of personal victory. The challenge ahead is can the President draw these distinctions for the American people? We will find out soon enough, and I have my doubts, but lets hope he can, the future of the nation is riding on it.
Monday, August 22, 2011
Dear President Obama, In My Opinion...
Alright my friends, it is time to lay it on the line. On September 5th President Obama will go on T.V. to roll out his economic recovery/jobs plan. How he handles the roll out and implementation of this plan, just may determine whether he gets another four years as President. Liberals and the Democratic base are screaming for a bold, detailed, and crystal clear vision of what the President plans to put forward to deal with jobs, and the faltering American economy. I believe it may very well be the defining moment of his Presidency.
The question arises, is the President capable of delivering such a proposal? This is not something he can delegate to Vice President Biden, or Congress, or his advisers. It has to be written by his hand, delivered with his heart, and pressed forward by his leadership, nothing less will do in the current situation, nothing. However, if history is our window to the past, I just don't see him being able to pull this off, and his ability to break from his previous efforts is essential.
A major problem within the administration as I see it, is that he is surrounded by political advisers who don't want to take on the Republican House. The prevailing philosophy being, why put something forward that you know has no way of passing? Unfortunately that's the whole point! Stand-up, be counted, LEAD! Force the Republicans into the defensive for a change. Stand up for the middle class and make Republicans vote against extending unemployment, vote against the payroll tax break, vote against infrastructure, vote against anything that will make people realize where they really stand. Republicans are puppets of the rich, the banks, big oil, big insurance, big pharma, because after all corporations are people too. The people need to be reminded of this constantly, or it just get lost in the Republican fear factory.
So do you think he can pull it off? I admit, I am pessimistic. If we get the same old Obama with a nice speech, and a vague limited vision for what he wants to do, then the battle will be over before it starts. The people want bold action, the media pundits want it, the Democratic base wants it, the question remains can the President deliver? I truly hope he still has some of that change we can believe in because without it, nothing happens, and that doesn't help anyone.
The question arises, is the President capable of delivering such a proposal? This is not something he can delegate to Vice President Biden, or Congress, or his advisers. It has to be written by his hand, delivered with his heart, and pressed forward by his leadership, nothing less will do in the current situation, nothing. However, if history is our window to the past, I just don't see him being able to pull this off, and his ability to break from his previous efforts is essential.
A major problem within the administration as I see it, is that he is surrounded by political advisers who don't want to take on the Republican House. The prevailing philosophy being, why put something forward that you know has no way of passing? Unfortunately that's the whole point! Stand-up, be counted, LEAD! Force the Republicans into the defensive for a change. Stand up for the middle class and make Republicans vote against extending unemployment, vote against the payroll tax break, vote against infrastructure, vote against anything that will make people realize where they really stand. Republicans are puppets of the rich, the banks, big oil, big insurance, big pharma, because after all corporations are people too. The people need to be reminded of this constantly, or it just get lost in the Republican fear factory.
So do you think he can pull it off? I admit, I am pessimistic. If we get the same old Obama with a nice speech, and a vague limited vision for what he wants to do, then the battle will be over before it starts. The people want bold action, the media pundits want it, the Democratic base wants it, the question remains can the President deliver? I truly hope he still has some of that change we can believe in because without it, nothing happens, and that doesn't help anyone.
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Gov. Rick Perry Wants Some Things For America That Should Suprise You
Texas Governor Rick Perry has certainly made a splash in his first week on the campaign trail to be the GOP nominee for President. In fact, his first view under the national microscope finds some disturbing things on the Governor's wish list for America. He has captured headlines all week with his brash demeanor, and blunt vision for the Country, but while the Tea Party crowd eats it up, will the rest of us be able to swallow the United States according to Rick Perry? Let's take a look at some of the things the Governor wants for the Nation.
In a shot at President Obama he "...wants service members to have a commander-in chief who they can respect." and "someone who is in love with America." when asked if he thought President Obama didn't love America he replied, "I dunno you need to ask him." These kind of dog whistle moments, perk up the ears of the GOP fringe, but rarely play for mainstream America, including Independents. Perry joins a long line of conservatives that have made a hobby out of questioning the legitimacy of the President. Whether it's his birth certificate, his birthplace, his religion, or any other vague reference that calls into question his right to the oval office.
Another history buff in the same vein as Michelle Bachmann, he claimed "...when Texas entered the union in 1845 it was with the understanding it could pull out." Texas negotiated the power to break into 4 additional states at some point, but not the right to secede. Sounds like delusions of grandeur to me, to talk secession from the union in the 21st Century.
He threatened Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke with treason if he printed more money between now and the 2012 election. He said "...we would treat him pretty ugly down in Texas. He also wants to make the federal government as inconsequential in your life as possible. If your on Social Security or Medicare, that one will give you the warm fuzzies.
Oh but wait there's more. He wants to abolish the lifetime tenure of federal judges, to "...restrict the unlimited power of the courts." He goes on to say Congress should be able to override the Supreme Court with a 2/3rds vote, "...nine unelected judges tell us how to live." He wants to alter the Constitution to do all this.
He wants to repeal the 16th and 17th Amendments to the Constitution. The sixteenth would eliminate the federal income tax, the seventeenth would end the direct election of senators. He said "The American people mistakenly empowered the federal government during a fit of populist rage." So how would the government function, donations? No direct election of senators What? Had enough? Oh no, yes there's more.
He wants a balanced budget amendment. For 235 years the people have counted on their elected representatives to do this, and the merits of this may or may not appeal to you, but most economists agree in general this is a bad idea all the way around. Our ability to be flexible with our monetary policy is crucial to avoiding unnecessary crisis.
Abortion should be made illegal throughout the Country, and there should be an amendment to the Constitution defining marriage as between one man and one woman. In both cases state laws currently on the books would be overturned. This would effectively ban gay marriage nationwide, and outlaw abortion of any kind. On abortion he said "so important...to the soul of this country and to the traditional values [of] our founding fathers." Really? was gay marriage or abortion even on the radar of the founding fathers? And for someone who wants to uphold the tradition of those founding fathers, he sure wants to make a lot of changes to the document they came up with to govern this country.
So what do you think of Rick Perry now? Wanna know the scary part? ITS ONLY BEEN A WEEK! What other Constitutional quandaries will he come up with? Hell at this rate he'll have the whole Constitution on the scrap pile in a month! Front runner? maybe for a little while, but don't hold your breath on his nomination hopes. Besides do you really think the nation is ready for another ultra-conservative wing nut Governor from Texas? I'm thinkin not.
In a shot at President Obama he "...wants service members to have a commander-in chief who they can respect." and "someone who is in love with America." when asked if he thought President Obama didn't love America he replied, "I dunno you need to ask him." These kind of dog whistle moments, perk up the ears of the GOP fringe, but rarely play for mainstream America, including Independents. Perry joins a long line of conservatives that have made a hobby out of questioning the legitimacy of the President. Whether it's his birth certificate, his birthplace, his religion, or any other vague reference that calls into question his right to the oval office.
Another history buff in the same vein as Michelle Bachmann, he claimed "...when Texas entered the union in 1845 it was with the understanding it could pull out." Texas negotiated the power to break into 4 additional states at some point, but not the right to secede. Sounds like delusions of grandeur to me, to talk secession from the union in the 21st Century.
He threatened Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke with treason if he printed more money between now and the 2012 election. He said "...we would treat him pretty ugly down in Texas. He also wants to make the federal government as inconsequential in your life as possible. If your on Social Security or Medicare, that one will give you the warm fuzzies.
Oh but wait there's more. He wants to abolish the lifetime tenure of federal judges, to "...restrict the unlimited power of the courts." He goes on to say Congress should be able to override the Supreme Court with a 2/3rds vote, "...nine unelected judges tell us how to live." He wants to alter the Constitution to do all this.
He wants to repeal the 16th and 17th Amendments to the Constitution. The sixteenth would eliminate the federal income tax, the seventeenth would end the direct election of senators. He said "The American people mistakenly empowered the federal government during a fit of populist rage." So how would the government function, donations? No direct election of senators What? Had enough? Oh no, yes there's more.
He wants a balanced budget amendment. For 235 years the people have counted on their elected representatives to do this, and the merits of this may or may not appeal to you, but most economists agree in general this is a bad idea all the way around. Our ability to be flexible with our monetary policy is crucial to avoiding unnecessary crisis.
Abortion should be made illegal throughout the Country, and there should be an amendment to the Constitution defining marriage as between one man and one woman. In both cases state laws currently on the books would be overturned. This would effectively ban gay marriage nationwide, and outlaw abortion of any kind. On abortion he said "so important...to the soul of this country and to the traditional values [of] our founding fathers." Really? was gay marriage or abortion even on the radar of the founding fathers? And for someone who wants to uphold the tradition of those founding fathers, he sure wants to make a lot of changes to the document they came up with to govern this country.
So what do you think of Rick Perry now? Wanna know the scary part? ITS ONLY BEEN A WEEK! What other Constitutional quandaries will he come up with? Hell at this rate he'll have the whole Constitution on the scrap pile in a month! Front runner? maybe for a little while, but don't hold your breath on his nomination hopes. Besides do you really think the nation is ready for another ultra-conservative wing nut Governor from Texas? I'm thinkin not.
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Busy Week For Republicans, But Message Remains The Same
Well a Republican debate, and the Ames Straw Poll in Iowa has kept Republican presidential hopefuls on their toes over the last 5 days. The debate had few notable moments as the candidates took aim at each other, rather than the President, no doubt to swing Iowa voters for the Straw Poll. They concentrated on the ever looming specter of an out of control Federal Government, and a renewed pledge to cut spending and not raise taxes. This was capped by a unanimous show of hands to the question, "...if you were given a debt reduction bill that was a 10 to 1 ratio of budget cuts vs. raising revenues would you take the deal?" They all said "No". A scary message from a field that seems captured by the intransigence of the Tea Party crowd.
As for the Ames Straw Poll Rep. Michelle Bachmann (R-MN), and Chairman of the Republican Tea Party Caucus won the most votes, with Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) just 150 votes behind her. Tim Pawlenty captured a distant third place showing, which effectively put him out of the contest. He put all his resources into the Straw Poll, and a dismal third place, coupled with empty coffers forced his exit from the race.
He was replaced by Texas Governor Rick Perry who announced his intentions to seek the White House in South Carolina yesterday. Perry who brings 26 years of political experience to the table, is categorized as a prolific campaigner, and no one to take lightly. He will no doubt grab the spotlight for a time, the question is will he be able to sustain some momentum, or simply fall in line with the rest of the mediocre Republican field? There is general consensus he needs to hit the ground running, due to his late entry into the race.
The big problem with all of this is Iowa. The State of Iowa is not a true litmus test for mainstream America, but because they're the first delegate contest in the Nation, they get bombarded with media attention a full year before the actual contest. Iowa's Republican electorate is heavily evangelical, and I think it's fair to say dominated more by social conservative issues, than mainstream conservative issues. Which is why Mitt Romney, and Jon Huntsman did not fully participate here. The only mainstream Republican to participate was Tim Pawlenty, and he is now gone. Why? Because mainstream Republican ideals do not resonate there. Republican Iowa is bible land, bastion of one man - one woman marriage, gun toting NRA members, Pro-Life fanatics, and uncompromising fiscal Tea Party rubes. So the candidates doing well here, are the ones who embrace these views. So it comes as absolutely no surprise when Michelle Bachmann wins here. The Republican field as I see it breaks down this way:
The Mainstream Republican: Mitt Romney
The Right Wing Tea Party Extremists: Michelle Bachmann, Rick Perry, Ron Paul, Rick Santorum.
The Short Lived Bottom feeders: Herman Cain, Newt Gingrich, Thaddius
In my experience as a political analyst, oddly enough Republicans are very predictable when it comes to picking their Presidential nominees. They generally choose the person who has done the time, Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, Bob Dole, John McCain. All were people who made runs in the past and fell short, but were eventually rewarded by the party despite their ability to win the General Election. So going out on a limb early here, Mitt Romney will be the Republican nominee, because he's done the time. Now the battle for king of the extremists will be entertaining to watch, but will most likely only produce the V.P. pick, so that when all is said and done, the crazies will have a place at the table. Their battlegrounds will be States like Iowa, Oklahoma, Kansas, West Virginia, and the Deep South, look for Michelle Bachmann and Rick Perry to be the main contenders here. Romney will most likely get the lions share of Pawlenty's supporters, and will eventually get Jon Huntsmans people as well, so hang in there, the Iowa feeding frenzy won't end until January 2012, and most likely a few more names will be gone by then as well.
As for the Ames Straw Poll Rep. Michelle Bachmann (R-MN), and Chairman of the Republican Tea Party Caucus won the most votes, with Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) just 150 votes behind her. Tim Pawlenty captured a distant third place showing, which effectively put him out of the contest. He put all his resources into the Straw Poll, and a dismal third place, coupled with empty coffers forced his exit from the race.
He was replaced by Texas Governor Rick Perry who announced his intentions to seek the White House in South Carolina yesterday. Perry who brings 26 years of political experience to the table, is categorized as a prolific campaigner, and no one to take lightly. He will no doubt grab the spotlight for a time, the question is will he be able to sustain some momentum, or simply fall in line with the rest of the mediocre Republican field? There is general consensus he needs to hit the ground running, due to his late entry into the race.
The big problem with all of this is Iowa. The State of Iowa is not a true litmus test for mainstream America, but because they're the first delegate contest in the Nation, they get bombarded with media attention a full year before the actual contest. Iowa's Republican electorate is heavily evangelical, and I think it's fair to say dominated more by social conservative issues, than mainstream conservative issues. Which is why Mitt Romney, and Jon Huntsman did not fully participate here. The only mainstream Republican to participate was Tim Pawlenty, and he is now gone. Why? Because mainstream Republican ideals do not resonate there. Republican Iowa is bible land, bastion of one man - one woman marriage, gun toting NRA members, Pro-Life fanatics, and uncompromising fiscal Tea Party rubes. So the candidates doing well here, are the ones who embrace these views. So it comes as absolutely no surprise when Michelle Bachmann wins here. The Republican field as I see it breaks down this way:
The Mainstream Republican: Mitt Romney
The Right Wing Tea Party Extremists: Michelle Bachmann, Rick Perry, Ron Paul, Rick Santorum.
The Short Lived Bottom feeders: Herman Cain, Newt Gingrich, Thaddius
In my experience as a political analyst, oddly enough Republicans are very predictable when it comes to picking their Presidential nominees. They generally choose the person who has done the time, Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, Bob Dole, John McCain. All were people who made runs in the past and fell short, but were eventually rewarded by the party despite their ability to win the General Election. So going out on a limb early here, Mitt Romney will be the Republican nominee, because he's done the time. Now the battle for king of the extremists will be entertaining to watch, but will most likely only produce the V.P. pick, so that when all is said and done, the crazies will have a place at the table. Their battlegrounds will be States like Iowa, Oklahoma, Kansas, West Virginia, and the Deep South, look for Michelle Bachmann and Rick Perry to be the main contenders here. Romney will most likely get the lions share of Pawlenty's supporters, and will eventually get Jon Huntsmans people as well, so hang in there, the Iowa feeding frenzy won't end until January 2012, and most likely a few more names will be gone by then as well.
Saturday, August 6, 2011
America Is At A Crossroads
Any nation's journey through time is defined by an unending string of quintessential moments that define that nations path, and its future. For America, one of those major moments came last night. One of the major credit rating agencies, Standard and Poors, for the first time in 235 years of American History downgraded our Nation's bond rating to AA+ with a Negative Outlook. For the very first time the full faith and credit of the United States of America is something less than AAA. Now many are trying to downplay the significance of this in order to calm world markets, but the rating marks much more than a downgrade in our bond rating. It marks a downgrade in America itself, and our ability to function effectively as a government, and the worlds sole superpower.
From the President, to the House, to the Senate, this stain on America's name graces each and everyone of the bodies I have mentioned. It has placed us at a crossroads, and the road forward is dim. We have a President who does not engage in the business of government until it is too late, and even then, yields to his opposition. We have a House of Representatives fractured by uncompromising factions, who would rather be right, than do the peoples business. They waste time on bills that have no future, ideas that carry no weight, and ideological dogmas that prevent compromise because they signed some inane pledge somewhere down the line, that caters to one man, and not the public welfare. For 7 months Congress played their little game, going back and forth until things reached critical mass, and with hours to spare, averted disaster with a sub-standard bill that will once again lay the heaviest burden on those who can lease afford it.
Millions of our people our out of work, our roads and bridges are collapsing, our trains clickity clack down old rails at 50 mph, while in China, France, and Japan they cruise at over 300 mph, Our Education system is in need of a desperate overhaul, and the separation between the rich and the poor gets bigger with each passing day. This is the America we have created, and for the first time in history I think it is a safe bet to say the next generation will have less than we have had.
Yes people this is our reality, we live from month to month, election cycle to election cycle. We put band-aids on knife wounds and pray for the best, we have become a Nation just content to get by, and it is a wake-up call for all those who have become complacent with the current state of affairs in America. Yes we are at a crossroads, and how we move forward will effect the millions of Americans yet unborn into the promise that is, the American Dream. We have forgotten how to dream big in America. How to build the Hoover Dams, the Golden Gate Bridges, the Empire State Buildings, the Apollo Rockets, the Interstate Highways, all the things that only a Nation can build. These are not done by small business, State Governments, or the Public Sector. All the great wonders of the world were built by the power and might of governments and empires that invested in their futures. In doing so showed the world they were powers to be reckoned with, that they were here to stay, and challenged those around them to marvel at the possibility of how great a people can be. Do you feel that way about America today?
In the grand scheme of things, with Congress at an 82% Disapproval rating, Republicans at a 72% Disapproval rating, and Democrats at a 66% Disapproval rating, what is our next move? On one side you have the Republicans, who carry the standard of big business, the military, and the rich, don't know history, reject science and anthropology, and walk a fine line between democracy and theocracy. On the other hand you have the Democrats, who claim to champion the middle class, the poor, seniors, the disabled, pledge to defend Medicare/Medicaid, Social Security, and then at every turn slowly undermine the very causes they swear to defend, by consistently caving to Republican demands. Take your pick, not very promising choices are they. We as a Nation need to start thinking big again, because if we don't, AA+ with a negative outlook will be the least of our worries.
From the President, to the House, to the Senate, this stain on America's name graces each and everyone of the bodies I have mentioned. It has placed us at a crossroads, and the road forward is dim. We have a President who does not engage in the business of government until it is too late, and even then, yields to his opposition. We have a House of Representatives fractured by uncompromising factions, who would rather be right, than do the peoples business. They waste time on bills that have no future, ideas that carry no weight, and ideological dogmas that prevent compromise because they signed some inane pledge somewhere down the line, that caters to one man, and not the public welfare. For 7 months Congress played their little game, going back and forth until things reached critical mass, and with hours to spare, averted disaster with a sub-standard bill that will once again lay the heaviest burden on those who can lease afford it.
Millions of our people our out of work, our roads and bridges are collapsing, our trains clickity clack down old rails at 50 mph, while in China, France, and Japan they cruise at over 300 mph, Our Education system is in need of a desperate overhaul, and the separation between the rich and the poor gets bigger with each passing day. This is the America we have created, and for the first time in history I think it is a safe bet to say the next generation will have less than we have had.
Yes people this is our reality, we live from month to month, election cycle to election cycle. We put band-aids on knife wounds and pray for the best, we have become a Nation just content to get by, and it is a wake-up call for all those who have become complacent with the current state of affairs in America. Yes we are at a crossroads, and how we move forward will effect the millions of Americans yet unborn into the promise that is, the American Dream. We have forgotten how to dream big in America. How to build the Hoover Dams, the Golden Gate Bridges, the Empire State Buildings, the Apollo Rockets, the Interstate Highways, all the things that only a Nation can build. These are not done by small business, State Governments, or the Public Sector. All the great wonders of the world were built by the power and might of governments and empires that invested in their futures. In doing so showed the world they were powers to be reckoned with, that they were here to stay, and challenged those around them to marvel at the possibility of how great a people can be. Do you feel that way about America today?
In the grand scheme of things, with Congress at an 82% Disapproval rating, Republicans at a 72% Disapproval rating, and Democrats at a 66% Disapproval rating, what is our next move? On one side you have the Republicans, who carry the standard of big business, the military, and the rich, don't know history, reject science and anthropology, and walk a fine line between democracy and theocracy. On the other hand you have the Democrats, who claim to champion the middle class, the poor, seniors, the disabled, pledge to defend Medicare/Medicaid, Social Security, and then at every turn slowly undermine the very causes they swear to defend, by consistently caving to Republican demands. Take your pick, not very promising choices are they. We as a Nation need to start thinking big again, because if we don't, AA+ with a negative outlook will be the least of our worries.
Friday, August 5, 2011
Democrats Are Unwilling To Govern
As I return from vacation, the debt crisis was averted with a terrible bill, and with just hours to spare. Once again the Democrats have caved to the right, the stock market is down 1200 points over the last 2 weeks. On a lighter note, unemployment ticked down to 9.1%, to which I say big deal!
Seven months of political posturing has amounted to a massive waste of time for the the American people. As citizens of this Country we deserve much better than what Congress and the President have had to offer us over the last year. I don't know about you, but I am sick to death of the party polarization, and political gridlock that does nothing to help our economy, or our people. Those who represent us in Washington are at a historic low in my book. Both Democrats and Republicans need to cut the crap for once, and start doing their jobs. The main one being getting people back to work, create jobs, and stimulate the economy. However, they can't even agree on how to do that. So the best we can expect is more of the same.
As for President Obama and the Democratic Leadership, they are nothing more than tools. The President, Nancy Pelosi, and Harry Reid are nothing more than Republican concubines. Let me paint a picture for you, the 3 mentioned above on their knees in black latex and handcuffs, while John Boehner, Mitch McConnell, and John Cantor have their heals on their backs while holding whips and a riding crop yelling "No revenues, say it! No revenues!" Then in the low tone of a whipped puppy the lifeless reply "No revenues." This is what the Democratic party IS, this is what the Democratic party WILL ALWAYS BE. When we held the House, Senate and the White House we couldn't get anything done? Why should we expect any different with divided government?
I supported President Obama, and I believed in the message of change he offered the Country. However, he has consistently proven when the chips are down, and it's time to ante up, he will fold every time. This goes for the Democrats as a whole, they are supposed to be champions of the people, and all they are is doormats. How can the progressive base of this party continue to function effectively if every time Republicans put their foot down, Democrats cave like a house of cards. The President and the Democratic leadership have to start showing me they can give, as well as they take. Until that happens, my support for anything they attempt to advance will receive a tepid sideline approach. I am a Progressive Democrat and I have no where else to go, and the specter of the alternative may be enough to enlist a reaction, but just once I'd like to see a strong Democrat say No to the Republicans for a change. The breed may be extinct, and is surely endangered, but if there was ever a time when our Country needed one, it would be now.
Seven months of political posturing has amounted to a massive waste of time for the the American people. As citizens of this Country we deserve much better than what Congress and the President have had to offer us over the last year. I don't know about you, but I am sick to death of the party polarization, and political gridlock that does nothing to help our economy, or our people. Those who represent us in Washington are at a historic low in my book. Both Democrats and Republicans need to cut the crap for once, and start doing their jobs. The main one being getting people back to work, create jobs, and stimulate the economy. However, they can't even agree on how to do that. So the best we can expect is more of the same.
As for President Obama and the Democratic Leadership, they are nothing more than tools. The President, Nancy Pelosi, and Harry Reid are nothing more than Republican concubines. Let me paint a picture for you, the 3 mentioned above on their knees in black latex and handcuffs, while John Boehner, Mitch McConnell, and John Cantor have their heals on their backs while holding whips and a riding crop yelling "No revenues, say it! No revenues!" Then in the low tone of a whipped puppy the lifeless reply "No revenues." This is what the Democratic party IS, this is what the Democratic party WILL ALWAYS BE. When we held the House, Senate and the White House we couldn't get anything done? Why should we expect any different with divided government?
I supported President Obama, and I believed in the message of change he offered the Country. However, he has consistently proven when the chips are down, and it's time to ante up, he will fold every time. This goes for the Democrats as a whole, they are supposed to be champions of the people, and all they are is doormats. How can the progressive base of this party continue to function effectively if every time Republicans put their foot down, Democrats cave like a house of cards. The President and the Democratic leadership have to start showing me they can give, as well as they take. Until that happens, my support for anything they attempt to advance will receive a tepid sideline approach. I am a Progressive Democrat and I have no where else to go, and the specter of the alternative may be enough to enlist a reaction, but just once I'd like to see a strong Democrat say No to the Republicans for a change. The breed may be extinct, and is surely endangered, but if there was ever a time when our Country needed one, it would be now.
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
The People Wanted Divided Government, And Will Now Reap A Ruined Nation
I am heading out on vacation with my family tomorrow, but fully expect the Country to be in the shitter by the time we get back. Only 6 days left and the Republicans have had everything but a cure for cancer handed to them, and they continue to walk away even when they get what they want. They have been doing a lot of screaming lately about where the President's or Democrats plan is? While progressives have placed a wide variety of unpopular measures on the table as tools for a deal, that doesn't qualify as a plan. A plan is what Republicans offer, that have wonderful names like "Cut, Cap, & Balance", but no chance of passing and do nothing but waste time we don't have. So while Democrats don't use the luxury of naming their plans, they also don't waste precious time pursuing them if they have no chance of passage. So the debt ceiling looms ever closer, while the political theater plays on and people are beginning to wake up, (albeit late), to the impending economic disaster that is preparing to unfold just 6 short days from now.
The Government rating agencies Moody's, Standard & Poors, and Fitch, are all getting out their red pens ready to lower the Nations credit rating for the first time in 235 years. So for all those fiscally responsible Republicans who outright refuse to raise the debt limit (ie: the Tea Party crowd), stick these facts in your portfolio. For each percent interest rates rise because of default, add $1 Trillion dollars to the debt. If we pay only the interest on the debt with only 60% of our revenues remaining, while domestic obligations fall to the waist side, in just six weeks our debt would be $78 Trillion dollars. Hows that for a debt crisis?
So who is to blame here? Well there is plenty to go around. The President, our delegator in chief, came late to the party after the Biden talks broke down when Republicans walked out. The President continues to show his inability to get his hands dirty, making sure everyone in the sandbox has a toy and then looks down to find he doesn't have any for himself. He also continues to reinforce the Republican talking point that he leads from behind. The Congress, for once again waiting until the last minute to address this problem until it became a crisis. Then last but not least, Tea Party Republicans who will not budge off their no tax increase pledges, which they made to Grover Norquist, their constituents, or both. This group more than any other has been the fly in the ointment. John Boehner is Speaker of the House, but he's weak. He lacks the character and personal strength needed to force his caucus to the table and deal. Eric Cantor has contributed to this by hamstringing Boehner, and working behind the scenes to keep the Tea Party caucus entrenched. However, with the cliff rapidly approaching Cantor my now just realize what he has created, and it's to late.
So if the Bumpkin Wing of the Republican Party remain uncompromising by their misguided, and purely ignorant political dogma, then basically we're fucked. Honestly, it's that simple. I doubt they would even let a clean bill just to raise the debt ceiling pass, because they have to have cuts equal to the debt increase. So save your money, don't buy a new car, home, or major appliance, because divided government is about to deliver big time for those of you that voted for this in 2010. My advise, work late, and kiss your bosses ass, cause hard times are coming.
The Government rating agencies Moody's, Standard & Poors, and Fitch, are all getting out their red pens ready to lower the Nations credit rating for the first time in 235 years. So for all those fiscally responsible Republicans who outright refuse to raise the debt limit (ie: the Tea Party crowd), stick these facts in your portfolio. For each percent interest rates rise because of default, add $1 Trillion dollars to the debt. If we pay only the interest on the debt with only 60% of our revenues remaining, while domestic obligations fall to the waist side, in just six weeks our debt would be $78 Trillion dollars. Hows that for a debt crisis?
So who is to blame here? Well there is plenty to go around. The President, our delegator in chief, came late to the party after the Biden talks broke down when Republicans walked out. The President continues to show his inability to get his hands dirty, making sure everyone in the sandbox has a toy and then looks down to find he doesn't have any for himself. He also continues to reinforce the Republican talking point that he leads from behind. The Congress, for once again waiting until the last minute to address this problem until it became a crisis. Then last but not least, Tea Party Republicans who will not budge off their no tax increase pledges, which they made to Grover Norquist, their constituents, or both. This group more than any other has been the fly in the ointment. John Boehner is Speaker of the House, but he's weak. He lacks the character and personal strength needed to force his caucus to the table and deal. Eric Cantor has contributed to this by hamstringing Boehner, and working behind the scenes to keep the Tea Party caucus entrenched. However, with the cliff rapidly approaching Cantor my now just realize what he has created, and it's to late.
So if the Bumpkin Wing of the Republican Party remain uncompromising by their misguided, and purely ignorant political dogma, then basically we're fucked. Honestly, it's that simple. I doubt they would even let a clean bill just to raise the debt ceiling pass, because they have to have cuts equal to the debt increase. So save your money, don't buy a new car, home, or major appliance, because divided government is about to deliver big time for those of you that voted for this in 2010. My advise, work late, and kiss your bosses ass, cause hard times are coming.
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Our Democracy Is Being Undermine By Big Money Interests
In light of the current implosion of Rupert Murdoch's News International, some disturbing thoughts came to mind. We are increasingly living in a world where those who influence our democracy are driven not by the will of the people, but rather big money interests. Now I am not so naive as to believe this has not been the case for a very long time in our nations history, but not since the Guilded Age of robber barons, has the influence on American political policy been so blatantly obvious. Mr. Murdoch's multi-billion dollar media empire spans 3 continents and until recently, has been able to manipulate public opinion and government policy at will. The personal power wielded by Mr. Murdoch has been questioned, only now, because they took part in the most repugnant and unconscionable tactics of hacking the phones of politicians, celebrities, families of fallen soldiers, and even a 13 year old murder victim. Of course you've heard of these indiscretions before, but the billions in Murdoch's coffers often made these unethical breaches quickly vanish. Only under public outcry railing against the systemic culture of a "story at any price", has finally put enough blood in the water, for Murdoch's minions to jump from his pocket and fain outrage at the very practices they endorsed. As News International slowly unwinds, there is no telling where the new and daily revelations will lead, but I think it is safe to say the drama will be playing out for some time. All this raises the question, should one man, or one company, be able to monopolize the media to the extent that news becomes nothing more than propaganda? It is no secret Murdoch's vast empire has a notably right leaning slant, and has provided a platform for that slant around the world. In America, the likes of Fox News, Bill O'Reilly, and the Wall Street Journal, all fall under his fingertips. All of these so called media outlets are safe havens, employers, and promoters, of this countries right wing agenda. In Britain, their politicians and police ally with Murdoch's tabloids, just as Republicans sit back and put their feet up at FOX. All this made possible by one man, and one company whose boundless financial resources has allowed it to operate with impunity in promoting political policy in, Great Britain, the United States, and where ever the long arm of Murdoch's empire might reach.
Looking more closely at things here in the U.S. I think one of the most devastating changes in our democracy was the "Citizen's United" case that was settled by the Supreme Court last year. The conservative court, in a 5-4 decision held basically that corporations are people. Furthermore they can contribute unlimited funds to political candidates without disclosure of who gave what to whom. As a result, hundreds of millions of dollars have brought campaign spending through the roof to everything from State and County contests, all the way to Presidential campaigns. The majority of these contributions supporting the right. Which leads me to my next example, big business and the rich.
Big business, you know them: Big Oil, Big Pharma, Big Insurance, and lets not forget Big Banks. These forces and the fortunate few who benefit from them, are the core Republican constituency. "But what about the Tea Party you might say?" These are merely pawns used by the right, to give the illusion that they are fighting for the people. These poor bastards are the tools Republicans have created, who consistently vote against their own interests, while the Right dangles the hope that one day they might be able to join the club. They are further lured by social conservative mantras of evangelical zeal, the sanctity of marriage, the sanctity of life, and most important, false patriotism. Wave your flag and cheer for the U.S. of A. we are your protectors, we support the Constitution. All while Republicans lead them down the primrose path to get screwed harder and deeper with every step, and do it with a smile. How do we know this is true? Compromise has become a dirty word on the Right. Even if you can get 80 or 90% of what you want by raising revenues, that's not good enough. Even at the cost of the full faith and credit of the United States, these people would rather see economic ruin, than make even one concession. Protect big business and the rich at all costs, our way or the highway. This kind of political grandstanding has no place in our political discourse. You cannot govern by intransigence, that road holds nothing but deadlock and paralysis. It is not a pragmatic system of governance. So this is where the Right, under its corporate and media giants have led us; the question now is, do the people have the power or the will to change it, I wonder?
Looking more closely at things here in the U.S. I think one of the most devastating changes in our democracy was the "Citizen's United" case that was settled by the Supreme Court last year. The conservative court, in a 5-4 decision held basically that corporations are people. Furthermore they can contribute unlimited funds to political candidates without disclosure of who gave what to whom. As a result, hundreds of millions of dollars have brought campaign spending through the roof to everything from State and County contests, all the way to Presidential campaigns. The majority of these contributions supporting the right. Which leads me to my next example, big business and the rich.
Big business, you know them: Big Oil, Big Pharma, Big Insurance, and lets not forget Big Banks. These forces and the fortunate few who benefit from them, are the core Republican constituency. "But what about the Tea Party you might say?" These are merely pawns used by the right, to give the illusion that they are fighting for the people. These poor bastards are the tools Republicans have created, who consistently vote against their own interests, while the Right dangles the hope that one day they might be able to join the club. They are further lured by social conservative mantras of evangelical zeal, the sanctity of marriage, the sanctity of life, and most important, false patriotism. Wave your flag and cheer for the U.S. of A. we are your protectors, we support the Constitution. All while Republicans lead them down the primrose path to get screwed harder and deeper with every step, and do it with a smile. How do we know this is true? Compromise has become a dirty word on the Right. Even if you can get 80 or 90% of what you want by raising revenues, that's not good enough. Even at the cost of the full faith and credit of the United States, these people would rather see economic ruin, than make even one concession. Protect big business and the rich at all costs, our way or the highway. This kind of political grandstanding has no place in our political discourse. You cannot govern by intransigence, that road holds nothing but deadlock and paralysis. It is not a pragmatic system of governance. So this is where the Right, under its corporate and media giants have led us; the question now is, do the people have the power or the will to change it, I wonder?
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